
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 16

𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞’𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲

“Hey, Alma-chan! Good work on your patrol today as well!”

“Sicily-chan,we got some new fabric in, so drop by later, okay? We need your eye for this!”

People from the town greet Alma and Sicily as they patrols the streets.

This past month, the town’s opinion of the guard squad has significantly improved.

It’s no wonder, given that the arrest rate has doubled compared to last month.

Not only spontaneous crimes like pickpocketing, burglary, and assault but also hard-to-prove crimes like extortion and illegal trading have been cracked down on, making the town’s atmosphere brighter than ever this month.

“Ah, thank you, thank you.”

“. . .”

Sicily greets cheerfully, but Alma’s expression is subtle.

“Oh, Alma-chan, looking strong today as well!”

And no wonder, since Alma is clad in a suit of armor that seems too large and out of place for the town.

“Ugh. . . so embarrassing. . .”

“Come on, get used to it already. It suits you, doesn’t it?”

“Well, that’s true, but. . .”

Sicily, with a surprised expression, made Alma purse her lips.

However, what Sicily said was true.

Thanks to her unique magic, the heavier and more substantial the armor, the better Alma feels.

Right now, she doesn’t feel the weight of the armor at all, and despite it being a warm summer day, she’s not sweating.

Moreover, even though it’s a full-face helmet, there is no sensation of obstructed visibility at all.

In fact, my senses have become even sharper than usual.

“I guess my unique magic is that of a heavy armored warrior. . .”

She mutters to herself, resigning to herself.

“Alma, Sicily, could you come here for a moment? I’ve found a suspicious building.”

Luke, who had been following behind like a shadow, whispered to the two of them.

Wearing a thin gray cape over his head, his presence is so faint that it seems to blend into the crowd when you let your guard down.


The two of us enter the back alley under Luke’s instructions.

This area is the one that the two of us newly take care of due to a shift change.

“But seriously, it’s amazing, isn’t it? No one seems to notice. Is that also a magical tool made by Luke?”

Sicily whispered to Alma as if impressed.

The cape Luke is wearing has a recognition-inhibiting magical formula woven into it.

“Yeah, Master is good at making this kind of magical tool, and I learned by imitating her.”

Alma replied while marveling inwardly.

Alma had never seen such a magical tool before.

Incorporating recognition-inhibiting magic into a magical tool, which is already rare, is unheard of.

Probably, if taken to the right place, it would be highly valued enough to make a living for a lifetime.

By the way, when they were attacked by Trinal Triples, Luke seemed to appear suddenly in that situation too, Alma remembered.

“Alma, you can’t let your prince charming escape. It’s a super premium property even from our perspective.”

“Oh come on, it’s not like that!. . . Well, maybe it is.”

The two of them continued running through the back alleys while exchanging banter.



Luke led them to a small building located deep within the backstreets, turning several times to reach it.

It blended so well with its surroundings that anyone unfamiliar would simply pass it by without a second glance.

“Why here, of all places?”

“Truth be told, I preserve traces of those who weren’t caught at the scenes I’ve busted. Just now, I spotted a man who seemed to match those traces walking down the street.”

“You can tell all that?”

Alma’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Footprints reveal a person’s habits. Plus, the residue proves this man has been at previous scenes.”

“Scary. Better not keep any secrets from Luke.”

Sicily shrugged her shoulders and peered at the building’s condition over the wall.

In front of the door, two men had set up chairs and a table and were engrossed in a board game.

At first glance, it seemed like a peaceful scene, but on the nearby wall, there was an unusually large sword leaning against it, ready to be picked up at any moment.

Additionally, there was an incongruous half-bell hanging on the door.

Probably to make it possible to contact the inside quickly.

“Certainly, it’s suspicious, but. . .”

“Shh, someone’s here!”

Luke grabbed our shoulders, pulling us into the shadows of the fence.

A man arrived, pulling a cart loaded with wooden boxes.

After exchanging a few words with the men at the entrance, he laboriously lifted a heavy box and carried it inside.

“What’s that?”

“. . .There was a person inside that box.”

Responding to Alma’s question, Luke answered grimly.


“Yes, I can sense the heat emitted by living beings. There was a woman inside that box.”


“Probably for trafficking. Near that entrance, there are several women’s footprints dragged along. I believe there are more people confined inside that building.”

“We need to save them quickly!”

“Wait a moment.”

Luke restrained Alma as she tried to rush out.

“I’m eager to help too, but judging from the footprints, there are no less than ten people inside. Calling for backup might alert them. We need to consider our approach carefully.”

Pointing at the building, Luke continued.

“That type of building usually has a kitchen in the back right, with a storage basement beneath it. The women are likely confined there. The reception area is right inside, probably crowded. The second floor is likely bedrooms, where the bosses or higher-ups live.”

“Wow, you can tell all that?”

Sicily murmured in admiration.

“It’s just an analysis-based guess. See, there’s a chimney on the back wall? That should be the kitchen.”

Luke pointed to the right wall, where indeed a chimney jutted out.

“The kitchen area is small, so there might be one or two guards at most. Can you two head there first without being taken hostage? Alma, can you restrain anyone trying to enter at the front? I’ll handle the rest.”

“Got it, but are you sure you’ll be alright alone, Luke?”

Alma asked, nodding but looking concerned.

“It’s okay, I’ve faced similar challenges under my master before. But I do have concerns, so I’d like to wrap this up quickly.”


Luke glanced briefly at the second floor.

A magical circle was cast around the entire building.

Using magic near the building would surely give them away.

The trigger point was likely on the second floor; there’s no doubt a wizard is there.

Luke had been hiding without using perception-blocking magic for this reason.

“I think this assault will be a race against time. Enter as soon as I give the signal.”

Luke’s words were met with tense nods from the two.

“Here we go. . . Burst Grenade!”

Compressed air shot from Luke’s left arm, piercing the building.

A loud explosion followed, creating a large hole on the right side of the building.


On Luke’s signal, the three jumped into the hole.


“What’s happening?!”

Inside, the building’s first floor was a hall, as Luke had predicted, and several men were frozen by the sudden attack.

Luke didn’t miss this opportunity.

“Lightning Scatter!”

Electricity from his left hand struck the men, quickly knocking them unconscious.

“Now’s our chance!”

Following Luke’s words, Alma and Sicily rushed to a door at the back right.

Immediately after, a man was thrown from the kitchen, blocked by Alma at the entrance.

“Who are these guys!”

“Don’t mess with us!”

The men, unaffected by the lightning, drew swords and surrounded them.

“Anti-magic armor, huh? Seems it won’t be easy after all.”

Luke half-turned, smiling wryly, and extended his left hand forward.

“Barehanded? Are you mocking us!”

A man charged, sword raised.

“Too much weight on the right. If I close in, he can’t counter.”

Luke stepped forward and struck the man’s stomach with a palm strike.


Exhaling all air from his lungs, the man fainted.

“You bastard!”

Another man charged, sword ready at his hip.

“Left is his dominant leg, too much force in his step to turn.”

Swiftly dodging, Luke struck the back of the man’s head as he passed.


The man hit the floor face-first and lay motionless.

“Amazing. . .”

Alma and Sicily watched in awe as Luke took down the men one after another.


After defeating most of them, Luke unexpectedly raised his left hand.

Immediately after, countless flame bullets rained down.

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