
The Poison-Loving Young Lady Wants to Get Married – Chapter 9

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐚𝐫𝐞

That day, after confirming that I was returning from the mountain cabin to the Marquis residence, Count Dirk Smith visited our house. Count Smith is said to be Cain’s father, and he came to “express his gratitude for the care.”

I had suspected it, but indeed, Cain was a nobleman.

“It’s very polite of the Count to come himself.”

“I am deeply grateful that my son’s life was saved by you, Ojou-sama.”

My mother offered tea with a generous smile. I sat quietly next to her.

“I heard he was poisoned with corossan. How is your son doing now?”

“Thanks to Ellen-sama, he is completely well. He wanted to accompany me today to express his gratitude, but I held him back.”

“Oh, isn’t he your famous handsome youngest son? I would have loved to meet him.”

Count Smith began to explain, wiping the cold sweat that appeared on his well-arranged face with a handkerchief.

“My son, due to the unfortunate circumstances I put him in, I ended up spoiling him. As a result, he grew up to be quite selfish, and I’m embarrassed to bring him along even though he’s already seventeen.”

My mother chuckled. I didn’t understand why she was laughing.

“Ellen, this Count Smith here, he was famous for never being without a love rumor. It seems that Cain-sama takes after his father.”

“Madam, that’s a story from a long time ago. Please let’s not talk about the follies of my youth.”

From what I could see, Count Smith indeed had a lot of the charm unique to middle-aged men. It makes sense that his son would be so beautiful, but it was surprising to hear that he was selfish, considering he was a well-behaved patient when he was in the mountain cabin.

“He was a very serious patient. Please give my regards to Cain-sama. Also, I am humbled by your excessive gratitude.”

Count Smith had brought a mountain of high-quality fabric. And a small box. I wonder what’s inside. He told me to look at it later.

“You saved the life of my precious youngest son. This is not enough to express my gratitude. I allowed him to visit his mother’s grave on a whim, and he ended up getting injured. It’s my responsibility for allowing him to visit the grave.”

“Did he get injured at your wife’s family home?”

“No, well, his mother was a princess from a southern country. She met me when she was traveling to our country…”

Upon my question, Count Smith’s eyes swam a little.

“Ellen, you shouldn’t ask such rude questions. It’s a story of the Count’s adult love.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, no, I’m the one who should be embarrassed.”

Adult love means a woman who is not his wife. It’s a convenient phrase.

When Count Smith left, looking embarrassed, my mother picked up the small box. She smiled as she gently opened the lid.

“The Count is very thoughtful. He brought a blue scorpion. Unfortunately, it’s dead.”

“Eh! Please let me see it too.”

I eagerly took the box and looked inside to find five small scorpions of a startling blue color.

“It’s a beautiful color, isn’t it, Okaa-sama?”

“Even though it’s dead, it’s not in bad condition. I’ll extract the poison right away. I wonder if I can get a live one, I’ll ask.”

“Please do!”

My mother’s face lit up with joy.

“Ellen, you’ve finally cheered up. I’m glad. Oh, by the way, we received an invitation to an evening party. It’s tomorrow, what will you do?”

“I will attend.”

“Good. Enjoy yourself.”

When I took the card and read it, it was an invitation to an evening party hosted by a certain Count’s family.

From now on, I need to participate in social events and find a good person. I’m sure I’ll hear a lot about Samuel, but I was prepared for that from the start. I’ll keep a straight face and spend my time laughing.

When I returned to my room, my maid Hanna had prepared tea for me. Chamomile tea with warmed milk is a nightly staple.

As I sighed, Hanna started a conversation.

“Ojou-sama, if you have any worries, please let me hear them. Just talking about it can make you feel better.”

“Thank you, Hanna. I have to find the next partner. I’ll get motivated by tomorrow. I’m just letting my guard down for now.”

“Someone who will make you happy will surely appear.”

Since that day, I’ve been wondering whether or not to ask someone about something.

I decided to muster up the courage and ask Hanna. It’s something that’s been stuck in my head ever since I heard those two’s conversation.

When I was about to ask the question with determination, Hanna sensed it and tilted her head, saying, “What is it?”

“Hey Hanna, what do you think I was lacking? What did Melanie have that I didn’t? Can you tell me without holding back? I don’t want to make the same mistake again.”


Seeing Hanna’s face crumple, I panic.

“No, why are you crying, Hanna?”

“I’m frustrated to think that Ojou-sama is considering such things because of those people.”

Hanna took out a handkerchief and blew her nose.

“There was nothing lacking in you, Ojou-sama! Perhaps Samuel-sama felt inferior to you. Because he felt inferior, he felt like a strong and great man when he was with Melanie-sama, who is of lower status, not particularly intelligent, has no money, and is desperate to catch a man.”

“…I see.”

“But, that’s betrayal. Oh, I’ve been impertinent. Please forgive me.”

“No, it’s okay. But if that’s the case, I wonder if the groom candidates chosen by Otou-sama will also be people who feel inferior to me.”

“However, Danna-sama and Oku-sama are happily married, even though it was an arranged marriage by both of their parents. It depends on the person, don’t you think?”

“That’s true. Otou-sama doesn’t feel inferior to Okaa-sama’s wealth or income. He’s generous, or rather, a bit off.”

“Ellen-sama, you’ll be scolded.”

“No, no, I’m not making fun of him! I love Otou-sama. I wonder if I can meet someone like him. Someone who will love me and has a big heart that won’t be servile.”

“You will surely meet him. It’s going to be okay.”

Someone who will love me, won’t be servile, won’t mind my involvement with poison, will marry into my family, and will agree to make our born daughter a pharmacist… Hmmmm. There are five.

This might be quite tough. Do I have the value to set such conditions? If I question myself, I feel like I’ll be endlessly depressed.

Oh, and also someone who doesn’t mind that his wife’s chest is modest.

Too many conditions.

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