Chapter 15│Read translated stories and daily updates at:
“Excuse me for speaking to Your Majesty.”
“It is all right, Alicia, speak.”
“When Raymond-sama and I were engaged, my father and the Duke of Jaeger told Lovisa-sama and Raymond-sama the truth. For some reason, Lovisa-sama and Raymond-sama distorted the facts themselves. No matter how many times I explained the facts to them, they refused to accept them.”
“Yes, they are irredeemably stupid people, aren’t they?”
Lovisa-sama glared at me. Her face told me not to say anything else, but I ignored it.
“The Dukes of Jaeger owe a great debt to the Marquises of Filta. And what have you done to Alicia!”
Lovisa-sama and her three cronies looked away from Her Majesty.
“Alicia, this is a good opportunity. Tell us what you did to Countess Sachs and Raymond.”
“Yes, Raymond-sama often canceled appointments, tea parties, evening escorts, and dinners with my father on the same day. On the days he canceled plans with me, he stayed at the inn with her lover, the Baroness of Rando
They spread rumors about me in the school, damaged my desk after school with a knife, tore up my textbooks and notebooks, put insects in my lunch box, and often abused me when no one was looking.”
The ladies and gentlemen in the hall look at each other. They didn’t seem to know that Raymond had committed such an atrocity.
“Then Lovisa-sama, Raymond-sama’s mother, the duchess at the time, told me a lie about the tea party and made me late on purpose, reprimanding me for being “a Marquise with no punctuality”. She made me stand next to her on the sofa during the tea party and was very sarcastic with me.
She forced me to wear an old dress she had given me to the tea party, and mocked me for wearing the same old dress to the tea party, saying, “Marquises can’t even afford dresses.”
The whole place was in an uproar.
Some people said, “Unbelievable,” “How insidious,” and “I can’t believe it.”.
“What Alicia just said is true. The shadow I cast over Alicia proves it.”
Her Majesty’s words silenced the hall again.
To doubt her shadow’s words is to doubt the royal family.
No one would do such a foolish thing at a royal party. Only the four women trapped in front of me would do such a thing. Their faces have turned from blue to purple.
“And since you all seem to be mistaken, let me tell you that Alicia did not receive a penny of the alimony from the Dukes of Jaeger and the Barons of Rando.”
The eyes of Lovisa-sama and her cronies widened in astonishment.
“The head of the Barons of Rando ran away in the night, and the daughter of Baron Rando is missing, so we have not received any alimony from the Barons.”
Alicia did not accept the alimony paid by the Dukes of Jaeger, saying she did not feel good about it, and donated it to hospitals and churches. That money was used to pay for the treatment of the poor, to rent houses, and to run soup kitchens.”
“That’s… That’s a lie! Then what’s with the gorgeous dress and earrings Alicia is wearing today?! A marquis’s daughter can’t afford them! That’s the proof that Alicia is lavishing our money on the alimony she got from the Dukes of Jaeger!”
Lovisa-sama exclaimed, with a trembling body.
Lovisa-sama’s comment caused a stir in the hall.
No wonder, since she spoke without the Queen’s permission and called Her Majesty a liar. Lovisa-sama’s cronies around her also turned blue. They don’t want to get involved.
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Translator’s Blog
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