
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 35


“Are you okay?”

Luke looked worriedly at Iris, who was stretching on the sofa.

“I’m fine. I’m a demon, you know?”

Iris waved her hand nonchalantly.

“Well, I did get a bit overexcited because someone other than Luke came.”

Saying this, her gaze shifted to Alma, who lay motionless nearby.

“You’ve become close quite quickly.”

“Yeah. Turned out she’s a girl with whom I share a lot in common. Kind of like comrades with the same goals.”

“? Is that so?”

“That’s how it is.”

Iris answered while drinking water handed to her by Luke.

“So, this is what your second favor is about, right?”

Iris took out Alma’s Demonstration Armor ring, which she had kept in her pocket.

“You knew, didn’t you.”

“Of course. But Luke, your magic is impeccable, yet your magical instrument crafting still needs work.”

“I’m embarrassed.”

Luke bowed his head with a wry smile.

“But it’s a good magical instrument. Your feelings for that girl are clearly conveyed. What’s important in a magical instrument is the strength of the feelings imbued in it. While magic relies on magical elements and formulas, the thoughts and feelings of the user can surprisingly affect its performance. This one contains Luke’s desire to protect Alma. It must have saved her many times.”

“It has saved me too. But with my abilities, I still can’t fully harness Alma’s power. . . I want to borrow your strength, master.”


Iris answered while fiddling with the Demonstration Armor ring.

“I’ll remake this into something better. For now, take that one lying there. She’s just in the way.”

“Excuse me,” said Luke, as he carried Alma out of the room.

“Now then. . .”

Iris extended her hands forward.

The Demonstration Armor ring floating between her hands broke apart.

“To think I, Iris, would end up making something for a girl Luke likes. . . But then again, that’s part of being his master. . .!”










That night, Luke and Alma once again visited Iris’s private room.

“It’s ready.”

What Iris tossed to Alma was a small necklace.

“Can this really turn into armor like the Demonstration Armor?”

Alma looked at the necklace as if in disbelief.

“Don’t worry, my master is far more skilled than me. It must have turned into an amazing magical tool.”

“Exactly, there’s no mistake with what I made.”

“I, Is that so. . .?”

Alma hesitantly put on the necklace, watched curiously by the two.

Alma declared a manifestation proclamation in front of the intrigued pair.

“Heavy Armor!”

At that moment, the clothes Alma was wearing scattered in all directions.

At first, Alma was at a loss, unable to understand what had happened. However, as she gradually came to terms with the fact that she was completely naked, her face turned bright red.

“W, What’s thissss?!”


Iris burst into laughter, rolling on the floor, as Alma crouched down naked.

“How about that? I only implemented the part where the Demonstration Armor blows off the clothes! It’s really amazing, isn’t it? It only blows away the clothes cleanly! Luke, you’re a genius!”

“Ir, is, Iris~”

Tears in her eyes, Alma glared at Iris.

Luke wrapped a sheet around his body then Alma grabbed a candlestick in the room.

“This damn demon! A mere seal is too lenient! I’ll bury you with my own hands!”

“What are you embarrassed about? You always fantasize about doing this and that with Luke! Isn’t this the chance to do what you said yesterday?!”

“Don’t say that!”

“Both of you, calm down!”

Luke, with a bright red face, separated the two.

“Master, please be serious. Look, Alma, put down that candlestick.”

“Alright, alright. It was just a little joke. Don’t be so mad.”

“As if I’d be okay being stripped naked as a joke!”

“Come on, master, don’t tease Alma. Anyway, did it really work?”

“Of course, it did.”

While Alma thrashed about, Luke, holding her in a full nelson, asked, and Iris tossed him a small collar.

“This is the new Demonstration Armor I made.”

Alma looked at it skeptically.

“Is it really reliable?”

“Trust me! I was called the demon of creation, remember? A magical tool like this is a piece of cake for me!”

“That’s what I’m worried about. . .”

Muttering, Iris put on the collar.

The moment the clasp was fastened, the collar became invisible.

“How about that, I also applied a disguise magic. It won’t be suspicious and matches any clothing, right?”

“I, indeed, this is amazing. I can’t even feel it on.”

Alma touched her neck in surprise.

“Additionally, that thing doesn’t need a manifestation proclamation. Just think about it and it’ll work. Go on, try it.”


“I’m really anxious about this.”

Glaring at Iris with a stern look, Alma then closes her eyes.

A few moments later, a light emanates from Alma’s neck, enveloping her entire body.

When the light fades, there stands Alma, clad in armor from head to toe.

However, the armor is not bulky or massive but rather sleek and slim, resembling ceremonial armor.

From the top of the helmet dangles a long, black tress, similar to Iris’s black hair.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem to offer any defensive capability.

“Wow, that’s amazing. . .”

But in reality, Alma, now wearing the armor, is astonished by its capabilities.

Compared to this armor, even the Demonstration Armor rings crafted by Luke feel like heavy stones.

As Alma moves slightly, she disappears, reappearing moments later on the opposite side of the room.

“How do you like the armor I made? With this, you can fully unleash the power of your 《Heavy Armored Warrior》.”

Iris was smiling confidently.

There was no doubt about it for Alma.

It was as if just by wearing it, strength surged from her entire body, or rather, it felt like the shackles that had covered her entire body had been removed.


Alma readily acknowledged the fact.

“It’s frustrating, but Iris is right. With this, I think I can become many times, no, even tens of times stronger.”

Saying that, she turned towards Iris.

“So, it means I could give you a good beating with my iron fists, too.”

And while cracking her knuckles, she slowly approached Iris.

“Interesting. I’ve been a bit out of shape lately, and I’ve been wanting to move my body a bit. I’ll even give you some training while I’m at it.”

“Both of you. . . please stop.”

Luke’s exasperated sigh disappeared into the room.

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