
After Breaking Up with His Fiancée, Who in Favor of His Weak Childhood Friend, She Ended Up Marrying His Brother – Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A fresh engagement and the fulfillment of a first love│Read translated stories and daily updates at: Awebstories.com

Aaron sighs slightly as he notices my face becoming crimson and becoming quiet.

“I’m pleased you understand. It’s difficult to be misunderstood.”

With a wry smile, Aaron put his palm on my hand, which was still grasping his sleeve.

The heat spreads slowly from the point at which you contact it.

“…Daisy, what exactly is it? “

“There’s absolutely nothing going on with Daisy. I’m not sure whether that demonstrates anything, but I have permission from her… Please don’t tell anybody. “

Aaron told me about Daisy.

“She is a lesbian.”

“…That was… I didn’t notice at all.”

That is a startling truth.

But it’s not at all repulsive.

However, homosexuality is not tolerated in this country.

She had a pleasant demeanor, but I wondered whether she had always been troubled behind her smile.

“She’s been aware of it since she was a child. That’s why she often seeks my advice. Amelia would have noted that her family was a little skewed towards Lily.”

“Yeah, Daisy was always alone in their household. “

I couldn’t understand how such a lovely and clever lady could be overlooked.

She was a strong woman who had been battered down by her family yet continued to push forward.

Daisy has always been kind to me, and I adore her. I could have given up on Aaron because he chose her.

“She said that she enjoyed spending time with me and Amelia, just the three of us. Amelia’s smile, she said, saved her life. I completely get what she’s saying. That’s why Daisy and I communicated so well.”

“So, is that the kind of… you two were meeting?”

“We’d share our secrets with one another. Others are amusing, some are serious. “

“You were best friends.”

“Yes, I sobbed in front of her on the day Amelia proposed to Musker.”

“You’re joking!”

Aaron gives me a bashful grin as I roll my eyes.

“Just a tiny bit. But it’s true. Daisy told me I was unusual and not to think about it too much. “


“She acts like a decent lady in front of Amelia, but he’s actually pretty foul-mouthed.”

Aaron says with a shrug of his shoulders.

It was unmistakably a friend’s talk, not a lover’s.

“I had intended to study overseas, but I had to change my plans due to this. It was both a heartache and an escape journey. I tried to avoid the idea that Amelia was getting married. It’s pitiful. “

“That kind of thing.”

You can’t be sad for yourself.

Of course, not everything can be blamed on me, but is it wrong to be happy that I had a role in his decision to leave this country?

I’m thinking terrible.

But that didn’t stop my heart from racing.

“Daisy took advantage of this and tried to get out of the country with me. She took advantage of me.”

“Perhaps escape.”

“Yes. She wanted to get away from her family and travel to a place where same-sex marriage was legal. I think she just wanted to get rid of everything that was holding her back. “

“How’s Daisy doing?”

“She’s as happy as a clam and she’s married to a beautiful woman. She’s probably not coming back.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, And when the news of the engagement’s breakdown came, she booted my hesitating buttocks and shouted, “It’s time to go find Amelia. And… It aided me in making a decision. “

Aaron burst out laughing.

“Daisy had nothing to do with Musker’s suspicions. Despite this, he lied to Amelia…”

“…as well as the falsehood I confessed to Musker.”

“I took a step back since I assumed Amelia had selected Musker. And I assumed she despised me. But even if that isn’t the case, I don’t want to give up now.”

Aaron clasped my hand in his and stared at me with a passionate gaze.

The truthfulness in his gaze jolted me to my core, and all I could do was look back.

When I couldn’t say anything, Aaron continued in a calm voice, showing no signs of distress.

“According to a letter from my father, Musker was putting Lily first and making Amelia unhappy. I afterwards regretted it. I wish I had pushed myself to tell her how I felt. Instead of trusting Musker’s remarks, I should have questioned you properly. But stating that now is pointless. “

Then he cut himself off and smiled faintly.

My heart hurt and I wanted to weep.

“This time, I’m going to tell her what’s right. I love Amelia.”

“… yes…”

The voice that I forced from my mouth was trembling, and I wasn’t sure whether it was coming out correctly.

Aaron smiled cheerfully and tightened his grasp on my hand.

“My father wrote me a letter saying, ‘You only have one month,’ beyond that I don’t know. I’m sure Musker did, too. That’s why he gave Amelia the choice when he entered into the engagement. He knew she wouldn’t like it.”

“But Musker…”

He never liked me.

I was ready to say something similar, but Aaron shook his head and gave me a hard look.

“I’m not sure. We haven’t spoken directly yet, but I’m sure he loved Amelia back then as well. Otherwise, I would have given it my all.”

With a wry smile, Aaron says. “My father gave me a chance when I stopped believing that you two were in love with each other…. He was very much fond of Amelia, so I’m sure he had personal feelings. After Daisy’s encouragement, I made up my mind, hurried to finish my work, and returned to the carriage. In the meantime, I overcame the desire to tie you up and make you suffer. I am selfish and pushy. In any case, I will not let Amelia down.”

Then Aaron stood up, looked me in the eye and said, “I swear I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I will forget about you and Musker. So, please, I would want to marry you. “

His words of dedication made my heart ache.

Instead of words, tears streamed down my cheeks, and all I could do was nod again.

I’m delighted he feels that way about me.

I’ve always liked Aaron, too.

I wanted to say so many things, but all I could do was wriggle, and it was terrible not to be able to express myself.

“Thank you very much, Amelia.”

Aaron cleaned my cheek tenderly, a relieved smile on his face as I nodded silently.

I was embarrassed by my moist face, but Aaron’s happy smile made me smile as well.

Close my eyes and place my hand over the hand that touches my cheek.

I eventually felt calmer as I breathed deeply and frequently.


I exhaled deeply once again, relieved to finally be able to call his name.

“I promise I’ll make you happy as well.”

I challenged Aaron with a tear-stained smile, and he held me closely, as if he was ready to weep.

I cried more than the day I lost my heart, yet I felt happier than I had in a long time.

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2 responses to “After Breaking Up with His Fiancée, Who in Favor of His Weak Childhood Friend, She Ended Up Marrying His Brother – Chapter 5”

  1. commenter Avatar

    that stupid little musker- i hope we neevveerr see him again, and to daisy, i hope you live a good long life *sniff* main couple is super cute, hope they confess their feelings and end all the small misunderstandings soon

  2. I second to that.

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