
A Serious Error in Chihaya-chan’s Reputation – Volume 3 – Chapter 7

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐈𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲

Kakuhara, the representative of Kakuhara Group, was watching the TV news with a cynical eye.

It was a foolish incident where the attacker targeting the Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander chased after the wrong girl.

What a headache that the fool was one of his subordinates.

Kakuhara asks Banba Saita, who is next to him.


“It’s been dealt with.”

“What a tragic thing.”

Smirking, Kakuhara looks back at the night view.

“Are you sure it was a case of mistaken identity?”

“The person on surveillance duty confirmed Trigger Happy’s movement at the same time. Above all, the ages do not match. It’s very doubtful how they confused her with Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander.”

Banba also shrugs in disbelief.

The Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander, the representative and founder of the private clan Order Actor.

An Actor with outstanding technical abilities known to anyone involved in the New World.

Not belonging to any corporation, probably a female from her voice through a speaker, her age and background are completely unknown. She’s known to dislike Actanoid development companies such as Kaien Heavy Industries and Unison Human-Machine Technology, but her hobbies and preferences are also unknown.

Nevertheless, it is assumed that she is in her mid-twenties or older, as she registered as an Actor when she founded the clan.

This time, the subordinate chased after a girl who probably wasn’t even twenty years old. The ages do not match.

Kakuhara glances at the computer monitor. There, a statement from Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander about the incident was displayed.

“She’s very cautious, not even showing herself to the police.”

If she had shown up at the police station, Kakuhara could have traced her identity.

“. . . . . .Stuck, huh?”

“You gave me permission to kill, but did you really want her that much?”

“If we could kidnap her, that would be better. But if we can’t get her, it’s better to kill her. She’s that dangerous.”

Order Actor is a very powerful clan on its own.

All the affiliated mechs are custom-made within Order Actor, the special Order-series Actanoids. Each one is characterized by extreme strength and peaky specifications.

Among them, the Actanoid known as “Trigger Happy,” operated by the representative Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander, is a mass of extraordinary technical ability.

With dual heavy machine guns called “Todoroki” that surpass the firepower of Rounder-series, a remarkable running speed of 270 kilometers per hour that exceeds ordinary Sprinter-series, and an astonishing range of action with a drone relay transmitter that boasts without Lannoid-series, it even has mobility and stability that allows backflips, making it the best machine in the world.

Because its specs are too high, it’s not constrained by classifications like the Rounder-series or Sprinter-series. The Sprinter-series Actanoid “Berlette” is a machine that copied the concept of “Trigger Happy,” but despite being manufactured by a corporation, it has become a significantly degraded copy.

Above all, it is believed that the Order Actor is the manufacturer of the Order-series Actanoid “Renegade Warrior,” which the civilian clan Intensive Hunting Club is currently pursuing.

Kakuhara’s most wanted is not information on Trigger Happy, but information and blueprints of Renegade Warrior.

Banba, who knows Kakuhara’s intentions, asks.

“Do you want 『Renegade Warrior』 so much that you would use valuable Actanoid in the New World Development Zone?”

“Of course. Its silence and lag-free real-time responsiveness are far superior to anything else. That is the new generation of Actanoid. Whoever obtains that technology will lead the next generation of the Actanoid industry.”

The primary target is Renegade Warrior, but if they could secure the Mecha Mecha Guidance Commander, who is said to possess technology years ahead, the Kakuhara Group might have been able to monopolize the New World project with political power.

Now that they have failed, it’s nothing but pie in the sky.

Seeing Banba frown, Kakuhara looks at him with a mocking eye.

“You look dissatisfied?”

Seeing through Banba’s psychology, Kakuhara continues as if he’s found the perfect outlet for his stress.

“Renegade Warrior is probably automated, so it must be boring for you, who likes direct combat.”

At Kakuhara’s remark, Banba’s expression changes from a frown to a sly grin.

Seeing Banba’s change in expression, Kakuhara points to the TV, looking bored. The security camera footage showed a girl chasing an All-Rounder.

“Don’t worry, automated control is still no match for human tactics. Even that gloomy girl showed the agility to overheat the All-Rounder with her flesh and blood. I’m always amazed by human adaptability.”

The security camera footage from the supermarket and the confiscated recordings from a subordinate’s house captured the girl’s every move.

Despite the complete surprise attack with no time to grab a weapon, her choices in escape routes and movements to overheat the All-Rounder were impressive.

Banba, looking puzzled at the rare praise from Kakuhara, opens his mouth.

“I thought the Commander hated anyone who interfered with his plans unconditionally, but surprisingly, you evaluate them?”

“I feel a kinship with those who fight and win with limited resources. At the same time, I also feel aversion to them, but I don’t think of that girl as the same kind.”

It’s something strange that even Kakuhara himself thinks. His strong ambition for power makes him merciless towards those who threaten his position, so his aversion to his own kind is strong.

However, he feels more admiration than aversion for the girl captured by the security camera. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t think she threatens his position due to her age.

Unaware of Kakuhara’s self-analysis, Banba mutters in confusion.

“Are you a Lolicon?”

“Watch your mouth.”

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One response to “A Serious Error in Chihaya-chan’s Reputation – Volume 3 – Chapter 7”

  1. Thanks for the chapter

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