
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 80

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟎: 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠

《Kyrie Side》

We noticed it after reviving trollS for a while.

Suddenly the trees in the forest withered, followed by a series of abnormalities.

“Whoa! Hey, Big Sister, that’s crazy! A huge monster has appeared!”

Kumakichi-kun sees it and screams.

What. . . . . .is. . . . . .that. . . . . .?

Big, human. . . . . .?

Standing there was a gigantic humanoid monster with two pairs of arms and faces.

“A, Appraisal!”


One of the evil gods that was sealed

Even with Miss Tree King’s power, identification showed bugs in the notation.

“It seems Ryomenskuna is a god.”

『『『God. . . . . .!』』』

“Why is everyone looking at me?”

Why make light of this serious atmosphere?!

I’m not a god (regular reminder)!

But. . . . . .Why did a god suddenly. . . . . .?

Why did it appear. . . . . .?


That’s when an unfamiliar female voice was heard.

The troll chief, Mr. Kyoshin, recognizes the origin of the voice.

“Kyrie-sama, it’s the voice of Rotten Princess!”

“Rotten Princess. . . . . .Then, that huge monster is. . . . . .?”

“No, the voice is definitely Rotten Princess, but the appearance is different. Probably, she was absorbed by that god. . . . . .”

I see, so that huge thing is A god, and Rotten Princess is inside. . . . . .got it.

『Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Where are youuuuuuuuuu!』

It seems she can’t find me from her massive vantage point.

From such a great existence, I must look like a tiny particle.

So, she can’t find me.

“Everyone, let’s retreat while we can!”

“Retreat. . . . . .No way! Abandon our land, Kyrie-sama!”

Decker-chan cries out in despair.

“That’s not it, Decker-chan. Let’s pull back for now. Against such a huge monster, there will be massive damage on our side. Let’s withdraw and cooperate with Mr. Chatura and others. . . . . .”

『Big Sister! Watch out!』

Thunder Wolf Wanko-chan warns of danger.

Something sparkled in Ryomenskuna’s eyes.

The red light was eerie, giving me a bad feeling.

I quickly prayed to God.


Two beams were released from Ryomenskuna’s eyes.

The energy was enough to forcibly rip the ground apart.


The monsters scream in surprise from the immense heat.

But. . . . . .

“B, Big Sister. We’re safe! Amazing”

Hiiro-chan breathes a sigh of relief.

With the power of the God Noir, it seems we were able to block the enemy’s beam attack.

But. . . . . .

There were traces of the beam on the ground around us.

The ground has turned to glass from the heat.

We can ward it off with a barrier, but if we keep doing that, the land will get hurt.

『Found yooooou! Kyrieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!』

! How did she find me. . . . . .?

Then I realized, only the ground where I had cast the barrier was intact.

It was a beam to flush out the enemy, wasn’t it?

『Kyrie. . . . . .Kyrie. . . . . .Kyrie eeeeeeeeeee!』

Zoooo! A massive amount of magic power gushes out of the enemy’s body.

The magic power is so incredible that it causes the air to rumble.

『Kill. . . . . .! Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill! You must dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!』

Uh. . . . . .

Why is this person so furious, I wonder. . . . . .

No, it doesn’t matter now.

We must retreat. . . . . .


A beam attack again.

This time it’s targeted, aiming to kill only me.

I can block the beam with a holy barrier.

『Not yet. . . . . . not yet aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!』

The output increases further.

The barrier is intact, but. . . . . .

Zub. . . . . .zububububu. . . . . .

『It’s terrible! Sister’ barrier is sinking into the ground!』

“The attack is pushing it back.”

There’s no damage inside the barrier, but it seems that the ground it’s touching is being impacted.

I must not harm the world created by God. . . . . .!

And. . . . . .

『Peewee Scary. . . . . . 』『Will we get crushed. . . . . .?』

The monsters and trolls are scared. . . . . . That’s not good.

I shouldn’t make them wear such dark expressions. . . . . .!

“It’s okay, God is on our side. . . . . .!”

Yes, always from heaven, Noir-sama is watching over us.

He will become our strong ally. . . . . .!

『『『That’s right! We have Goddess Kyrie on our side!』』』

“Yes. . . . . .! Wait, that’s wrong!”

Oh, enough already!

It doesn’t matter now!

“God. . . . . . please, lend me your power. . . . . .!”

I offer my deepest prayer.

Then, a fierce light emitted from my body.

『We’re pushing back the giant’s beam!』

『Amazing! Big Sister’s barrier is expanding!』

A loud noise of zuzuun. . . . . . was heard.

When I opened my eyes, Ryomenskuna was lying on his back.

“You’re amazing, Kyrie-sama! To topple such a huge monster!”

“The barrier expanded and pushed the enemy back. . . . . . But, miss! The enemy still seems fine!”

Ryomenskuna stands up.

It’s not over yet. . . . . . the battle isn’t decided.

What to do. . . . . . I thought at that moment.


From the sky, something is approaching at high speed!

“It’s. . . . . . Miss Anila!”

My friend, one of the Demon Kings, Dragon Miss Anila!

She kicks Ryomenskuna’s face with all her might. . . . . .!

“I came to help, Kyrie! Along with our friends!”

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