
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 43

𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

The courtyard of the castle was filled with murmurs and cheers.

“What an incredible match!”

“Just being at this party makes it worthwhile!”

“Prince Gale is truly remarkable! What a boldly aggressive attack.”

“But that servant, Luke, is something else. He’s the first to withstand Gale’s attack to that extent!”

Voices praising Gale and commending Luke’s valiant effort were competing in intensity, just like the two men’s battle.

Despite the shower of praise, Gale glared at Luke with a demonic expression.

(Surrender? To me, after making me use my unique magic, and you still stand!)

Gale’s unique magic, “Absolute Domination,” allows him to control targets at will, a magic befitting a king.

Defensive magic is mostly ineffective against “Absolute Domination,” as it dominates the opponent, including their defenses.

Yet, Luke blocked Gale’s sword, suggesting his magical power might equal or surpass Gale’s. . .

Gale was also troubled by another thought.

(Did he. . . know the sword would break?)

Luke must have known he couldn’t withstand the final blow.

Yet, he faced it head-on.

(Could it be. . . he measured the damage to our swords during the battle!)

Indeed, that’s exactly what Luke had done.

Knowing it was hard to decide a winner, Luke aimed for a draw by analyzing the accumulating damage to their swords.

He knew the final strike would exceed their swords’ breaking point.

That’s why he could face it directly.

Still, stopping Gale’s earth-splitting slash was a chilling feat for even Luke.

But Gale couldn’t understand that.

(He withstood my unique magic and calmly observed the sword damage, can such a person exist?)

Luke now appeared to Gale’s eyes as an unknown being in human form.

(This guy is too dangerous. If I let him live, he will eventually become a major obstacle in my path.)

Gale’s instincts as a warrior were telling him so.

Above all, Gale’s pride did not accept victory in this manner.

Receiving victory from the opponent’s side was something Gale detested the most.

That it was Luke who did it was unforgivable to Gale.

“. . .ble.”

“What did you say just now?”

Luke looked puzzled at Gale’s muttering.

“Don’t joke with me!”

Gale shouted.

“You think it’s over just because a sword broke? I won’t accept that! I still have fists, magic!”

“But if we continue fighting. . .”

“Enough talk! If I say it’s not over, it’s not over! If you won’t come at me, I’ll come at you!”



Gale readied his fist.

The intensity emanating from his entire body had transcended anger and turned into a killing intent.

Reluctantly, Luke also assumed a stance.

(This is troublesome, if this continues, neither of us will come out unscathed.)

It seems Gale won’t be satisfied unless we see this through.

Luke made up his mind.

Regardless of the outcome, he had no choice but to stick with it till the end.

“Let’s go!!!”

“Please wait.”

Just as Gale was about to spring forward, a calm voice echoed.

Simultaneously, the barrier Gale had erected vanished without a sound.

“Who is it! Don’t interfere with me!”

Gale turned around, his voice filled with anger.

“Your Highness, it’s unbecoming of a prince to behave in such a manner.”

A voice as refreshing as the autumn breeze responded.

The woman standing there was breathtakingly beautiful.

Her luxurious dress and accessories, along with her platinum blonde hair, shone brightly under the courtyard lights.

Her beauty overshadowed even those adornments.

“It’s Flora Nightingale-sama. . .”

“As beautiful as ever. . .”

“And what a majestic presence. Truly befitting royalty. . .”

Luke was also familiar with her.

Flora Nightingale, a member of the royal family and the current king’s niece.

Known for her exceptional magical talent, it must have been her power that dissolved Gale’s barrier.

“Flora. . . don’t get in my way. I’m busy.”

Prince Gale responded bluntly.

However, his aura of killing intent had dissipated, and his attitude seemed somewhat restrained.

“I cannot allow that.”

Flora, still smiling, stepped in front of Gale.

Her emerald green eyes gazing at Gale showed no fear.

“You’re still so impulsive, Prince Gale. Everyone is frightened, you know.”

“Hmm. . .”

Gale was at a loss for words.

“You can’t lead the people if you lose your temper so easily. Even if you’re still a prince, you must maintain composure.”

“I know that already, you don’t need to tell me.”

Gale’s tone carried a hint of petulance.

“What’s going on?”

Alma, who had approached, was quietly asked by Luke.

“That’s Prince Gale’s cousin, Flora-sama. It’s widely rumored that even Prince Gale can’t stand up to her.”



“You must have been scared too, right?”

Flora turned towards Luke.

“I’m sorry. This person always behaves like this, frightening everyone. He’s not really a bad person, but I apologize.”

“N, No, it’s not like that. . .”

“Flora, you don’t have to apologize!”

Gale scratched his head and glanced at Luke.

“. . .I’ve lost interest. I’ll let it go for today.”

Saying this, he left without looking back.

Flora also bowed and followed him.

“. . .What was that about?”

“Who knows?”

Luke and Alma could only tilt their heads, but it seemed the immediate problem was resolved.

The party proceeded smoothly afterwards. Luke, having held his own against Gale, briefly became the center of attention, but no troubles arose until the party came to an end.

“Alma-sama, Luke-sama.”

A butler with grey hair stopped them just as they were about to leave the castle.

“Flora-ojousama wishes to have a conversation with the two of you.”

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