
A Serious Error in Chihaya-chan’s Reputation – Volume 1 – Chapter 8

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖: 𝐑𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭

Anxious about encountering another fern-legged scorpion, she repeatedly checked each monitor while driving the All-Rounder.

Fortunately, her vigilance paid off, and Chihaya took a double take at the camera feed and stopped the All-Rounder’s legs.

The snow had caved in unnaturally. It wasn’t caused by wildlife, there must be a hollow beneath the snow.

“A crevasse, I guess. . . . . .”

She honestly wanted to be spared from this.

A crevasse hidden under the snow. If she were to step through it, the Actanoid would be damaged, and depending on the depth, communication might be cut off.

The problem is that she doesn’t know how wide or long this crevasse is. Taking a wide detour is an option, but the chance of encountering wildlife like the fern-legged scorpion is frightening.

Chihaya aimed her assault rifle 『Breakthrough』 at the crevasse and fired. As she shot several rounds, the balance reached its limit, and the snow fell into the crevasse, sucking it in. Surrounding snow followed, revealing the full extent of the crevasse.

The crevasse was not as large as feared. Thanks to the thick snow falling into it, the ground was exposed.

“Looks like we can ignore it. . . . . .huh?”

A red highlight appeared on the main monitor displaying the crevasse.

This red highlight was from the resource exploration app. It seemed Chihaya had forgotten to turn off the app, being engrossed in fighting the fern-legged scorpion after exploring for Secondiapple.

But if it was highlighting the ground, the chances of it being flora or fauna were low. If anything, it might be moss.

Carefully moving the All-Rounder to avoid slipping, Chihaya peered into the crevasse.

It was a deep crack. Whether it was originally a cliff or eroded by melting snow, falling into it would immobilize even a metallic Actanoid.

When she shined a light from the headlamp on the bottom, the resource exploration app responded strongly.

“A, A rare metal. . . . . .?”

She won’t know for sure without bringing back a sample, but it seems there might be a rare metal deposit.

Indeed, she can see something whitish in the rock, but to the untrained eye of Chihaya, its nature is unknown.

“Oh, what should I do. . . . . .fuhehe.”

According to regulations, it would be best to report the discovery to the New World Resources Agency.

That means she has to interact with others.

It was a challenging task for the socially awkward Chihaya.

“An email will suffice, right? Right?”

Murmuring to no one in particular, Chihaya sent an email to the New World Resources Agency from her computer.

The reply to the email, which included an attached image, came quickly.

“Umm, should I make the coordinates public?”

It seemed possible to publish the coordinates of the ore deposit on the New World Resources Agency’s homepage, widely appealing as one’s achievement.

If she chose not to make the coordinates public, the New World Resources Agency would auction off the coordinate information, selling it, and after deducting a fee, Chihaya would receive the profit.

It was a choice between recognition or money.

Not wanting to be in the spotlight, Chihaya quickly chose money.

The New World Resources Agency would handle the subsequent procedures. Chihaya was relieved that it was settled by email, more than the ease of the process itself.

Taking out a folding pickaxe to collect a sample from the edge of the crevasse, she hadn’t thought she’d be using it this way, even though she had equipped it, considering it essential in the snowy mountains.

Whether it was frozen or not, the surprisingly hard ground was chiseled with the pickaxe and checked with the resource exploration app. There was no reaction, but she couldn’t descend to the bottom of the crevasse without knowing the signal condition.

Giving up, she moved the All-Rounder away from the crevasse.

Originally, this request was for the harvesting and delivery of secandia apples. She doesn’t know anything about mining.

Without encountering any wild animals, she managed to descend the Wagawa upstream mountain range and parked the All-Rounder at the base of a suitable tree.

The sky had completely darkened, and she was unable to move carelessly. The rental All-Rounder was not equipped with night scopes, and it was unsettling to proceed relying on moonlight. Although it had lighting, she wanted to avoid fighting wild animals at night.

She set up a simple position by stringing wires around the surrounding trees, holding her assault rifle, and leaning against the trunk.

Planning to move at dawn, Chihaya prepared for an all-nighter by pulling out some coffee.

“So boring.”

A day in the New World is not much different from Earth. There is a time difference of about an hour, and if you go deeper into the New World, that difference will be greater.

Nevertheless, if you wait for the dawn in the New World, you will easily spend ten hours like this.

If you were flesh and blood, you would have to build a fire to stay warm, prepare meals, and keep a vigilant watch on your surroundings.

However, what’s in the New World is an Actanoid. There’s no need to warm up or prepare food. Insects and snakes are not a problem either.

One of the advantages of the Actanoid was that you could somewhat relax and wait for dawn. On the flip side, you would have time to kill.

Pouring coffee from a plastic bottle into a paper cup, she listened intently to the sound coming from the All-Rounder.

She turned up the speaker volume and had the computer analyze the sound, so she could react if there were any sounds of animal footsteps or breathing. The All-Rounder’s sound collection device is of low quality, so it’s only a placebo, but it’s better than nothing.

“Ah, what a good sound. . . . . ..”

The chirping of insects in the New World. The babbling of the clear stream of Wagawa, mixed with the sound of jumping fish. The noise of grass leaves swaying and rubbing in the gentle breeze.

Chihaya, who was only operating the All-Rounder, felt a somewhat frustrating sensation as she couldn’t directly perceive these sounds, as if they were environmental sounds from a distant, different world recreated in the basement.

Chihaya, who was immersed in this mysterious sentimentality, became careless and knocked over a cup filled with coffee, spilling its contents all over.

“Ah! I’ve done it. . . . . .”

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