
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 117


“A semi-magical creature? What’s that? I’ve never heard of it before.”

“I’ve only heard about it in stories, this is the first time I’ve seen one.”

Luke continued his story with caution as the semi-magical creature passed by.

“Geothermal heat, pressure, surrounding geology, magic elements accumulated over a long period of time in certain conditions are converted into pure magic elements, eventually becoming capable of autonomous behavior like a living creature. It’s called a semi-magical creature because it has the properties of pure magical creatures like demons or fairies, but it’s not a living creature.”

“So that’s what it is. . .”

Miranda swallowed hard.

The surface of the semi-magical creature pulsed as if it were alive.

But it belonged to no creature, it was a solitary existence that left no offspring.

Luke remembered Namil’s words.

A thousand years ago, Iris, who came to this land, went into the mountains alone, and afterwards, the black spot fever subsided.

She probably exterminated the semi-magical creature that was occurring at that time.

But as time passed, the magic elements accumulated again, and a semi-magical creature was produced.

That’s why she built the water gate.

“Eek! It’s coming this way!”

“Why is it coming this way!”

The pathetic screams of Runker and the others could be heard.

The semi-magical creature was approaching the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, trembling.

“Why is it heading towards them?”

“They were the ones who destroyed the gate, and it may remember their presence. Or it may have remembered their scent because they went inside the gate.”

Luke answered Alma, who was watching with a curious look.

“No, no joke! I can’t stay here! I’m going home!”

“Me too!”

“I didn’t want to come here in the first place!”

The three members of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 turned on their heels and started running.

“Wait! First, calm down. . .”

Luke tried to stop them in a hurry, but it was too late.

That was the trigger, and the soldiers also ran away in fear.

“Hey, hey, first of all, me. . .bugya!!”

Clavi was kicked and trampled by the fleeing soldiers.

Luke could only watch with a pained expression.

“It’s no good. . .even if we run. . .”

“What?! I can’t move forward! What’s going on!”

Runker, who had suddenly stopped, was pounding the air in front of him with his fist.

The others were the same.

They were all confused by the invisible wall that had suddenly appeared in the air.

“Luke, this is. . .”

“Yes, it’s a territorial blockade.”

A semi-magical creature could use a territorial blockade, which could only be used by a dungeon boss-class demon beast.

“In other words, unless we defeat it. . .”

“We can’t get out.”



Without any warning, something like a tentacle sprang out from the body of the half-magical creature and wrapped around Runker’s arm.


Runker, half-crazed, desperately slashed at it with his sword, but the half-magical creature was unharmed.

Runker’s arm gradually turned black.

“Hiiii! Help. . .”

The one who cut off that tentacle was Luke with his Adamant Slime sword.

“Be careful! They’re after you guys!”

“W, Why us?”

“I don’t know. But do you guys have any idea? Magic resistance.”

Luke cast a resistance spell on the remnants of the tentacle wrapped around Runker’s arm.

However, even though it was hit with a high-level magic spell that would turn even demons to ash, the remnants did not disappear, only shrank.

“What an incredible magic resistance. That spell should have been unbearable even for demons.”

Luke, tongue-tied, peeled off the tentacle with his sword.

“Ahhh! My arm, my arm is ahhh!”

Runker was crying out.

His right arm, which had been wrapped in the tentacle, had turned completely black.

“Damn it! Damn it! Why did this happen. . . It’s all your fault!”

Runker glared at Clavi.

It was a look of hatred that one would not expect to be directed at a patron.

“How are you going to take responsibility for making my arm like this!”

“What, what are you saying!”

Clavi was clearly flustered by Runker’s revelation.

“When did I ever tell you guys to do that. Do you have any proof!”

“Proof?! I’m the proof! From now on, you’re going to take care of me for the rest of my life! If not, I’ll expose everything! Then it’s over for both me and you!”

“Don’t be ridiculous! You, a lowly creature, are threatening me, a council member! You’re finished! Never show up in front of me again!”

Alma sighed at the ugly dispute between the two.

“. . .What should we do about that?”

“Let’s leave them alone, this is more important right now.”

Luke shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the half-magical creature.

Advanced Chapters

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