
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 101

𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞’𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

Luke confessed everything to Leah, Namil, and the villagers.

He revealed that it was Pit who had informed them about the warehouse attack and that Pit was being sheltered by Falx.

In hindsight, he should have foreseen this outcome once he realized that it was the work of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》.

This was a consequence of his own shortcomings.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault the village is in danger. . .”

“It’s not Luke-san’s fault!”

Leah hugged Luke, who was bowing his head.

“Because Luke-san saved Onii-chan. As long as Onii-chan is safe, it doesn’t matter that our house was destroyed!”

“Leah. . .”

“Leah is right.”

Namil approached Luke.

“Luke-san, don’t blame yourself so much. Even if Pit hadn’t come to you, this would have happened the moment you decided to break with them.”

“That’s right! We were prepared from the start. We would have refused even if they begged us.”

Kick emphatically agreed.

“It all started when they plotted against Natalia-san. They are the culprits, yet they have the audacity to act so boldly.”

Namil continued.

“They came earlier not just for Pit. You might have heard already, but they demanded an increase in defense fees against demon beasts, asking for ten silver coins per villager. Thanks to you selling Crete wine, we could pay, but we refused to be exploited by them anymore.”

“Is that so. . .”

“Pit passing information to you means that child still cares for the village. You saved such a person. No one here thinks of blaming you. Instead, we are grateful.”

“Namil-san. . .”

When Luke raised his face, there were villagers around him looking at him.

There was no one showing anger or confusion on their faces.

“. . .Thank you.”

Luke stood up, wiping his eyes.

Now was not the time to blame himself.

He had to deal with the consequences of his own actions.

“Please let me help with the demon beast defense! I won’t let a single demon beast near this village.”

“Is that alright? We thought to handle it ourselves. . .”

“Of course. I’ve wanted to help ever since I heard about the demon beast activity. Please let me fight alongside everyone.”

Namil firmly grasped Luke’s hand.

“If you say so, there’s nothing more reassuring. With you on our side, it’s like having a hundred extra hands.”

“I’ll use all my abilities to protect the village. Let’s start right away.”

Luke quickly tidied the house with Leah and returned to the hall.





In the hall, the villagers were working on a large cauldron just like before.

“By the way, what exactly are you doing?”

“This is a demon beast repellent passed down in our village. It’s made by boiling the bark of a tree called Everde that grows in the forest. It has the effect of repelling demon beasts.”

Bolz took out a giant brush made by wrapping cloth around the tip from the cauldron.

Dark purple dye dripped from the tip.

“When we apply this to the walls and fences around the village, it keeps away small demon beasts.”

“Wow, that’s something. This could be sold, couldn’t it?”

Sicily looked into the cauldron’s dye with interest.

Luke tilted his head at Bolz’s words.

“Everde. . . Have I heard that before. . . Wait, is Everde the tree with the white bark?”

“Exactly. It’s a tree that grows only around here, but you seem to know it well.”

“I see. . . If that’s the case. . . Do yellow flowers called Crested Daisy grow around here too?”

Bolz’s eyes widened at Luke’s words.

“Why do you ask? We collect Kanmurigiku too because it has demon beast repelling effects. Look, over there.”

Bolz pointed to a bunch of yellow flowers drying.

“The scent of these flowers also repels demon beasts, so we hang them at the eaves. Like Everde, it’s a demon beast repellent that’s been passed down in this village for generations.”

“Such traditions are quite interesting. In Mercapolis, there’s a belief that painting doors red keeps demon beasts away.”

Natalia looked around with interest.

“No, this isn’t just a tradition. . .”

“Trouble! A demon beast has appeared!”

Just as Luke was about to speak, a beastkin ran in from the back of the village.

“A spike bear is headed this way!”

The village was enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

“Everyone, get ready with weapons! We’ll face it together!”

Boris quickly issued commands to the villagers and bowed his head to Luke.

“Luke-san, I’m sorry to ask this of you, but can you help? A spike bear is quite a burden to handle.”

“No, there might be no need for that.”

Luke calmly picked up the dried Kanmurigiku.

Bolz sighed apologetically.

“Luke-san. . . I hate to raise your hopes, but nobody believes it really works. The demon beast repellent is more like a superstition.”

“It might be just a smell, but if you do this. . .”

Luke threw the Kanmurigiku into the cauldron.

“What are you doing?!”

“It’s okay, just a little stirring. . . this should do.”

With Bolz looking on in surprise, Luke stirred the cauldron with the giant brush.

“””What on earth?!”””

Murmurs rose among the watching villagers.

The dye, which had been dark purple, had now turned a vivid deep red.

“Let’s go check its effectiveness right away!”

Luke shouldered the dripping brush and ran off.

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