
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 80

𝐊𝐢𝐜𝐤’𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

“What are you talking about?”

Runker shrugged, feigning ignorance.

“The upcoming battle is against a dangerous dungeon boss. I don’t want to deal with unpredictable elements like you guys.”

“Nonsense! The remnants of the dungeon boss are certainly going to be much rarer than anything we’ve collected so far. You just want to monopolize them!”

Kick shouted.


“Don’t play dirty tricks! Is that what a hero does?!”

Gustav stepped forward in front of the protesting beastkin.

“Shut up, weaklings!”


At Gustav’s rebuke, the beastkin fell silent as if a wave had receded.

Years of hardship had ingrained a deep fear of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 into their very marrow.

“Well, that’s the situation. Just so you know, this mission is under the 《Blue Sky Hawk》. If you interfere, we’ll officially report this obstruction to the guild.”

“That’s despicable…”

A voice leaked out from among the beastkin.

“Say whatever you want. But rules are rules. Your treatment is at the discretion of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》., so you’ll follow our lead.”

Runker, with a triumphant look, glanced at Luke and then turned on his heel.

“Let’s head to the deepest part then. Since it’s the dungeon boss fight, we’ll make you beastkin work harder than ever. Earn your silver coins.”

“That’s unacceptable.”

Luke blocked their path.

“Unless you guarantee their safety, I cannot let them go.”


Runker’s eyes narrowed sharply.

It was clear that the three members of 《Blue Sky Hawk》 surrounding him had entered a battle-ready stance.

“So, what do you suggest? Shall we engage in a battle here? I must remind you that your current attitude already goes against the guild’s code, which prohibits adventurers from fighting each other.”

“Depending on the situation, it may be unavoidable.”

Luke tensed up.

Behind him, Alma stood back-to-back, ready to provide support.

Sicily, with the beastkin behind her, poised her sword.

“Wait, wait a minute!”

The sound of a Kick cut through the tense atmosphere.

“Both of you, please calm down! Fighting here won’t benefit anyone, don’t you see?”

“But if we continue like this, you both will be exposed to danger. That’s something we can’t overlook.”

Luke remained adamant.

And Runker was no different.

“We hired them. How we use them is our choice. They knew what they were getting into. And you, expelled from the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, have no right to blame us.”

“That’s right! Employment! That’s what’s important!”

Still, Kick persisted.

“Indeed, Luke-san and others, being expelled from the 《Blue Sky Hawk》., should leave the dungeon. But… to be honest, we need Luke-san. Honestly, I don’t think we can survive the dungeon boss fight without them. So, if that means…”

The sound of Kick swallowing nervously was audible.



“I’m going to hire Luke-san and his team!”


Luke and Runker’s words harmonized perfectly.

“It’s allowed to hire adventurers directly without going through the guild when civilians are in danger! So, there should be no problem with me hiring Luke-san and his team!”

“…Is that so?”

Sicily nodded in response to Luke’s question.

“Indeed, that is something recognized by all guilds. Otherwise, what would you do when suddenly attacked by a demon beast?”

“Don’t joke around!”

Runker barked in response.

“You guys are employed by us, and now you want to hire them?! That’s not acceptable!”

“I, It’s none of your business.”

With a trembling voice yet resolutely, Kick stated his point.

“While it’s true you’re employing us, how we prepare is up to us.”

“You dare defy me.”

Runker clenched his teeth tightly.

“Do you realize what you’re saying! From now on, we won’t rely on your brute force at all! Do you want to shrivel up in that poor village?!”

“I don’t care…”

Still, Kick refused to back down.

Kick, who had lived like a dead man in a poor village, felt a spark reignite within him as he went dungeon raiding with Luke and his team.

Whether it was a sense of accomplishment he hadn’t felt in a long time, or just the exhilaration of defeating a demon beast, he couldn’t tell.

Anyway, that heat was what drove Kick.

“I’m sick of being treated like a slave by you guys! Every time, because of you using us as bait for demon beasts, many of us die! It’s always uncertain whether we’ll return alive! That’s no different from shriveling up in the village!”

Kick glared at Runker.

“But Luke-san is different. He recognized us as comrades. He taught us that we can do it too. Even us, nearly dead in a village with nothing, have pride. I refuse to be treated like livestock by you anymore!”


Luke knelt in front of Kick.

“I humbly accept this request. I promise to protect you all to the end.”


“Of course. Now that we’ve come this far, there’s no turning back.”

“I’ll follow Kick too!”

A beastkin stepped forward.

He was Bolz, a boar-man who acted as the leader of the beastkin.

“Fighting a dungeon boss means we won’t get away with just one or two casualties. If we’re taking such a gamble, it’s better to have Luke-san with us! Right, everyone?”

“That’s right!”

“I agree!”

“Luke-san, please help us!”

Following Kick and Bolz, the beastkin shouted in unison.

“Ku, Kuku…”

Even Runker had no choice but to remain silent.

“It seems the decision has been made.”

Luke declared loudly.

“From here on, we will join as the beastkin’s guards.”

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