
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 105

𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞

The several demon beasts that invaded Poorman Village were all exterminated in about an hour by Luke and Alma.

“Wow, amazing. . . They easily took care of all those demon beasts. . .”

All the villagers were at a loss for words.

The strength of Luke and Alma was that overwhelming.

Kick, holding a bucket filled with Elde, came to the village square where the demon beasts had disappeared.

“I’ve sewn Elde into all the noticeable cracks and entrances for now. This should provide some defense.”

“Thank you, Kick.”

Kick smiled at Hikushin, who was sitting down weakly.

“Looks like you had a close call.”

At those words, Hikushin turned his face away, his shoulders trembling.

“Why. . .”

Hikushin muttered in a fading voice.

“Why. . . did you save me? I. . . I insulted you beastkin! I even used dirty tricks! Yet why! Why!”

His muttering voice gradually turned into a scream.

It was a scream of self-accusation.

“Well, it’s in the past.”

Kick answered nonchalantly.

“We’ve always helped each other out when we’re in trouble, living in the same forest. That being said, I can’t forgive the insult, so I’ll have you apologize. As for the alcohol, I should be the one thanking you.”

“But. . . that won’t satisfy me.”

“Well, well, more importantly, we need to deal with the demon beasts now. We can’t let our guard down yet.”

“Speaking of which, wasn’t the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 supposed to be here? I don’t see them around.”

Luke looked around.

There was no sign of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 or any other adventurers in the village.

“. . .They’re in the forest.”

Hikushin bit his lip in frustration.

“They. . . ignore the demon beasts that don’t bring in money. They’re in the forest now because they heard a rare demon beast appeared. They don’t care about us at all.”

“As usual, huh.”

Luke held his head.

“But since this is a request from the guild, wouldn’t there be some kind of punishment if we file a complaint?”

“”It’s impossible.””

Hikushin and Kick’s voices overlapped.

“Mercapolis is a city of merchants. The guild doesn’t listen to us forest dwellers who don’t bring in money.”

“And the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 is connected to Clavi, a member of the Mercapolis Council. Any opinions that would tarnish their reputation are suppressed.”

“I see.”

“That’s why they can do whatever they want in the forest. No matter how much we’re exploited by them, it doesn’t become a topic in Mercapolis.”

Kick spat out in frustration.

“Poorman Village is the same. Whether we’re human or beastkin, we’re all being preyed upon by them in the forest. That’s why there’s no point in us harboring resentment against each other.”


Hikushin once again put his hands together at Kick’s words.

“Kick. . . I’m really sorry. I was only concerned with what was in front of me. I was the fool for looking down on you beastkin.”

“No, that’s why it’s okay. I’m not used to being apologized to, so it makes me itch.”

“Anyway, let’s regroup now. We can’t rely on the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, and we’re out of Elde’s stock, so we’ll have to keep watch and hold out.”

“Oh, it’s terrible!”

A villager rushed in.

“There’s a terrible demon beast rampaging in the forest! The adventurers can’t handle it!”

“R, Runker! I didn’t hear about this!”

Gustav’s voice was already filled with tears.

“Hey, don’t be pessimistic! If you have time to do that, move your hands!”

“But, how. . . how do we deal with this guy!”

“. . .Tsk.”

Runker had no words to return.

The enemy in front of him was that powerful.

The demon beast was over several tens of meters long, looking down at the four from far above.

Despite being attacked with full force for several hours, there was not a single scratch on the body covered in rainbow scales.

━Ancient Dragon Balthazar━ This was the first time Runker had seen it.

The strongest dragon species living in the deep mountains of the demon realm, the king of all dragons, even the Demon King does not set foot in his dwelling, the story of Balthazar has already reached the realm of myth.

Damn, why did this happen, Runker cursed himself.

While chasing a rare demon beast, he had entered deep into the forest, and before he knew it, Balthazar was in front of him.

By the time he tried to escape, it was too late, and he was trapped in the area.

Balthazar’s body is surrounded by an area seal, which means that if Balthazar moves, the creatures in that range have no choice but to move as well.

Thus, before he knew it, he had come near Poorman Village.

It doesn’t matter to Runker what happens to that village, but he can’t get out unless he defeats it.

So for several hours, he had been fighting a reckless battle, but his physical strength was already at its limit.

“Leslie, is the escape magic still not ready?!”

“Please wait a little longer. . .! It’s not easy when you’re dealing with such magical power!”

Leslie, who was always calm, could only return words mixed with screams.

“It’s no good, I’ve used up all the magic stones! I don’t have any magical power left!”

Ethel collapsed from her knees to the ground.

“We’re all going to be eaten by this lizard. I told you to stop! Take responsibility!”

“Don’t mess with me! You’re the one who chased after the demon beast! Don’t push your responsibility onto others!”

“Huh? You’re the one who said it was this way! I don’t know! You have to do something about it!”



Completely desperate, Gustav and Ethel began to quarrel, ignoring Balthazar.

“You guys! Focus on the fight. . .”

Distracted, he was a moment too late to notice the murderous intent coming from the side.

Balthazar’s giant claws grabbed Runker.

The sensation of his bones shattering throughout his body made his consciousness fade.


The screams of the three did not reach Runker’s ears.

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