
The Villainess Princess Will Dive into the Labyrinth Again Today – Chapter 59

The Villainess Princess Will Dive into the Labyrinth Again Today – Chapter 59

Chapter 59: The villainess princess draws the worst

In the chamber sealed with a sacred light barrier, the dark spirit god lay in eternal slumber.

The moment one entered the room, the sleep would be broken, a classic RPG-style design.

“Are you the dark spirit god?”

Miliaria felt an immense pressure from the darkness in front of her, unlike anything she had ever faced before.

The black human-like shadow was seated on a stone chair, staring at Miliaria without moving.

“Yes. My name is Dark. I am the master of the dark spirits.”

Oh, it’s really here. That’s amazing, thought Miliaria, somewhat relieved. If she had been told it wasn’t here, she would have considered it a disappointing outcome.

“That’s good. You’re here. It was worth coming all the way down here.”

“You speak… nonchalantly in front of me.”

Dark was taken aback by Miliaria’s cheerful demeanor, but there was no sign of an attack.

This gave Miliaria a reason to talk, and her eyes lit up.

“Well, I took my time to get here, so it would be a waste to hurry. I… yes, I always wanted to speak with you.”

This was Miliaria’s personal desire, separate from the game.

However, the person she was speaking with was, of course, confused.

“Speak? Hah… you’re not going to start asking me to grant your wish or something, are you?”

“Goodness, no. I don’t plan to say anything that dull. If I had a wish, I would prefer to fulfill it myself.”

“Hm. That’s a remarkable attitude. So, what do you want to talk about with me?”

“Yes. Actually, I have something I want to suggest, that’s why I came this far.”

“A suggestion?” Dark repeated Miliaria’s words.

Yes, that was something Miliaria had been considering all along. Without hesitation, she posed her question to Dark.

“Yes. Dark, the spirit god of darkness. Won’t you come with me? I think we would get along.”

“…huh?” Dark’s confusion was palpable.

Miliaria was aware that she was making a strange request.

“Even if you say we get along well at first meeting, to be honest, I don’t think I get along with you.”

“Well, I do feel like there’s something destined about the fact that I’m here.”

These were Miliaria’s true feelings.

So, here I am, the villainess, facing the mastermind behind the scenes in a place I was never meant to visit in my lifetime.

Meeting someone I was supposed to never meet and this current situation can only be fate.

But because Miliaria was serious, Dark’s confusion was understandable.

“I don’t understand. What do you specifically want?”

“Well, let’s see. For example, can you, I mean, make a contract with me?”

When Miliaria asked, Dark responded with disinterest.

“Hmph. What is a bloodline that sealed me saying? Destroying is one thing, but lending power is too much to ask.”

A contract is a ritual to draw out the power of spirits. It is known that both humans and spirits benefit in various ways when they make a contract. However, if the other party is a spirit god, those benefits will mostly be one-sided.

Since humans are so insignificant to spirit gods, Dark’s reaction was natural.

However, Miliaria raised her eyebrows and twisted her waist.

“…Dark Spirit God. You’re more short-tempered than I thought.”

“I can hear you, girl.”

“Excuse me. But I just asked if making a contract was possible. If it’s not possible to begin with, then it’s not worth talking about.”

“Hmm…Well then, I’ll tell you. A contract is possible. If I acknowledge it and you accept it, the contract will be established. But what does that matter?”

Miliaria nodded seriously as Dark explained.

“Well, I’m going to have you acknowledge me now…and I really thought about making a contract. Don’t you think you’ll be more motivated if there’s a reward?”

She then pulled out her fan and took an additional iron ball from her carry bag.

Miliaria didn’t think everything could be resolved just by talking. In Miliaria’s memory, she had fought with Dark many times, but Dark didn’t know Miliaria. And Miliaria also didn’t remember showing her full self to Dark.

Dark senses Miliaria’s fighting spirit and rises from his seat.

“Hmph, you want me to acknowledge you… but that’s impossible. You smell the same as the human who sealed me. There’s also a strange scent mixed in… but either way, it doesn’t interest me.”

“… Do you understand?”

“Anyway, give up on things like contracts.”

As soon as he spoke, the pressure from Dark increased.

The intention to reject Miliaria came at her like a gust of wind, but she deflected it with a wave of her fan.

With her hair gently swaying, Miliaria gracefully covered her mouth and narrowed her eyes.

“It would be a problem if I was disliked for something I don’t even know about. I don’t know the circumstances of my unknown ancestors. I am talking to you, whom I just met for the first time. Can’t you talk to me while looking at me in front of you? Or are you not good at making eye contact?”

Miliaria was not afraid.

And for the first time, the dark spirit god, Dark showed interest in Miliaria.

“Hmph… you talk too much. If you really want me to acknowledge you, then you must be prepared.”

“Of course. Would you like to be my opponent?”

“I’ll buy your spirit. It’s been a while since I’ve had a visitor.”

The powerful darkness that burst from Dark swirls around his body.

When the swirling darkness forms a large human-like shape and grows wings from its back and horns from its forehead, it transforms into a devilish figure.

Now, Miliaria unfolds the iron ball and holds the fan, looking up at Dark.

“It has to come. The pinnacle of humanity. The power of level 99 Miliaria-chan. Please enjoy it to the fullest.


The battle is just beginning, and Miliaria was filled with fighting spirit.

However, Miliaria, who was watching Dark’s first move, was shocked at that moment by the worst possible scenario.

The black power converges in Dark’s right arm.

Miliaria knew that the attack was going to be executed too quickly and was momentarily flustered.

That’s not good.

There are patterns to attacks.

Among the many patterns, there was definitely a pattern that should not be drawn, even if the opponent was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Miliaria, who was usually unshakable, was also shaken by the bad luck of drawing that pattern and screamed.

“…! That’s a foul play for the first move!”

With a resounding boom, the spiritual art activated and sealed Dark with a piercing screech, still sending Miliaria flying.

The magical dress, strengthened by magic, offered no protection against this attack.

Many players in the game had fallen victim to Dark’s exclusive technique, “Darkness Wave.”

The wave spread in all directions, could not be dodged, and dealt a devastating blow that reduced the opponent’s HP to just 1.

The first shot, fired without warning, was tantamount to teasing the boss behind the scenes. The stun effect that followed the hit only added insult to injury.

“I can sense a power within you that’s not human… but…”

Dark said, looking down at Miliaria, who lay sprawled against the door, coughing up blood.

“It’s foolish to challenge me alone…”

Miliaria knew that all too well.

Dark was randomly strong, and its strength was usually only recommended for players at level 99.

This was a hidden dungeon, meant to be challenged only after gathering all of one’s strength.

Shaken by the damage, Miliaria took a deep breath and tried to steady herself.

“Well, that’s it…”

Dark unleashed five more spiritual arts at once. The worst possible outcome was unfolding before Miliaria’s eyes.

The simultaneous deployment of the highest-ranked dark-type spiritual art, Ancrasia’s wave attack, created an inescapable darkness that crushed everything in its path, including Miliaria.


Miliaria fell into the darkness with intense pain. Dark, confident in victory, turned his back on Miliaria with boredom.

“This is the end, you immature small thing who doesn’t know your place… I’m going to sleep. That’s good——.”

But Dark was quick to judge.

Miliaria fought through the fading consciousness and emerged from the darkness.

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