
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 183

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲

“Huh? Eh? Ehh?!. . . Ki, Kiel?! Why are you here?!”

Omid’s face turns pale as he notices Kiel’s presence.

“She was attacked by Errant and we rescued her. Her testimony that Errant awakened the divine beast is true. I guarantee it.”

Luke turns back to Omid.

“Sir Wilkinson, Errant was killed by the divine beast afterwards. How did you receive a rescue request from him?”

“Tha-that is. . .”

Sweat pours down Omid’s face like a waterfall.

“Don’t joke around!”

Dandale barks loudly, glaring at Luke.

“Errant is dead? Don’t talk nonsense! We definitely received a rescue request! There’s no mistake! You guys probably killed Errant and are playing dumb!”

“. . .Y, Yes, that’s right! We definitely received a request for help from Errant. We don’t know what happened to him afterwards, but it’s not our concern!”

Omid backs up Dandale’s intention.

“Is that so.”

Luke sighs.

It’s just a shouting match now.

No matter what we say, they’ll just deny it.

“So, what do you plan to do now? The divine beast has already been sealed. There’s no reason for you to stay on this island anymore, is there?”


Omid and Dandale are at a loss for words at Luke’s statement.

“Th. . .that is. . .”

The two of them, who had been looking at each other, turned back as if they had made some decision.

Dandale denies it with a determined tone.

“No, the divine beast is still on this island. This matter is not settled yet.”

“But the divine beast has already been sealed. Shall we guide you to the scene?”

“There’s no need for that.”

Dandale, who says this and stares at Luke, has a vicious light in his eyes.

“We have no intention of moving from here.”

Before they knew it, Luke and his friends were surrounded by soldiers with their weapons drawn.

“. . .What does this mean?”

“I told you, the divine beast is not settled yet. And sadly, you guys got caught up in the fight and died.”

Dandale grins maliciously.

Luke turns back to Omid.

“Sir Wilkinson, are you also siding with Sir Dandora?”

“I, I have no choice! It’s, it’s your fault for meddling in things!”

Omid glares at Luke, wiping his cold sweat.

“You should have quietly returned to the royal capital! This is what happens when you stick your nose into unnecessary things!”

“So you admit that you invaded this island to rule it, and that your claim to have come to protect the island and to have come to help us was all a pretext.”

“Don’t say smart things! You brat!”

Dandale glares at Luke.


“Do you have any idea how much preparation we’ve put into this! Do you know how much we’ve invested in this plan! We can’t stop here!”

“Wow, this person is getting defensive.”

“Shut up! This island is not suitable for uncivilized people like you! Why should we let you monopolize such high-purity magic stones. We are the ones buying them anyway, it’s only natural that it would be more efficient if we manage the mining ourselves!”

Dandale barked at Kiel, who was dumbfounded.

“So that’s why you took such drastic measures. . . You knew you couldn’t get the consent of the islanders, so you decided to take this action. You planned to awaken the divine beast with Errant, and then send in your army to take over the island while it was distracted.”

“All of this is because that Errant guy is incompetent.”

Dandale snorted in displeasure.

“How long will it take for him to get the island together? That’s why we had to resort to such forceful measures. What does he mean, ‘I’m going to be the king of this island.’ He’s just a kid from a small village.”

Luke looked away from Dandale, who was ranting selfishly, and looked at Omid with pitying eyes.

“Sir Wilkinson, I can’t believe you’re involved in this plan too.”

“T, There’s no helping it! The salary of a supervisor in a rural area like this is limited! It takes a lot to maintain the dignity of a noble!”

Omid’s face turned red with shame and anger.

“So that’s why you teamed up with Dandale. You pretended to be on bad terms, but you were actually colluding behind the scenes.”

“That’s right. The more conflict there is, the higher the demand for magic stones. We have a monopoly on the magic stone trade on this island, so we can set the price as we please.”

Dandale puffed out his chest proudly.

“But the magic stone trade is strictly regulated by the country, so the profits are limited. So we thought, why not make this island our own? It’s a natural conclusion. Anyway, we’ve come too far to turn back now. Now that you know, we can’t let you live.”

Omid pointed to the soldiers around him.

“We have over 1,000 soldiers here. And there are demons too. Luke, you may have defeated the divine beast, but you can’t handle this many!”

“1,000? Are you guys serious?!”

Iris ruffled her hair in disbelief.

“Why did you only prepare that many? That’s not even enough to kill time! Do you even want to do this?!”

“Wh, why are there demons here? Da, Dandale, what is the meaning of this! I wasn’t told anything about this!”

“I don’t know such a guy either! She was probably hired as a bodyguard. We have 200 demons here, there’s no need to be afraid.”

Dandale glared at Iris as he rallied Omid, who was trembling with fear.

“Even if we are the same race, we won’t show mercy if they are hostile.”

“The same race?”

Iris cracked her knuckles.

“It seems that the demons these days are not well-disciplined. I guess we need to teach them a lesson.”

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