
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 99

𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥

“Sorry for troubling you, especially when you’re busy.”

Upon being led to the reception room in the western district’s security squad station, Miranda was already waiting there.

Beside her stood a woman soldier, likely a subordinate, standing at attention.

“Though I say I want to hear the details, it’s more like I have a lot of questions to ask.”

“Right. Let’s get your issues out of the way first. I have to start with bad news for you guys. They’ve decided to release them.”

“That was quick.”

“You don’t seem too surprised.”

“I had a feeling it might be like this.”

Rather than surprise, Luke shrugged his shoulders, looking at Miranda who seemed amused.

“They are part of an adventurer party called 《Black Dog》. Like I said last night, they’re more like hoodlums than adventurers. Always surrounded by dark rumors. Like doing dirty work for the powerful. Do you have any idea about this?”

“Not really. As I said yesterday, we’re outsiders, not well-versed with the affairs of this city.”

Luke kept silent about Clavi viewing them as enemies.

It was better not to stir up trouble unnecessarily.

“Well, I just thought I should inform you. This morning, the fine was paid, so they’ve been ordered to be released. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.”

“No, we’ll be more vigilant from now on. Please don’t worry about it. But could we now discuss the reason you called us here?”

“Oh, why do you think that?”

Miranda’s eyes lit up.

“Didn’t you just say ‘first’, as in there’s something else you want to discuss?”

“Ha! That’s true!”

Miranda broke into a wide smile at Luke’s words.

“Luke, I’ll drop the honorifics for now. Call me Miranda. Despite your youthful face, you’re quite astute, aren’t you?”

“Sorry for looking young.”

“No, no, it’s a compliment. So, shall we get to the main topic as you wish? But first, can you tell me about yourself, Luke?”

Miranda continued while sipping tea.

“About me?”

“If I’ve offended you, I apologize, but I’ve done some research on you guys. You’re something, aren’t you? You went to Granite Dungeon with the 《Blue Sky Hawk and conquered it?”

“Oh, that’s what you mean.”

Luke chuckled.

It was just a background check on them, who were outsiders.

“It’s nothing special.”

“Don’t be modest. The 《Blue Sky Hawk》 guys have been boasting about defeating a cyclops, but I don’t believe they could do it. So, I’m guessing you helped them, right? If you could take down 《Black Dog》, it wouldn’t be surprising if you did.”

“You’re overestimating us.”

Luke gave replies that were neither denials nor confirmations.

He felt it was too early to reveal the truth, given he couldn’t fathom Miranda’s true intentions.

Miranda watched Luke with amusement.


“You’re quite cautious, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I have no intention of doing anything to you. More importantly, the real issue is what’s to come. I see potential in you and I want you to lend us your strength.”

“To us? What do you mean?”

“You must be aware that Mercapolis is a trading city-state built along a trade route, but did you also know that it’s the city closest to the demon realm? Are you aware of that?”

Luke nods.

He had researched this before coming here.

Mercapolis has grown significantly by trading not only with human nations but also with goods from the demon realm.

This has allowed them to coexist, albeit in a distorted way, with a subhuman species known as beastkin.

“Due to its proximity to the demon realm, there’s a high occurrence of demon beasts here. There are many adventurers because of this, but at this time of year, we’re so desperate that we could use a cat’s help, involving these demon beasts.”

“What does that mean?”

Now that she mentioned it, I’ve been seeing adventurers around here a lot lately.

I thought it was because of the festival, but is there another reason?

“Once a year, around the time of the summer solstice, demon beasts go berserk all at once. We call this phenomenon ‘demon beast frenzy,’ and it’s starting a week from now.”

“So, that’s what it is. It means you need our help.”

Luke finally understood.

“That’s right.”

Miranda grinned.

“This year, there’s a new moon on the summer solstice, so the demon beasts are said to be even more active. Having strong adventurers like you join us would be a big help.”

“I see. . .”

If that’s the case, I’m not averse to it.

Behind Mercapolis lies a vast forest that extends from the demon realm.

If demon beasts were to attack from the demon realm, a large-scale defense would be necessary.

At that moment, Luke realized something important.

“Wait, please. I have a question. The demon beasts come from the forest, right?”

Miranda nods.

As I thought.

Anxiety begins to spread in Luke’s chest.

“If that’s the case, what about the people living in the forest? Will the guards protect them too?”

Miranda looks away.

“Unfortunately. . . that’s not possible.”

“Not possible? Why?”

“The Mercapolis Guard was formed to protect Mercapolis, as the name suggests. This means that the surrounding villages are not included in their protection.”

“That’s terrible! They contribute to the economy of this city too!”

“I understand, but the Guard must follow the policies set by the Mercapolis Council. I can’t change it on my own. That’s where adventurers come in.”

Miranda continues, her brows furrowed in distress.

“The Guard’s duty is to prevent demon beasts from invading the city of Mercapolis, and the outlying villages usually rely on adventurers for protection. That’s been the norm so far.”


“Is that how it is?”

Luke sighed.

It seems that it’s not just about leaving them to die.

“We are also providing a subsidy from Mercapolis to hire adventurers. There are many poor villages.”

Hearing these words, Luke thought of the residents of Crete village.

Given their poverty, they surely couldn’t afford to hire adventurers.

Luke stood up and bowed to Miranda.

“Sorry, but I must decline your kind invitation.”

“Already? We haven’t even discussed the terms yet?”

Miranda opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“Sorry, this isn’t about money. I apologize, but I’m short on time and must leave.”

Luke bowed quickly and left the room without waiting for a response.

Miranda watched him leave and scratched her head in amazement.

“This is a problem, I didn’t expect to be turned down so clearly.”

“What should we do? We can negotiate with the council to formally summon him.”

“No, it’s okay. Given his demeanor, he would refuse anything. Besides, he seems willing to engage with the demon beast threat. We should leave them to their own devices. More importantly. . .”

Miranda turned to a subordinate standing nearby.

“There’s something I’m curious about. Send a messenger to St. Arrogas immediately to inquire about their identity.”

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