
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 32

𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐩

“Here it is.”

In the direction Luke pointed, a large mountain loomed.

“Is it really here? There’s nothing on the map. . .”

“Yes, this is a mountain not on the map.”

The two dismounted the running dragon and started climbing the pathless mountain.

“Are we really in the right place? Could we be mistaken?”

Alma looked around anxiously.

An indescribable fear clung to Alma’s heart.

“It’s okay, we are at the right place.”

Luke took her hand.

Just that action alone seemed to erase the fear from Alma’s heart.

“Alright, I trust you, Luke!”

The two resumed walking, but soon Alma was assaulted by a pain like sickness.

Her whole body felt as heavy as lead, and even breathing was difficult.

Luke looked into Alma’s face with a worried expression.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. . . I’m fine, I think I’ll be better if I just rest a little.”

Normally, she would have been delighted to respond, but now it was all she could do.

“That’s right! I forgot!”

Luke suddenly hugged Alma.

“W, What?!”

Alma was flustered, but Luke continued to hug her regardless.

“Huh. . .? Did it get better?”

Alma exclaimed in surprise.

The agony that had been tormenting her whole body disappeared as if it were a lie after being hugged by Luke.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, but this is because of a barrier.”

Luke continued speaking while lending his shoulder to Alma as they walked.

“This is the mountain where my master, the demon Iris, is sealed.”


Alma raised her voice in surprise.

“Yes, this mountain and the surrounding valley form a barrier that seals my master. It’s not on the map because it’s a ‘Forgotten Land’.”

Luke continued speaking as they climbed the mountain path.

“The barrier sealing master is divided into three layers. The first barrier is the ‘Realm of Aversion’, which makes everyone want to leave as soon as they enter it and forget about that place once they leave. That’s why Alma hesitated to climb the mountain at first.”

“I see. . .”

“The next barrier is the ‘Realm of Suffering’. We are in that barrier now, and entering it causes unbearable pain. That’s why Alma felt pain. And none of the magic or magical tools work in these three layers of the barrier.”

“Then, why are you okay, Luke? And why did I feel better. . .?”

“It’s thanks to this.”

Luke raised his left arm to show.

“This artificial arm has a magical formula against barriers, made by master and me. So, if you stay by my side, you won’t be affected by the barrier.”

With that, Luke suddenly picked up Alma.

“Kyaa! W, What?”

“Sorry, but can you bear with it for a while?”

Holding Alma, Luke continued to climb the mountain


“From now on, I want you to stay as close to me as possible. What lies ahead is. . . the lethal barrier, a deadly barrier where anyone who enters will perish instantly.”

“S, Such a terrifying thing. . .”

Alma’s face turned pale.

In contrast, Luke’s cheeks, holding Alma, were faintly flushed.

“So, it might be inconvenient, but can you move closer to me? If possible, I want you to press your body against mine. It’s safer that way.”

“Is that so? Then, I guess there’s no choice. . .”

At those words, Alma blushed and wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck, pulling their upper bodies close together.

Their faces were so close they could feel each other’s breath, and Alma’s ample curves were softly pressed and deformed against Luke’s chest.

“I, Is this alright?”

“Yeah, I think it’s fine.”

Luke continued talking as they climbed the mountain again.

“800 years ago, the people who sealed my master must have been really scared. They created such a strong barrier not only to prevent my master from breaking out but also to prevent anything from the outside from breaking in. And they even erased its existence from the maps.”

“Is Luke’s master such a terrifying demon. . .”

“I don’t think so.”

Luke shook his head.

“She helped me, and above all, I became convinced of this during our five years together. I wanted Alma to meet my master because, despite being portrayed as an evil demon in legends, I want you to see her with your own eyes.”

That was Luke’s true feeling.

Certainly, Iris was sealed with an incredibly strong barrier.

It’s said that 10,000 magicians created the barrier 800 years ago, so strong that even Iris, called the strongest demon, couldn’t break it.

And that also meant that people back then were that afraid of Iris.

Still, Luke wanted to believe in Iris.

He had reasons: Iris had saved him when he was on the brink of death, and during their five years together, certain feelings had begun to sprout in Luke.

“Was Iris really the evil demon described in historical records?”

“According to history books, my master is written as the worst demon in human history, but I can’t quite believe it.”

As they walked, Luke continued the conversation.

“The reason I returned to the human world was also to confirm that. I want to investigate more about my master. What happened 800 years ago that led to my master being sealed there. And. . . if possible, I want to release my master.”

“Luke, are you serious?”

Alma looked at Luke with wide eyes.

It was no surprise Alma was shocked.

Iris was a demon with a barrier that killed anyone who approached. Releasing such a being could have unimaginable consequences, and Luke’s words could almost be interpreted as a declaration of war against humanity.

“It’s still a secret, though.”

Luke placed his index finger to his lips and smiled.


“It’s hard to believe that we can easily release my master who was even called the enemy of humanity. After all, we don’t even have a clue how to break the seal. But if I can find out more about my master and judge that it’s safe, and if I can obtain the power to break this barrier, I want to show my master the current world. It’s just too sad to think that someone was locked up alone for 800 years.”

“Luke. . .”

Alma looked at Luke, whose eyes were calm yet filled with firm determination.


Alma let out a light sigh.

“I haven’t met that Iris yet, but I believe in you, Luke. So whatever you decide, I’ll support it. Until then, I won’t tell anyone. This is our secret.”

“Thank you. I knew you would say that, Alma.”

Before they knew it, the two had reached the top of the mountain.

“We’re out of the influence of the deadly realm here. I’m sorry for making you feel cramped. I think it’s safe to go down now.”

“Eh? Ah, is that so? But, maybe I want to stay like this a bit longer. . .”

Alma tightened her arms around Luke’s neck even more.

“. . .~k.”

“Did you hear something just now?”

Alma looked up curiously.

“. . .~ku~.”

The sound gradually got closer.

“It’s master. It seems she’s already noticed my arrival.”


With a shout, a black shadow leaped at Luke.

“You’re finally back! I’ve been waiting for you!”

It was Luke’s master, the demon Iris.

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