
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 51

𝐀𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞

There is a ruined temple on a hill not far from St. Arrogas.

It’s known as the Clave Temple, a relic of the old empire, now rarely approached or inhabited.

However, now in front of the Clave Temple, thousands of soldiers had gathered.

There were knights as well as mages.

All of them were fully armed, ready for battle.

“I had heard about it, but this is impressive. . .”

Luke sighed at the magnificent sight.

“By the way, Luke-san, is this your first time participating in a large-scale subjugation?”

Tyrone, clad in armor, approached Luke.

“This is the large-scale subjugation held every four years, led by the kingdom. All the renowned noble lords participate.”

The large-scale subjugation takes place in the Clave Temple, a massive dungeon.

The temple’s underground consists of 50 layers, with the kingdom’s most fearsome demon beast sealed in the deepest part.

The purpose of the subjugation is to renew the seal of this demon beast.

Even though sealed, the demon beast’s magic attracts other powerful monsters, necessitating such large-scale subjugations.

It’s also a grand event to boost national pride and show the nobles’ loyalty to the royal family.

“However, the sealing failed the time before last, weakening the current king due to injuries sustained then. That’s why the last subjugation was canceled. It’s crucial now, so this time it had to be held regardless.”

“That’s why the scale is especially large this time.”

Each noble lord commands troops ranging from a few dozen to over a hundred.

Clad in distinctive armors, they eagerly awaited the start of the subjugation.

“Luke, there’s still some time before the subjugation begins. Want to grab something to eat?”

At Alma’s invitation, Luke decided to visit the food stalls.

The temple surroundings resembled a festival, with food stalls, weapon and armor vendors, and even saddlery shops.

Musicians and street performers were there to entertain the soldiers.

“The subjugation might take several days, so let’s eat something delicious while we can. . .”

Alma suddenly stopped walking in front of Luke.

They saw the familiar faces of the Trinal Triples.

Surprised to see Luke and Alma, the three awkwardly turned away.

“W, What, it’s not like we came to you, you just happened to be here.”

Tommy muttered uncomfortably.

“Are you also participating?”

“Of course. We’re part of the nobility too. It’s natural for us to participate.”

“But you all seem quite pale. Are you not feeling well?”

The three were visibly pale, looking like they might collapse any moment.

Their knees were trembling slightly.

“After graduating from the academy, there’s a five-year conscription obligation. If you don’t comply, you can’t become an official magic knight.”

Alma whispered this to Luke.

“I see. Becoming a kingdom-approved magic knight involves quite the effort, huh.”

“Hmph, we’re not like you, combat isn’t our main duty. We’re assigned to the shallow 5th layer. There’s no way we’ll encounter any monsters. You’re going to the dangerous 45th layer, aren’t you? Too bad for you.”


Tommy sneered with a trembling voice.

“Exactly, this too is thanks to Tommy’s father, who is in charge of managing this subjugation. . .”

“Idiot! Don’t say unnecessary things!”

Thomson hurriedly covered the smug Thomas’s mouth.

“So that’s what it was.”

Luke sighed.

“As usual, you’re good at these maneuvers.”

“Hmph! Say whatever you want! We’re leisurely enjoying the dungeon. You all can struggle as much as you like.”

Saying this proudly, the three staggered away.

“I thought our unit was sent deep despite being small in numbers, so that’s why.”

Alma stomped her foot in indignation.

“It can’t be helped, but since Sir Avaris is involved, there might be something more. Let’s stay alert.”


At that moment, a voice called out from behind.

Luke and Alma turned around, their eyes wide.

“Flora-sama?! And Sicily?”

Standing there was none other than Flora Nightingale herself.

Sicily was there too.

“It’s been a while, both of you.”

Flora smiled.

“Why is Sicily here?”

“I’m Flora. . .sama’s escort. I got myself involved through connections. The pay is good for large-scale subjugations.”

Surprised, Alma received a wink from Sicily.

“So, Flora-sama is also part of the large-scale subjugation?”

“Yes, I’m participating as part of the medical team. As a member of the royal family, I hope to be of some help.”

“Flora-sama’s healing magic is said to be the best in the kingdom. The nickname ‘Healing Saintess’ is not for nothing.”

“I’m flattered.”

Flora blushed at Sicily’s words, who looked somewhat proud.

“More importantly, Luke, please be careful.”

Suddenly, Flora’s expression grew serious.

“Sir Avaris, who wasn’t originally involved in the large-scale subjugation, suddenly joined the management team. It must be his doing that you were sent to the deepest part. He might be plotting something else, so please be careful.”

Luke nodded.

“We just learned about that.”

“I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful. At least take this with you.”

Saying so, Flora handed them a magic stone pendant.

“My healing magic is imbued in it. It’s not much, but please take care.”

“Thank you! Please take care yourself, Flora-sama.”

“You there! What are you doing!”

Suddenly, an angry shout came from behind.

Turning around, they saw Gale standing there with a demonic expression.

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