
Reincarnated Witch’s Carefree Gourmet Journey – Chapter 19

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞

Witch Marie has decided to head to the Far East in search of her next delicious treat: sushi.

To get there, she needed to use a ship, so she first made her way to the port town of Woz in the kingdom. . . . . .

“This is the town of Woz! Ah, the smell of the sea!”

Kaito, the animal-eared chef, gazes at the town with twinkling eyes. 

However, the demon Ose perched on his head tilts its head in confusion.

『Doesn’t the town feel kinda gloomy?』

Indeed, while there were many people, they appeared downcast, and troubled faces could be seen everywhere.

“Now that you mention it, you’re right. I wonder what’s going on. . . . . .”

Ignoring the concerned Kaito, Marie confidently strides toward the port.

『Hey, Witch-sama, aren’t you curious about what’s happening?』

“I couldn’t care less.”

For Marie, the most important thing is to quickly eat something delicious. 

It didn’t matter if the townspeople were in trouble.

Marie heads for the port to get on a ship. However. . . . . .

“The ships. . . . . .aren’t running?”

This is the front desk of the commercial guild, Silver Phoenix. 

They say only their large ships, managed by the guild, can ferry people across the sea. Fishing boats are not an option.

Apparently, the guild’s large ships are currently out of service. 

The receptionist explains apologetically.

“At present, sea serpents are appearing in large numbers in the sea.”

Kaito tilts his head, and Ose quietly explains.

『They’re big dumb monsters that live in the sea.』

“I see. . . . . .so because of these monsters, ships can’t sail.”

It seems there’s been an abnormal increase in sea serpents. 

They live in the sea, so they don’t come onto land, but both fishing boats and commercial ships can’t go in and out, causing much trouble.

“I understand.”

Marie confidently exits the guild. 

Kaito tilts his head but then suddenly seems to realize something.

“Witch-sama! You’re going to defeat the sea serpents, aren’t you!”

The people in the guild, as well as the staff, all focus their attention on Marie. 

The receptionist cautiously advises her.

“Customer, I’d advise against it. Many veteran adventurers have tried and failed. Even a raid party led by A-ranked adventurers was recently wiped out. . . . . .”

Clearly, they are formidable foes. 

But Marie is unfazed and declares confidently.

“No problem. I’ll exterminate every single one of them.”

The people around her are puzzled. Magic is no longer widely used. 

Could such a frail-looking young woman really defeat such terrifying monsters? That’s what everyone is thinking.

However, the odd confidence she exudes gives hope to those around her. 

Kaito especially smiles at Marie.

“As expected of Witch-sama! You can’t ignore people in need! How kind of you!”

“Don’t misunderstand. I’m not doing this for you.”

Kaito thinks to himself, “She’s a tsundere.” Others around him think the same. “Oh, she’s a tsundere.”

『This isn’t being tsundere, it’s the truth. . . . . .You’re doing this for the food, right, Witch-sama?』

“Of course.”

All she’s thinking about is satisfying her appetite. 

She’ll simply get rid of anything that stands in her way.

But seen from a distance, she appears to be a brave young woman standing up for the weak. It’s quite mysterious.

Marie heads straight for the fishing port.

The entrance is blocked by adventurers.

“Hey, young lady, where do you think you’re going? The port is closed right now, you know?”

The adventurer with a scruffy beard says this, blocking Marie’s path.

However, Marie ignores them and walks right in.

“Hey, young lady! Stop right there!”

“Ose. Paralyzing poison. It’s weak, so it’s fine.”

Ose uses the demon’s power. The adventurer collapses on the spot.

“What is this. . . . . .paralysis skill? Young lady, wait! It’s dangerous!”

Confirming that no one is obstructing her path anymore, Marie arrives at the fishing harbor.

Then, a multitude of gigantic sea serpent emerge from the sea.


『So these are the sea monsters. They defeated an A-rank adventurer, so they must be A-rank monsters. But there are so many of them. . . . . .Are you sure you’re alright, Witch-sama?』

Marie grabs Ose and tosses him to Kaito, who stands behind her.

Kaito seems to have no doubt that the Witch will perform a miracle and save the town.


One of the sea serpents breathes out a water blast toward Marie.

A high-pressure water stream attacks Marie.

“Run! That water blast can cut through armor and shields like butter!”

The adventurer warns from behind, likely having faced it before.

Marie extends her right hand forward.

A dome of light unfolds in front of her.

The moment the breath hits the dome, it vanishes.

“What the?!”

The surprised adventurer and Ose.

『Ah, isn’t that an Anti-magic Zone?』

“What’s that?!”

『A magical barrier that nullifies magic. . . . . .I can’t believe it. . . . . .That’s a barrier that would usually take multiple high-rank magicians and several days to construct. . . . . .and she did it alone, and instantly!』

The demon Ose has lived much longer than humans and knows many things.

In lieu of Marie, who doesn’t bother to explain, Ose explains to Kaito.

Several of the sea serpents aim their water blasts at Marie all at once.

But she negates every single one of them.

Eventually, perhaps running out of magical power, the sea serpents cease their attacks.

“Is it over? Then… it’s my turn. 【Cyclone Vacuum Blade】.”

The ultimate wind magic, Cyclone Vacuum Blade.

A gigantic tornado appears on the sea.

It engulfs all the sea serpents present and shreds them to pieces with its vacuum blades.

The torn-up sea serpents are then transported to a different space, one by one, by Marie’s Spatial Magic.

Calm returns to the sea.

“Amazing! As expected of Witch-sama! You defeated such monsters!”

Kaito raises both hands in excitement. The members of the commerce guild who were watching are astonished by what just happened.

“What was that?” “She just generated wind!” “Is this. . . . . .legendary magic?” “No way, no human can use magic!” “But she clearly controlled the wind and defeated the enemies!”

Kaito says to the onlookers.

“Everyone! You can relax now! The evil monsters that were tormenting you have been defeated by Witch-sama!”

“””Ooooo! Thank you, Witch-sama!”””

『You people believe too quickly!』

Ose’s retort is ignored.

『They believe this kid and just go along with it? Sure, they saw magic happen, but they’re believing it way too quickly. What’s going on. . . . . .?』

While Ose tilts his head, the townspeople approach Marie and thank her one by one.

However, Marie says very coolly,

“You don’t need to thank me. I didn’t do it for you.”

“””Ah, so you’re a tsundere!”””

『Are these people idiots. . . . . .?』

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