
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 26

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔: 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝

I, Kyrie・Inori, have released Tyrant Dragon Miss Anila, who was sealed in the northern mountains.

I came to the old paradise’s church once with Miss Anila.

There, I dressed Miss Anila in the clothes that were inside the church.

“This feels a bit tight.”

A simple outfit consisting of a shirt and trousers.

She transformed from a naked beauty to a clothed beauty.

Now, about what’s next. . . . . .

Miss Anila, you mentioned that you wanted to go somewhere, right?

“Yeah. . . . . .I want to visit Ellison’s grave.”

The first Holy Demon King Ellison-sama.

A woman. . . . . .it seems, who initially ruled this Abyss Forest.

I’ve never met her, but she often comes up in conversation.

“If I recall correctly, Ellison died, right? That’s why. . . . . .I want to say my proper goodbye.”

They were friends, she said.

I guess it’s true, if you couldn’t say goodbye, you’d want to say it now.

Really, what a kind-hearted woman Miss Anila is.

“Thanks, Kyrie! I love you ♡.”

She heard my inner voice again. . . . . .!

I can’t speak because of the trauma of an accident.

But thanks to divine power, I can convey my thoughts like this.

It’s convenient, but it’s a little embarrassing that everything is transparent.

I wonder if there’s anything I can do. . . . . .

“Hey, you mutt, where is Ellison’s grave?”

That’s not acceptable, Miss Anila. Calling our friend Mr. Chatura a cruel nickname like “mutt.”

“It’s fine. After all, she’s a lizard. She doesn’t have a heart to care for others.”

“What did you say, mutt?”

Grrrr. . . . . .they glare at each other.

Fighting is a sign of good friendship, but we’re in the middle of an important conversation now, aren’t we?

“As Kyrie-sama says. . . . . . .As for Ellison-sama’s grave, do you remember the garden where Kyrie-sama and I first met?”

Ah yes, that place where I was sent when I prayed to the statue of the god.

At first, it was a withered garden.

“That’s where Ellison-sama’s tomb is.”

“Alright, mutt, take me there.”

“I refuse.”

Mr. Chatura.

“. . . . . .Understood.”

I, Mr. Chatura, and Miss Anila moved to the church.

Then we teleported to that garden.

“This is. . . . . .Ellison’s grave, huh. What a beautiful place. . . . . .she liked flowers, that one. . . . . .”

Remembering the past, Miss Anila teared up.

A truly compassionate heart, mourning the death of a friend. . . . . .

I wonder why she got such a terrible nickname as Tyrant Dragon.

She’s a good dragon, just a bit wild. . . . . .

“Kyrie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Thank you for praising me so much~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! I love you!”

Again, my inner voice was completely transparent. . . . . .

Embarrassing. . . . . .really, I want to do something about it.

So, while that happened, we came to the back of the garden.

There was a tombstone, inscribed with 【Here lies the greatest Holy Demon King Ellison・Inori】.

“Ellison. . . . . .”

In Miss Anila’s hand, there was a flower she picked along the way.

She placed it in front of the tomb and muttered,

“Why. . . . . .why did you go without saying. . . . . .without even saying goodbye. . . . . .”

Sniff. . . . . .sniff. . . . . .as she wept.

That’s right, you wanted to say those last words, didn’t you?

“Yeah. . . . . .I wanted to say goodbye. . . . . .properly. . . . . .It’s. . . . . .never going to happen now, is it. . . . . .”

I couldn’t stand to see Miss Anila weakly muttering like that.

Such a pure-hearted dragon’s wish not being granted. . . . . .It’s unthinkable.

“No, Miss Anila, it’s too early to give up.”

“What does that mean. . . . . .Kyrie?”

I will try praying to God.

Please grant Miss Anila’s wish.

“Kyrie-sama. . . . . .surely that is impossible. You cannot revive the dead. In the first place, the body has already vanished.”

No, Mr. Chatura.

Even if the body is destroyed, her soul should be with God.

Please. . . . . .God.

Even just a little is fine.

Give time to say a final farewell to Ellison-sama and Miss Anila. . . . . .

And at that moment.

“?! What, what is this. . . . . .! A dazzling light is coming from Kyrie-sama’s body that has never been seen before!”

“Hey, Chatura! What is this?”

“Could it be. . . . . .the lost ancient magic, 【Summon the Dead】?!”

I prayed desperately.

May Miss Anila’s feelings for Ellison-sama be conveyed. . . . . .

『Saint Kyrie』

At that moment, a woman appeared overhead.

From the transparency of her body, it was clear she was only a soul.

『Chatura. And. . . . . .Anila too. . . . . .』

The two of them knelt down with a thud.

Then. . . . . .this beautiful person is. . . . . .


It’s the first Holy Demon King Ellison-sama.

Wow. . . . . .how beautiful she is.

Fluffy hair.

Tall and slender.

She had a beautiful appearance that gave a fleeting impression.

『Both of you. . . . . .it’s been a long time.』

“”Uu, uguu. . . . . .uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!””

Mr. Chatura and Miss Anila are crying loudly in front of Ellison-sama.

『I can’t stay here long. I’ll speak briefly. Both of you, listen well. First. . . . . .Chatura』

“Ha. . . . . .!”

Ellison-sama bows her head.

『Thank you for guarding this graveyard, and the forest, for so long.』

“It’s. . . . . .it’s an honor. . . . . .your words. . . . . .”

『But I’m sorry for binding you to this forest because of me.』

“That’s not. . . . . .! There’s no need to apologize! I was protecting this place by my own will!”

I understand what Ellison-sama is worried about.

She’s pained, thinking that she bound him here because of herself.

“So that’s how it was. . . . . .thank you. But I’m fine now. I will walk a new life with her, under my new master. By no one’s will, but my own!”

Ellison-sama nods satisfied, then looks at Miss Anila.

『Anila. That I trapped you underground. . . . . .』

“Sorry. . . . . .! Ellison!”

Before Ellison-sama can finish speaking, Miss Anila interrupts.

“I already heard about your intention from them. It was a barrier to protect me, wasn’t it. . . . . .”

With tears streaming down her face, Miss Anila bows her head.

“I. . . . . .won’t use unreasonable violence anymore! Even if I’m angry. . . . . .I’ll endure it!”

After widening her eyes, Ellison-sama smiles and strokes her head.

Because she’s only a soul, she can’t touch.

Still, Miss Anila had a relieved expression.

『You’ve grown, Anila. Meeting Kyrie must have encouraged the growth of your heart』

Me. . . . . .?

“Indeed. Meeting Kyrie changed me. This time, I will protect Kyrie. . . . . .with the power that I couldn’t muster before. I’ll use this strength to protect the new Holy Demon King!”

Ellison-sama nods in satisfaction.

『I’m relieved to hear that. Anila, I now acknowledge you as an adult. Thank you so far.』

“Uwu. . . . . .Ellison. . . . . .thank you, too. . . . . .”

Lastly, Ellison-sama comes to me.

『Thank you, Kyrie. For gathering these children, and the people of the forest, and guiding them.』

Ellison-sama makes a regretful face.

『Being suddenly called the Holy Demon King must have been confusing. I’m sorry for burdening you with such a significant mission.』

No, Ellison-sama.

Please do not worry about it.

Certainly, at first, I was given it and I was doing it. . . . . .

Now, praying to God for my forest friends is. . . . . .

I understood it’s the way of life that God has given me.

I’m doing it because I want to, so don’t feel sorry, it’s alright.

『Is that so. . . . . .Thank you, Kyrie. And please continue to look after the forest people. . . . . .the children of the Holy Zodiac.』

Holy Zodiac.

You mean the 12 monsters that were once Ellison-sama’s aides.

『Yes, Anila, Chatura, Syndulla. And nine more. Surely, they will lend you their strength.』

With a gentle sigh, Ellison-sama’s body starts to fade away.

『Lastly, Kyrie. . . . . .I will bestow upon you a part of my soul.』

! A part of the soul. . . . . .?

『There’s a crack in your soul now. Perhaps something traumatic happened to you as a child?』

. . . . . .Yes.

I was attacked by thieves.

『I will heal that wound with this soul.』

With a soft exhale, Ellison-sama approaches and gently embraces me.

Ahh. . . . . .! And my body begins to emit a bright light.

『Kyrie. Kind-hearted holy demon king, may there be much light on the path you take. . . . . .』

Ellison-sama shines brightly. . . . . .

And then, she disappeared. . . . . .

“She’s gone. . . . . .”

“Yes. . . . . .Kyrie. Thank you again.”

Miss Anila and Mr. Chatura bow their heads together.

“I’m glad. . . . . .it’s over.”

“”?! Ki, Kyrie(-sama)?!””

“Eh? What’s wrong. . . . . .?”

Both of them are surprised. . . . . .?

“Ki, Kyrie!””Your voice!”

“Voice. . . . . .ah!”

No way. . . . . .that’s. . . . . .

I couldn’t speak no matter how hard I tried until now. . . . . .!

“You can hear my voice. . . . . .?”


“And on the contrary, I can’t hear your inner voice anymore!”

. . . . . .I see.

Until now, I was delivering my inner voice directly to others through telepathy, thanks to God’s power.

But with Ellison-sama’s power, I was able to speak.

As a result, I don’t have to use telepathy anymore. . . . . .

“Ah, thank you. . . . . .Ellison-sama. And. . . . . .God. . . . . .”

I was able to reunite with Ellison-sama thanks to God’s help.

And. . . . . .I was able to regain my voice that was thought to never heal. . . . . .!

Everything is. . . . . .thanks to God.

Truly. . . . . .Thank you, God. . . . . .

“But it’s the first time I’ve heard Kyrie’s voice, heh heh! Such a beautiful voice!”

“It’s like a goddess’ voice, so pleasant to the ears. I could listen to it forever.”

Yes yes, and the two of them nod.

In this way, I was able to bid a proper farewell to Miss Anila. . . . . .

And I was able to regain my voice.

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