
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 96

𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢’𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤

“What is happening!”

Clavi’s angry voice resounded in the room.

“The ‘Cup of the Azure Sky’ that I sent with great expectations isn’t selling at all!”

“I’m so sorry!”

Werner Gelmer, the head of the Liquor Merchants’ Union, was groveling on the floor.

Werner, with a pale face, was cursing the misfortune that had befallen him.

Under Clavi’s initiative, the union had heavily promoted the new product, ‘Cup of the Azure Sky.’

They had pressured participating liquor stores and even resorted to lowering the wholesale price to below cost.

Still, it didn’t sell at all.

The ‘Cup of the Azure Sky’ could hardly be called a tasty drink.

It was made with the poorest quality ingredients and produced by a third-rate distillery that only accepted cheap jobs.

The only significant investment was in the label and the endorsement from 《Blue Sky Hawk》.

However, this meant that even if it was sold cheaply, the profit would go to Werner and Clavi.

But that was only if it sold.

Initially, it generated some buzz, but sales rapidly declined, and a month later, only a few orders came in daily – a dismal result.

Clavi was understandably furious, as this meant their investment was far from being recouped.

Thus, Werner was called in, sweating profusely, to explain the situation.

“Despite putting pressure on our merchants and lowering the wholesale price to the limit, it seems immovable. . . Apparently, an incredibly delicious liquor is circulating in the streets, affecting our sales.”

“What! I know nothing of this!”

“Well, this liquor is being distributed without going through the union, the so-called ‘free liquor.’ In Mericapoli, a merchant city-state, the sale of free liquor is allowed to protect the interests of merchants. Although it incurs higher taxes, taverns and restaurants are eagerly buying it. It’s become so popular that there’s a six-month wait.”

“Who is behind this?! Such a petty act!”

“It’s being handled by non-union merchants from the Knightly Chamber of Commerce. However, my subordinates found out that it seems to be supported by Falx.”

“Falx, you say?”

At the mention of that name, veins throbbed on Clavi’s forehead.

Falx’s name was taboo for Clavi.

He had suffered much at Falx’s hands.

He thought he had ended Falx’s career as a merchant years ago, but it seems Falx has audaciously made a comeback.

“That wretch. . . still dares to oppose me.”

Clavi glared at Werner with murderous eyes, grinding his teeth.

“What shall we do? Should we suspend their operation for violating union regulations?”

“Fool! What good would that do! Even if we stop Falx, it won’t stop the sale of free liquor! He’s cunning enough to always have a scapegoat among the petty merchants.”

“T, Then, what should we do?”

“Leave Falx alone, he’s a toothless old fool on his own. But make sure to investigate this Knightly Chamber of Commerce. I want to know who dares to reach into my wallet.”


“Yes, their origin is unknown, but it seems they came to Mercapolis a few years ago and have been doing business. They are currently acting together with an adventurer from St. Arrogas, and it appears they are sourcing the liquor from a village in the forest called Crete.”

“St. Arrogas?”

Runker, who had been listening with his back against the wall, raised an eyebrow.

“Hey, isn’t the name of that adventurer Luke?”

“Eh? Well, I’m not sure about that. It seems they consist of one man and two women, and there’s also a beastkin girl with them.”

“No doubt about it, it’s him.”

“What, you know him?”

Clavi asked with interest, as Runker frowned.

“No, I just know a little about him.”

Runker sighed lightly, amazed that this guy couldn’t even remember the names of people he met a month ago.

However, he never expected to hear his name in such a place.

If he’s still in the city, it might be a good opportunity to teach him a lesson.

After all, we have the advantage of the land and the people.

Runker secretly smiled, while Werner looked at him curiously.

“So, what about the Nightley Chamber of Commerce? Since they’re not part of the union, there’s nothing we can do. . .”

“Hmph, I have no expectations from you.”

Clavi glared sharply at Werner, who was groveling.

This guy can only wait for instructions; he won’t be able to resolve anything fundamentally.

Looks like I’ll have to take direct command. . .

“We’ll handle that. Meanwhile, you make arrangements to sell the 《Cup of the Azure Sky》.”


Werner left with a somewhat relieved voice.

“Hmph, he’s just a puppet who can only read others’ faces. My profits are decreasing because such a man is the union leader. Once this matter is settled, he’ll be demoted.”

Clavi walked around the room irritably.

“The problem is simple. Just make the Nightley Chamber of Commerce unable to sell their wine, that’s all. It’s because they can’t realize such a simple thing that they’re third-rate.”

Clavi then gave Runker a meaningful look.

Understanding his intention, Runker shrugged.

“Our turn, then?”

“There’s a saying in Mercapolis: ‘Adventurers exist for the merchants.’ Let’s prove that this time.”

“Understood. But you’ll have to pay an extra fee.”

Runker stood up and headed for the door.

“I assume you know, but make sure your actions aren’t traced back to us. The goal is to sell the 《Cup of the Azure Sky》; don’t lose sight of that.”

“Got it. I have some old acquaintances perfect for this, I’ll leave it to them.”

A sinister smile spread across Runker’s face as he left the room.

Pit, who had been waiting outside, silently followed him.

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