
Is the Lost Princess Unexpectedly Loved? – Chapter 24

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒: 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝

The princess’ education, which started at the age of seven, progressed smoothly, and ended half a year before turning twelve.

Normally, it would begin at the age of five, and end before entering school at the age of fifteen.

For Sofia, who was born as a princess, received not only princess education,

There were other things that she had to do as a royal family member.

When she turned twelve, she would be required to do public duties such as visiting churches and orphanages.

Prior to that, the Crown Princess would invite close friends to tea parties and other events, 

It’s common to look for the princess’ friends among the children who are brought along, 

But Sofia’s mother, Queen Idia, was not accustomed to the nobles of this country,

And so, there were never any tea parties where the ladies were invited.

As a result, there was no meeting with the same generation of young ladies who could become Sofia’s friends,

And Sofia had no one she could call a friend.

After the princess’ education ended, Sofia had nothing left to do.

There were no tea parties to invite friends to, and public duties had not yet begun.

Seeing Sofia with time on her hands, the king commanded her to begin crown princess education.

Normally, this would start after graduating from school,

Given that Sofia had already completed a comprehensive education at the academy, it was believed that she would be fine,

This is also partly due to the assessment made by the teachers in charge of princess education.

The crown princess’ education had also been progressing smoothly for half a year.

Two weeks before turning twelve and starting her public duties, Sofia had been summoned by His Majesty.

Although not necessary as a guard, Kyle and Chris were taken to the audience room.

The palace had been noisy these past few days.

Royal knights were coming and going, and I, still eleven, was not told what was happening.

Being summoned to the audience room instead of meeting in my private room as usual,

I thought it must be a summons as a king, not as a grandfather.

Something had definitely happened.

Not knowing if I could handle it alone, I decided to have Kyle and Chris attend as well.

My grandfather also allowed them to enter without reprimanding them for being behind me.

“Did you call for me?”

“. . .Yes, Sofia, I am hesitant to tell you while you are still a child,

But I think you can make a judgment knowing everything.”

“. . . Is it related to the noise of the past few days?”

“Yes, be prepared to hear it.”

My grandfather, whom I had not seen for several days, looked pale.

I think he really didn’t want to tell me,

But I felt that the situation had become one where he couldn’t avoid it.

“Princess Idia has returned to Kokodia.”


Okaa-sama returned to Kokodia? Even though she’s the crown princess? No way. . .

“. . .Perhaps, did Otou-sama divorce her?”


War ended, and Okaa-sama, who came as a bride as a sign of friendship, divorced?

Indeed, the relationship between husband and wife was bad, but is that enough for a divorce?

Even though it was a sign of peace between the two countries, my grandfather allowed the divorce.

“The trigger was Daniel’s mistress. She was the daughter of a family that owns a large trading company,

But she couldn’t be a concubine or a public mistress because Idia was there.”

Ah, that makes sense.

To take a concubine or to make a public mistress, the permission of the legitimate wife, Okaa-sama, is needed.

She came as a bride with the promise that the crown prince’s wife would be the only one.

Even though that’s the case, she would not accept the idea of a concubine.

“It seems that Daniel’s mistress is pregnant.”


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