
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 55


― The story now goes back a bit before the large-scale subjugation―

“What? You’re telling us to join in a large-scale subjugation?”

Gash, holding a bottle of liquor, barked out these words.

The place was a detached house in the mansion of Greed, where Gash has set up his base.

Several of Gash’s comrades were also loitering there.

“Don’t joke around, why do we have to do such a troublesome thing?”

“Just shut up and do as you’re told! This is something we absolutely must do!”

Greed responded, wiping his sweat.

“Listen, during the large-scale subjugation, we’ll make it look like we were attacked by magical beasts and wipe out the entire Rampart Margrave squad. That includes Rampart Margrave himself.”

“Hey, hey, that’s not something to ignore.”

“I’m doomed if we don’t do this! You guys just shut up and do your job! That’s the contract, isn’t it?”

“Well, true, we have been doing your dirty work.”

Gash yawned loudly.

Since taking on the assassination of Luke, Gash and Greed’s relationship had continued.

Greed, desperate not to be exposed for the assassination, had hired Gash and his men, but this turned out to be a convenient arrangement for Greed as well.

Gash, known in the underworld, would lead rogue adventurers to poach materials, and Greed would officially certify them as legitimately acquired, then sell them through Avaris or the Gluton Chamber of Commerce, fattening their own wallets.

Sometimes, they would even sell them as ingredients for illicit drugs.

In a sense, the two were already in a mutually dependent relationship.

“Remember, this is all your fault! If you had just properly killed Luke that time, none of this would’ve happened. . .”

“. . .What do you mean by that.”

Gash’s eyebrows twitched.

“Why is that kid coming up in this? He’s supposed to be dead, drowned in the river.”

“That’s the problem, he’s alive!”

Greed shouted.

“He’s alive! ‘Killed him properly’, you say? This is the proof, damn it! I shouldn’t have trusted just a left hand! Because of you and him, my life is in shambles!”

Breathing heavily, Greed clutched his head.

“Moreover, Rampart Margrave, who’s backing him, is threatening to bring me before a tribunal. If that happens, it’s not just me, you’re going down too! No, not just us, Sir Avaris will be implicated too. We can’t live in this country if he glares at us.”

“I see.”

The liquor bottle Gash threw shattered with a noise.

“That’s really serious. Then, we have to sweat it out too.”

“Of course! I’ve already arranged for us to accompany Rampart Margrave’s squad. Just make it look like we were attacked by magical beasts and finish them off! I’ll give you whatever reward you want, but you must succeed, understand? Absolutely!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Gash’s mind was already working overtime on how to proceed next.

(I’ve been getting sick of this rural life anyway, once this job is done, maybe I’ll take a bite out of that noble Avaris. It’s about time I enjoyed the women of the city)










“Wow, five years seemed like a flash, but you’ve changed so much. You’ve become quite the handsome man, haven’t you?”

Gash taunts with a sly grin. 

“Luke, do you know this person?”

Alma asked Luke with curiosity. 

“Yes, that man, Gash, he’s the one who took my left arm and left eye.”


Alma’s expression changed drastically, and she picked up a stone at her feet and threw it at Gash. 

The stone, whistling through the air, grazed Gash’s cheek and crashed into the wall behind him, creating a small crater. 

“Ah. . . that was close! What if you had killed me!”

Gash exclaimed, his face pale. 

“I will never forgive you!”

“Wait, Alma, I want to hear his story first.”

Luke held back the raging Alma and looked at Gash. 

“It’s been a while, should I say. Honestly, I had forgotten about you.”

“Hey, hey, that’s quite the thing to say. My finger still throbs where you cut it.”

“Is that so? But I lost my left hand and eye, so I guess we’re even. In fact, my loss is greater.”

Luke shrugged as if it was no big deal. 

In fact, the prosthetic hand and eye made by Iris were so good that he sometimes forgot he was missing an arm and an eye. 

He was also too preoccupied with his goals to remember he had enemies. 

“More importantly, I have something to ask you. If you surrender peacefully, I promise not to harm you.”

“Oh? You’ve grown quite bold in five years. You were almost wetting your pants in fear back then.”

Gash’s face twitched with irritation. 

“Do you even understand the situation? I have the upper hand here, and if I raise my hand, you’re finished.”

“Ah, that’s fine.”

Luke snapped his fingers. 

The moment he did, the adventurers surrounding them collapsed. 


“Five years is both short and long. Thanks to that, I can do things like this now.”

Luke stepped forward. 

“So, will you answer my question? First, tell me who hired you.”

“. . .”

Gash, his face pale, glared at Luke but suddenly turned and ran towards the back of the dungeon. 

“Hey, wait!”

Alma reached out in haste. 

“Who waits, idiot! When you can’t win, retreat immediately, that’s what a pro does!”



As Gash’s figure disappeared into the dungeon amidst jeers,

Just as they were about to give chase, a black shadow darted straight towards Luke and the others,

“What’s this?!”

It was Gash, transformed into a pitiful state,

His limbs shattered, his face completely crushed, it was a wonder he was still alive,

“Something’s coming!”

At Luke’s warning, everyone instantly went on alert,

A giant shadow appeared before the group, accompanied by footsteps like thunder,

“A Quad-Arm Ogre. . .?”

Tyrone muttered in despair,

It was a gigantic ogre with two faces and four arms.

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