
A Serious Error in Chihaya-chan’s Reputation – Volume 3 – Chapter 11

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐇𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲

The sound of gunfire echoes in the ravine.

In an instant, Chihaya accelerates the All-Rounder and flees the scene.

“What, what, why?!”

A tree splinters nearby. Small stones are ricocheted by bullets, flying up and striking a large boulder beside, making a foolish sound.

These are no ordinary firearms in terms of power and rate of fire. It must be heavy machine guns, aimed at her with two at once.

Whether it’s due to poor accuracy or simply the distance, the All-Rounder only loses the armor on its right shoulder in the first strike without any damage.

But, it’s just one blow. One blow, and the armor is gone. She’ll be like a bee’s nest if she stays here.

Chihaya realizes belatedly that it’s not good to run through an open area like the ravine.

“Yah, mountains!”

If she escapes into the mountains on either side, the attacks from her apparently distant foes should lessen. Thinking thus, Chihaya directs the All-Rounder to the right.

Immediately after, a sniper shot from halfway up the right mountain blasts off the All-Rounder’s left shoulder armor.

“What theeeee?!”

She’s caught in crossfire. Chihaya promptly turns the All-Rounder around and tries to escape to the opposite mountain.

Immediately after, a light machine gun rains bullets from the opposite mountain.

The backpack carried by the All-Rounder is dented all over. A shock seems to have reached the refrigeration battery, and it starts to smoke.


Not just crossfire – she’s surrounded.

Chihaya, crying, accelerates the All-Rounder and climbs up the ravine at once.

At that moment, the backpack on her back bursts into flames. The battery must have given out.

Noticing the fire on the back camera, Chihaya is struck dumb and hurriedly throws the backpack off.

Immediately after, gunfire attacks from three directions, mistaking it for her taking out a weapon. Bullets fly wildly, stones bounce around, the ravine splashes water, the backpack goes ‘Bang’ and causes a small explosion, and Chihaya’s All-Rounder flees at top speed.

Chihaya looks at all camera footage to search for enemy mechs.

In response to the continuous gunfire from behind, there’s the elongated firing sound of black powder from the right, and several drones flying up from the left.

But, the bullets don’t reach her. More precisely, they’re too sporadic to seem lethal.

“W, Why?”

Her confused mind seeking more information, Chihaya stares at the monitor, understanding nothing.

The drones that flew up from the left mountain head toward the opposite mountain and the mountain behind where the first gunfire aimed at Chihaya’s All-Rounder came from. However, of several drones, two are unnaturally deflected and crash. They must have been shot down by gunfire from the path ahead.

They wouldn’t shoot down their own drones.

“. . . . . .A battlefield?”

Here, Chihaya finally realizes that she’s been cheerfully climbing right through the middle of a battlefield.

At the same time, she understands why her All-Rounder is less likely to target.

Chihaya doesn’t know the balance of power, but a common rental All-Rounder like hers is not a threat.

If it approaches the mountain where their own forces are stationed, they’ll chase it away, but they don’t seem to want to do more. Of course, it’s still a nuisance, so they intend to take it down, but the enemies in front of them take priority.

Chihaya, not wanting to get involved anymore, climbs up the ravine, putting the battlefield behind her, and escapes using large rocks and trees as shields.

“Scary. . . . . .”

Having barely escaped, Chihaya sits down on a pressure-sensitive mattress, clutching her chest that is making thumping noises, and tears up.

Looking at the system screen, the rental All-Rounder has lost armor on both shoulders, the back camera is damaged, and there’s a minor fault in the leg.

The damages are minor for self-propulsion, but losing the armor means the repair cost will be high. Even if she completes the crepe herb collection request, it might end up being a loss.

First of all, she doesn’t even know if she can go home. The way back is a battlefield, and she doesn’t know where the front line will move next.

Chihaya staggers to her feet, her body trembling at the sound of gunfire. The linked All-Rounder creaked.

Planning to escape to a distance where gunshots cannot be heard, Chihaya makes the All-Rounder take a step forward, then notices.

“. . . . . .Cluster, life, ground.”

Behind the bushes, visible due to the All-Rounder’s standing, there was a cluster of crepe herb.

And not just any cluster. The fruit of the crepe herb, which is normally golden and oval-shaped, had become somewhat reddish and spherical.

The possibility of a different species crossed her mind, and Chihaya launched a resource identification app on her computer.

On the app, it is identified as a crepe herb.

As long as the request is to collect genetic samples, even a different species will do. If a hybrid can be made, it will broaden the scope for breeding.

“Fu-he he.”

I must take it back. It’s valuable; it could be a different or variant species that might only be here.

But the backpack with refrigeration functionality to take it back was left behind on the battlefield. Judging by the flames, it’s impossible to retrieve and reuse it.

But, this place is too close to the battlefield.

With tearful eyes, Chihaya operates the computer with trembling hands, opens the map app, notes the current location, and turns the All-Rounder’s head towards the damaged units spotted along the way.

“Fu, fufufu, I, Usabuki Chihaya, have found something to protect… fu-he he.”

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2 responses to “A Serious Error in Chihaya-chan’s Reputation – Volume 3 – Chapter 11”

  1. Thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter~

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