
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 53

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫

“Hehehe ♡, Gankoji~ ♡.”

“What is it?”

“Just saying hi~ ♡.”

“Geez, seriously. . . . . .coming to talk to me without any reason.”

“Hehehe~ ♡, sorry~ ♡.”

. . . . . .So, creating a romantic atmosphere, Decker-chan and Mr. Gankoji.

They are a young couple that’s just started dating, so they probably want to flirt.

Yes, yes.

“Ah, sorry! I was in the middle of explaining!”

“Explaining. . . . . .?”

“The situation in our country.”

Come to think of it, that’s true.

According to what Decker-chan told me. . . . . .

Here, in the Ice Country of Kai・Pagos, giants and mountain dwarves live.

But the two races are on very bad terms, and since there was a big war a long time ago, they have been in a cold war state.

However. . . . . .

“In our country, the Rotten Princess brought her undead army and attacked.”

“We mountain dwarves and giants each tried to stand up to them separately, but. . . . . .”

Apparently, it was futile.

“If only you could join forces and fight against the enemy. . . . . .”

“That’s impossible, and that’s why we are driven to this desperate situation.”

“Even in such dire straits, shouldn’t you join hands?”

“It’s an ideal thought. But, the rift between the two races is deep.”

It’s somehow sad.

Fighting is meaningless.

After all, even though they are different races, Decker-chan and Mr. Gankoji can get along like this. . . . . 

“If we continue like this, before joining hands, the Rotten Princess and her undead army will attack, and the country will perish.”

“That’s why Gankoji tried to create a divine artifact!”

A divine artifact. . . . . .

Speaking of which, that word came up earlier too.

“A divine artifact is a fearsome armament that exerts godlike power.”

“I see, something like Noir-sama.”

“Who’s that?”

Well, how about that.

Speaking of God, there’s Noir-sama.

Just as a river is to a mountain, it’s a given thing.

“Like Miss Kyrie did, it’s an incredible item that causes phenomena close to miracles in this world.”

“I see an item that replicates the miracles of Noir-sama.”

“That’s why, who could it be?”

I don’t understand.

They should know Noir-sama’s greatness well.

“Anyway, to break this situation, I was making a divine artifact, but. . . . . .I haven’t grasped the core yet, and the country is likely to perish before it’s complete.”

“That’s when Kyrie-sama appeared!”

Decker-chan grabs my hand and bows.

“Please, Kyrie-sama! We want you to save our country!”

Well, I already have my answer for that.

“Of course, I’ll help as much as I can.”

Being called here is the will of God.

As a servant of God, to save people in place of God.

That’s the mission of a saint.

“But. . . . . .miss, how will you defeat the undead army?”

“All I can do is pray.”

“Pray. . . . . .that terrifying light magic.”


“It’s alright, if we pray, God will hear our prayers and bring light to the earth.”

“Uh, well. . . . . .so, miss, you will repel the undead army that is rampant in the country through the power of prayer. . . . . .?”

“It’s not so much repelling. . . . . .Just asking them not to hurt the mountain dwarves anymore.”

That’s when it happened.

“Grrrrr. . . . . .””Growl. . . . . .””Grrrrrr. . . . . .”

From somewhere, the growling of a beast could be heard.

It’s getting closer to us.

“Ga, Gankoji. . . . . .It’s a wild beast. . . . . .What should we do. . . . . .”

“I have a magical tool I’ve made.”

He takes up a sword in that hand.

But. . . . . .I overlaid my hand on his.

“Violence is not good.”

“But it may be a starving beast.”

“Even so, it’s a life living in this world. It’s not good to harm it carelessly.”

From the wall of the atelier. . . . . .a wolf pack appears with a whimper.

Mr. Gankoji stands before us, ready to draw his sword.

That’s when.

Thump. . . . . .

“”Eh. . . . . .? F, Fell down. . . . . .?””

The wolves were lying down before me.

What on earth has happened. . . . . .

『Ah! Sis! Found ya!』

“Big Sister Kyrie, I found you!”

From behind the wolves, familiar children appeared. . . . . .!

“Kumakichi-kun! And. . . . . .Hiiro-chan!”

Our friend, the bear Kumakichi-kun, and on his back was the little Oni, Hiiro-chan.

『Wah! Sis! We were really worried!』

Thump thump, Kumakichi-kun runs over, and takes a bouncing dive.

I caught him head-on and hugged him.

“I’m sorry for disappearing all of a sudden.”

『Hey! I was really shocked, you know!』

He puffs his cheeks in anger.

Of course, he would be. I apologize for disappearing so suddenly. . . . . .

But it couldn’t be helped.

It’s divine guidance, after all.

“M, Miss. . . . . .? You can easily lift that 1-meter bear. . . . . .?”

“Eh? Why not? He’s just a bear cub. Isn’t it okay to hug him?”

Maybe treating him like a baby isn’t good. . . . . .?

“Oh, to easily lift that big bear that even I would find hard to carry. . . . . .Kyrie-sama must have great strength too. . . . . .”

? Strange.

Kumakichi-kun is still just a newborn bear cub.

Hard to lift?

How ridiculous. . . . . .

“What are you all doing here? And these wolves?”

『It’s a long story, but we came across these guys looking for Big Sister on the way, so we came here together.』

I see. . . . . .So the wolves are friends too.

I’m glad we didn’t have to fight.

“Oh, we. . . . . .we really got an extraordinary person on our side, didn’t we?”

“Indeed. . . . . .A girl who commands beasts and lifts bears. . . . . .She’s nothing short of a Goddess.”

“If there’s a Goddess, the country will be saved too!”

I’ve told you, I’m not a Goddess.

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