
The Legendary Villainess Who Vanished on the Guillotine, in Her Second Life She Wishes for Peace as a Studious, Plain Glasses-Wearing Person – Chapter 37

Chapter 37: The Birth of the Strongest Helper

What is Yserra-sama’s objective?

We immediately discussed it in the library, but we couldn’t come up with an answer.

Witches are feared all over the world. Due to past discrimination, there are no witches involved in any country’s government, and that’s the same for all countries.

Furthermore, using a witch’s magic for political purposes is prohibited by international law. Witches should never cooperate with acts of war or spy activities.

The agreement made by the leaders at that time has never been violated to this day, and if any country violates the law, it will undoubtedly receive sanctions from the major powers, including our own country.

In other words, the possibility of Yserra-sama being a spy for some country is not zero, but it is extremely low.

That’s why her actions are unpredictable and scary. If her motive were just a matter of romantic feelings, it would be easier to understand, but it could also be for reasons that we can’t even imagine.

“It seems like we should report this to His Majesty the King.”

No one opposed when Elias-sama quietly spoke these words.

Now that we have evidence that she is a witch, reporting it in itself is not a particularly problematic thing.

Most likely, His Majesty the King has his own spy organization. All heads of state have such things.

We can’t accuse her of brainwashing just because she’s a witch, but if a witch approached His Highness the Crown Prince, there is more than enough reason to conduct a background check.

She has such dark magic that she must have used it somewhere.

If they investigate any suspicious activity, including Yserra-sama’s past, they may find something.

“Elias, can I ask you to do this?”

“Of course. Leave it to me.”

When Camilo asked, Elias-sama nodded as if it were obvious.

Upon receiving the dependable words of the second prince, Alondra spoke thoughtfully.

“Now His Majesty the King will investigate. Until the results come out, there’s nothing we can do but investigate and monitor.”

“That’s certainly true. It would be best if we could find evidence of brainwashing…”

As I was trying to think of a way to handle the situation, Camilo raised his eyebrows and spoke up without hesitation.

“That’s too dangerous, it’s out of the question!”

“I-Is it really that bad…?!”

I was completely denied.

It’s true that my lack of magical power wouldn’t be of any use, but it feels like they’re being too overprotective.

“Well, for now, it’s best to behave ourselves.”

Elias-sama’s wry smile seemed to have the warmth of an observer. Alondra nodded slightly with the same expression.

And so, we had a brief moment of normalcy until the investigation was over.


It was a few days after Yserra-sama was revealed to be a witch.

Walking down the hallway to go to club activities with Crustia-san, I blinked at the sight of someone with red hair at the end of the hallway.

“Oh? Is that Camilo-kun?”

“Yes, it seems like he’s talking to someone.”

The person he was talking to was a large male student.

He was even taller and more muscular than the already tall Camilo, with a well-built physique.

That’s Nicholas, the son of Count Trago and a second-year student in Mardiq Club.

I’ve heard that he’s become the club president after the retirement of the third-year students this summer and that he has almost the same level of skill as Camilo.

Because he stands out with his large physique, he’s a popular person that even someone like me who is unfamiliar with the world would know.

But what are they talking about? Nicholas is desperately bowing his head with his hands clasped in front of his face.

“It’s just as I said, Camilo! We’re in trouble because one of our regular players is out injured for a long time! Think of it as helping out your old team!”

“That’s why I’m busy. I resigned from the club, so I don’t intend to come back.”

“Can’t you join the club again just once?! Please, we can’t afford to lose the traditional practice game!”

Nicholas is practically begging, while Camilo doesn’t even try to hide his annoyance.

They are arguing in our direction, so as they get closer and closer, I end up making eye contact with Camilo in the end.

“Leticia! And also, the Vice President.”


“Hello, Camilo-kun. What’s going on?”

When Crustia-san asked the question in her calm voice, Camilo’s face lit up as if he had just received something good.

“Actually, Mardiq Club asked me to help them out. We have a meeting now, right? I’ll come with you guys.”

I see. It seems like we appeared at just the right time to turn down the invitation from his former club.

But is it really okay? Nicholas-sama seems to be in real trouble.

“Camilo! Don’t gooooo! Please, I’m begging you!”

“You’re being annoying, Nicholas. I’m having fun with the Volunteer Club, and I already said I don’t plan on going back to Mardiq Club.”

Camilo sighed in annoyance, but I couldn’t help but blurt out what I was thinking.

“I kind of want to see Mardiq…”

Camilo’s shoulders twitched.

Oops, I shouldn’t have said something unnecessary.

But I really wanted to see Camilo’s match. I had only seen him fight once before, during his debut match.

He must look so cool. But it was his decision, not mine, so it wouldn’t be right for me to ask insensitively.


“If you’re that troubled, then there’s no choice, Nicholas. I’ll participate as a helper.”

Let’s go to the club, Camilo.

I almost choked on my own words that I was about to say.

Wait, why did he change his mind in just a moment?

He seemed to hate the idea so much earlier.

“Is it true, Camilo? Thank you soooo much!”

“I didn’t quit because I hated Mardiq. It’s good to join occasionally.”

“Thank you! Thank you so much, Camilo!”

In front of Nicholas-sama, who was shouting with excitement, Camilo seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

Maybe he was influenced by his friends’ enthusiasm. Good for you, Nicholas-sama.

And I’m also happy about it. I felt responsible because if he hadn’t regained his memories, he wouldn’t have quit the Mardiq Club.

…Well, I really want to go see it, but maybe I should hold back. If someone like me went to see a popular sports team’s game, I would definitely stand out.

“Oh my, Camilo-kun, are you participating in the Mardiq game? If so, shall we, the Volunteer Club, go cheer for you?”

However, just when I was thinking about that, Crustia-san said something surprising with a calm smile.

Going to cheer for Camilo as a club? I never even thought of it, but that sounds like a lot of fun.

“That would be great! Please come and cheer for me!”

And because Camilo showed me a bright smile like the sun, my heart began to feel warm and cozy.

…I see. He would be happy if we went to cheer for him.

“I’ll ask about it in today’s meeting. Are you heading to the Mardiq Club now, Camilo-kun?”

“Yes, I’ll do that. Sorry, Vice Captain.”

“It’s alright. Helping people is the foundation of the Volunteer Club, right? Isn’t that right, Leticia-chan?”

Caught off guard by the sudden question, I gave an uncertain response, “Uh, yeah. That’s right.”

Without showing any concern for my inability to keep up with the conversation, Camilo looked straight at me.

“Will you come too, Leticia?”

“Uh? Um, yes. I’ll go. I’ll come.”

I nodded vigorously.

At that moment, I realized that Camilo’s smile was the same one he only showed when we were alone together.

And at the same time, I realized that Camilo had shown me an expression that he didn’t normally show in front of others.

“Well then, I’ll be going. Vice Captain, Leticia, please do your best with the club activities.”

“Okay. Good luck, Camilo-kun.”

After exchanging greetings with Crustia-san, Camilo took the lead and walked away, even ahead of Nicholas-sama.

He seems to be very motivated. Could it be because I said I wanted to see it…?

No, no, no, that’s just conceited thinking. There’s no way it could be because of that.

“Fufu, I’m looking forward to it, right Leticia-chan? Well then, shall we go too?”

“…Yes, Crustia-san.”

And I feel like Crustia-san’s smile also contains a hint of teasing, but maybe that’s just my imagination.

I want to think it’s just my imagination.

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