
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 24

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐚

“What’s wrong, Luke, coming all the way here?”

Alma’s voice was tense.

Luke and Alma had come to the spring emerging in the forest behind the mansion.

This place had been Alma’s favorite since childhood.

“I found this place while walking yesterday, and I thought it might be the place we played at when we were kids.”

“Maybe. . .yeah, I think it’s true.”

Alma vaguely remembers playing here with an unknown child in her childhood.

Little did she know it was Luke.

Alma was enveloped in a feeling of excitement, thinking it incredible and sensing fate.

“It feels strange, doesn’t it? That we met here as children.”

“Right. . . Maybe it’s destiny.” (More than destiny, it’s definitely fate!)

Alma walked beside Luke, barely containing her urge to shout this out.

“That tree used to be much smaller.”

Oblivious or not to Alma’s feelings, Luke casually pointed to a tree growing near the spring.

“That’s a Raksalak tree. My father planted it on the day I was born. In spring, it’s covered with flowers and looks incredibly beautiful.”

“Wow, that’s interesting. I’d like to see it sometime.”

“It’s really beautiful! I want you to see it. . .so, come back here in spring. . .”

“Yeah, I’d like to come again.”

“Mm. . .”

The two sat at the root of the Raksalak tree, silently watching the spring.

“. . .So, why did you call me here, Luke?”

It was Alma who broke the silence.

Luke nodded slightly.

“Yeah, I wanted to come somewhere out of sight. So I thought of this place.”

(What does he mean? Luke inviting me to a secluded place!)

Alma’s heart began to beat like a rapid drum.

(What should I do! I’ve fantasized about coming here with Luke, but I never imagined it happening so soon!)

“I wanted to keep it a secret. And this is also for Alma. Is that okay?”

“Eh? Yes. . .I don’t mind, I mean. . .”

(For me?! Is Luke really thinking of me? What should I do! I should have dressed cuter, but if Luke is willing, I’m completely. . .)

Alma’s fantasies accelerated.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

“Is that so?”

When Alma looked down, she had bracelets made of metal on both arms.

While indulging in fantasies, it seemed that Luke had installed them.

Looking at her feet, she also had similar anklets on both ankles.

“I made magical tools for Alma in preparation for dungeon conquest. I want to test them before heading to the dungeon tomorrow.”

“I, I guess that’s what you mean.”

Alma’s shoulders slumped.

(Come to think of it, Luke has been locked in his room all this time, but he was making these. And for me, too!)

Alma stared at the bracelets and anklets made by Luke once again.

They were made of a material she had never seen before, emitting a dark metallic shine.


“Even so, it’s incredibly beautiful. It’s hard to believe that this is a magical tool.”

“It’s a compression gear called Demonstration Armor to further enhance Alma’s unique magic. I’ve prepared the activation proclamation here, so could you try chanting ‘Heavy Armor’?”

“O Okay. Erm, Heavy Armor?”

At that moment, Alma was enveloped in light.

To be precise, the Demonstration Armor that Alma wore emitted a strong light as a signal for the activation proclamation.

And then, at that moment, there stood a giant made of metal, about three meters tall.

“Yeah, it seems to have worked well.”

Luke nodded with satisfaction.

“Alma’s unique magic, 《Heavy Armored Warrior》, is a constantly activated magic, but its effect changes greatly depending on the armor. It might be good to always wear armor, but it would be inconvenient, so I made armor that can be freely summoned. This way, you can carry it around at all times. I also made the size bigger, so could you try moving freely to see?”

“What. . .”

Alma’s voice came from within the armor.

“Why am I naked~!!”

Inside the massive metallic armor, for some reason, Alma was completely naked.

Inside the armor, it is wrapped in a soft material, and when you move, there is a sensation that the massive armor moves in response to it.

It was a strange sensation as if one’s own body size had suddenly become larger.

Compared to the armor Luke made, everything she had worn before felt like nothing but burdens restraining her body.

However, not wearing even underwear was far from being comfortable.

“Sorry, Alma.”

Luke sighed.

“Due to my inexperience, I could only manifest the armor on the surface of the skin, resulting in tearing off everything you were wearing. I’m sorry for embarrassing you. If you chant ‘Armor Release’, the armor will return to its original Demonstration Armor form.”

“But, I’m not wearing anything!”

“Oh, right. Sorry, I do have a change of clothes.”

Luke hastily took out a change of clothes from a bag and slipped it into the gap of the armor.

Alma awkwardly put on the clothes inside the armor.

(Being able to move freely inside the armor is good, but why am I not wearing underwear. . .)

“Sorry, I had the maid prepare a change of clothes, but I just couldn’t ask for underwear!”

Luke’s voice was heard from outside.

(Well, it can’t be helped. I should just change quickly)

Soon, the armor emitted light, and Alma, with her cheeks flushed, appeared.

She was wearing a simple dress that Luke had handed her earlier.

“Luke, that was really embarrassing.”

“I’m really sorry! I shouldn’t have given such a failed product to Alma. I’ll take back that Demonstration Armor.”

“No, that’s not okay!”

Alma crossed her arms in front of her chest and twisted her body.

“Because, Luke made it for me. . . and it’s not bad to have it for emergencies. . . but, being naked is. . . embarrassing.”


“I, If that’s the case. . . Right, certainly, this might be useful when Alma is in danger.”

“Right? Besides, it’s an amazing magical tool. To think such a large armor could shrink this small. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I recreated the ancient lost compression magic with my ‘analysis’. It’s not perfect yet, but master could make something smaller and more efficient.”

“Is that so. . . Luke’s master is really amazing.”

“Yeah, I’m nowhere close to my master. But, I’ll also make something better someday, so could you wait until then?”

“Got it, I’ll be looking forward to it!”

When Alma nodded happily, the wind blowing through the forest lifted her dress significantly.

Luke’s vision was suddenly filled with Alma’s body, resembling a statue made of snowflake stone.


Alma, hurriedly holding down her hem, her face turned as red as if it were on fire.

“. . .Did, did you see?”

“W, What do you mean?”

Luke’s face was turned away, but his ears were bright red.

“Ughhhhhhh, you saw it after all! Stupid Lukeeee!”

“No, no, this is a problem! I’ll have to take back the Demonstration Armor Ring!”

“You can’t do that!”

Their voices echoed through the forest.

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