
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 189

𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐲𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐬

“Luke, Luke, where are you going?”

“Just a moment. . . I can’t see master.”

Luke was moving through the forest, leaving Alma chasing behind him.

In Luke’s eyes, he could see Iris’s footprints leading into the forest.

And the footprints were not just Iris’s.

The ones that continued alongside them were. . . Cyphos’s footprints.

(What could it be, I have a bad feeling about this. What are they planning to do?)

Urged by his bad feeling, Luke was moving forward.

The forest ended at the coast, and beyond that was a beach dotted with rocks.

And on that beach was Iris.

In front of Iris, a few meters away, stood Cyphos with a sword in his hand.


“Oh, Luke. Sorry, but I’m going to borrow your master for a bit.”

Contrary to the desperate Luke, Cyphos was as carefree as ever.

“Borrow. . . what on earth. . .”

“Stop it.”

As Luke tried to step forward to stop the two, his shoulder was held back.

“Highness Gale?”

The one there was Gale, who was supposed to have left the forest.

“No one can stop that old man once he gets like this. If you interfere recklessly, it won’t end with just an injury.”

When Luke looked at the two again, he understood the meaning of those words.

Although their expressions did not change, a murderous aura that kept anyone away surrounded the two.

“Damn that old man, he lectures me and then does something reckless himself.”

Gale’s exasperated tone was somewhat cheerful.

Iris spoke to Cyphos with interest.

“You’re a strange one, aren’t you? You know you’re going to lose, but you still come at me.”

“Sorry, but think of this as the whim of an old man whose days are numbered. Will you forgive me?”

Cyphos readied his sword with a casual tone.

His tone was calm, but the murderous intent emanating from his entire body made even Luke flinch.

“I thought my vigor had long since dried up. But when I see a strong person like you, my blood boils.”

“You’re a greasy old man for a dried-up stick. Well, it’s fine. Come at me. I’ll give you a light rub.”

“Master. . .”

“I know.”

Iris held back Luke’s words.

“I’m just going to play with him a little. Wait for me, it’ll be over soon.”

“. . .”




“What happened to those two? There seems to be a lot of hostility. . . Do we need to stop them?”

Luke shook his head at Alma, who had caught up with him.

If Iris becomes like that, there probably won’t be anything on Earth that can stop her.

The tension between the two is now so high that it seems visible to the naked eye.

Everyone present was watching without moving or saying a word.

When a particularly large wave hit the rocks and caused a large splash, the tension suddenly disappeared.

At that moment, the positions of the two had switched.

Even though they never lost focus or blinked, their movements were not visible.

Even Luke’s “analysis” couldn’t keep up with their movements.

“. . .Thank you for the match.”

Cyphos quietly announced.

“You’re pretty good for a human.”

Cyphos smiled faintly at Iris’s words.

And then he slowly collapsed onto the sandy beach.


“Don’t worry, I didn’t kill him.”

Iris answered Luke, who had rushed over in a panic.

“Well, this is probably what humans are like. But even as a vessel, it’s quite something to be able to hurt me this much.”

Iris’s left arm, which she had raised, had been cleanly cut off at the elbow.

“Amazing. . .”

Luke couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw Iris’s arm.

Even a divine beast couldn’t hurt Iris’s body, and yet a human, who wasn’t even a demon, was able to wield this much power. . .

Luke felt as if he had been shown the potential of humans once again.



“Make sure to tell that old man. He can be proud for generations that he wounded me.”

“Master. . .?. . .That body!”

Luke, who felt a sense of discomfort in those words and turned around, let out a surprised voice.

There were fine cracks running on Iris’s face.

The cracks were gradually getting bigger, and they were about to cover her whole body while we were watching.

“It seems like we’re out of time.”

Every time Iris opened her mouth, fragments fell from the cracks.

It was as if we were watching a time-worn mud wall weathering in fast forward.

“What on earth is that body. . .”

“It seems I pushed it too hard in the battle with the divine beast. After all, it’s just a vessel, so it wasn’t going to last long, but it seems that old man’s blow was the last straw.”

A vessel must constantly emit magical power to maintain its form.

Although the vessel created by Iris should have a durability that is orders of magnitude different from ordinary ones, it seems that it could not withstand the enormous magical power possessed by the demon’s soul.

With a clink, Iris’s left arm fell off and shattered.


Alma involuntarily turned her face away.

“Don’t make that face. It’s not like I’m going to die or anything.”

Iris smiled as she crumbled.

“Luke, it was fun to be in the world after a long time. Well, I’ll be waiting for you in the mountains. I’ll leave the rest to you.”

At the same time as those words, her entire body finally crumbled.

The body, which had become as delicate as pottery, was blown away by the wind.

All that was left was a single magic stone, as red as Iris’s eyes.

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