
The Heroine Ran Away! the Villainous Daughter Has to Break off Her Engagement and Tame Her Watchdog Mage – Chapter 60

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟎: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐠

We headed towards the church where Noah-sama would likely be.

I clung onto Cid’s back on the magic scooter as we rode through the town at a slow speed.

Onii-sama, who was riding alongside us, His main purpose being to personally stop his best friend’s rampage, while Cid had the righteous justification of “capturing Noah is my job.”

Although they didn’t look pleased about taking me along, they insisted on coming with me because they didn’t want to leave me behind. If Noah-sama caused all this for my sake, it would be too sad.

“You’re quite fast, aren’t you? We were just in the square a moment ago.”

Cid, who was driving the magic scooter, chuckled lightly.

“Could it be that it’s because of me that the plan went awry. . .?”

I had a bad feeling since we had set up so much in the square.

As I expected, it seems that Noah-sama managed to escape because of me, causing my older brother to give a wry smile.

“Noah had an extraordinary animosity towards Cid, so I thought I would definitely witness the moment he would be beheaded. We had him surrounded as a lookout, but he managed to escape in the confusion caused by Viara’s intrusion.”

“I’m so sorry!!”

I clung onto Cid’s back and felt intense remorse.

I couldn’t just stand by and watch because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to Cid.

“No, I should have explained properly and brought Viara with me. Or I should have explained and asked her to wait. It’s my fault for skipping the dialogue, and I’m the one who should be reflecting.”

“Onii-sama, you’re so kind!! I love you!!”

I squealed with delight, and Cid chuckled and shook his body slightly.

“I was glad that Vi-sama came. I was captivated by your coolness. And when you flew in, I caught a glimpse of your thigh, and it was strangely alluring.”


“Hahaha. . .!!”

“If you say anything more, I’ll break your ribs!”

I punched him in the side as he was driving, almost causing us to crash into a house.

Perhaps the timing was a bit off.

“Well, I was complimenting you.”


I glared at him with half-closed eyes, thinking that it was a mistake to come to his aid. But Cid quickly recovered and increased the speed.

“The church is just ahead. I don’t want Viara to meet Noah, but do you absolutely have to go?”

“We’ve come this far, we can’t just wait.”

“If you agree, I can teleport us there.”

Ah, I see. So that’s an option.

I shook my head slightly.

“No, I want to stay by Cid’s side.”

I couldn’t bear to be left behind anymore.

I gripped his waist tighter, and his left-hand rested on top of mine.

His slightly rough and large hand gently strokes mine.

“Then please don’t ever let go. And also. . .I won’t hold back against Noah, so be prepared.”

His voice suddenly became serious, causing me to startle.

I pressed my cheek against his back and murmured, “I understand.”


Upon arriving at the church, a sinister black mist hung over the white palace-like building.

“This is incredible.”

Onii-sama immediately dispelled it with magic.

There seemed to be no priests or servants, and it was eerily quiet, as if it were midnight.

“What a final boss vibe.”

I couldn’t help but mutter, and Cid tightly held my hand.

“The final boss, huh? The last strong enemy,” 

“Yes, exactly.”

“Well, doesn’t it look cool? Just don’t fall for Noah more than you do for me, okay?” 

“Oh, that won’t happen.”

As I easily denied it, Cid smiled satisfactorily.

“When you witness this dark atmosphere and ambiance, you won’t want to come to the church ever again.”

It became like a den of evil.

When I expressed my feelings, Cid laughed with a troubled expression.

“That would be a problem~ We’re having the wedding ceremony at the church, you know? I’m alive to see Vi-sama in her bride attire.”

“Oh. . .?!”

Although it was too early, my cheeks relaxed.

“You’re cute.”

When I looked up, there’s someone with an even wider grin than me.

My brother confidently continued forward alone, pushing deeper into the church.

Onii-sama is boldly advancing alone.

Cid followed behind me, as if protecting me.

“What is that black mist?”

“It’s a dense miasma. The price of the contract. . .”

“A contract?”

As we open the large door and enter, we discover a hidden door leading downstairs at the back of the chapel. It’s something we wouldn’t notice under normal circumstances, but the door is slightly ajar, and black mist is emanating from it, giving it away.

Onii-sama dispelled the mist just like outside, and we descended the stairs.

“Noah, despite being a priest, has obtained the power of dark magic that affects the mind. With that power, he is manipulating His Majesty, the Queen, and other church members.”

I had never heard of a priest using dark magic.

And the church claims that “mages are impure because they use dark magic,” so it contradicts that a priest would become like that.

Noah-sama, who had incorporated something that should have been abhorred, must have intended to take over the country by manipulating the royal family. . .

“The church is also a place where cursed divine tools and magical artifacts are sealed with holy power. Although it is thought of as just a place to pray to God, the purpose of sealing was stronger when it was first built. Of course, this is kept secret, so ordinary people don’t know. If Vi-sama had become the Princess, she would have been informed after the marriage.”

How does Cid know such confidential information?

When I directed my questioning gaze at him, he said that he had been taught by Master Grat a few years ago.

“Noah must have taken advantage of a vulnerability in his heart and fallen victim to the curse of the divine artifact. We don’t know how much of his will remains, but he. . . there’s no turning back for him. I don’t know what the contract with the divine artifact entails, but if we destroy it, Noah will die.”

Noah-sama, will die.

Cid’s voice was unwavering, and I could feel from his back that Onii-sama also agreed.

“There’s no way to save him, right?”

“The dense black mist overflowing here is evidence that Noah’s mind and body have reached their limit. Even if we can seal the cursed divine tools again, Noah’s body won’t last long.”

Onii-sama didn’t say a word and continued straight ahead into the underground.

His face, illuminated by the light, was expressionless, making it even more painful to look at.

“Why did Noah-sama go to such lengths. . .”

“We believe that he took advantage of his unrequited love for you.”

I felt strength in the hand I was holding.

“It’s my fault. . .? No, that’s not it.”

“Wow, you denied it quickly. Though you’re not wrong, you deny it quickly.”

Well, it can’t be helped since it’s the truth.

Noah-sama and I were not particularly close, except for occasional visits to my house to meet Onii-sama or when he went to the church or orphanage. 

We see each other once or twice a month, but we rarely have the chance to be alone together. I honestly don’t understand why he would develop such complicated feelings for me, as there doesn’t seem to be any reason for it. 

“I can never belong to Noah-sama.”

I understand the frustration of an unrequited love that feels within reach but remains out of grasp, as I have experienced it with Cid. However, using that as a reason to involve many people and manipulate the royal family is simply wrong. 

If I were the heroine, would I be impressed by someone’s love for me and think, “I want to help them”? 

Of course, I want Noah-sama to return to his kind self, and I don’t want him to die.

But. . .if I think about it too deeply, my heart feels like it’s going to burst, so I decided not to think about it.

“I can only protect my family, Cid, and the people within my sight. I can’t help but think that Noah-sama is pitiful or apologize for my sake. Do you think I’m a terrible woman?”

I can’t live if Cid looks down on me.

As I anxiously stared at him, he turned around after descending the final staircase and leaned towards me.

Then, he suddenly smiled and brought his face closer to mine, which was two steps below.

“It’s surprising that you don’t trust me that much.”

Our soft lips met, and I was astonished.

“I don’t care about the public’s opinion. But if Vi-sama becomes a terrible woman, I will become an even worse man.”

“Even if it means selling your soul to the devil?”

I casually said that, and Cid’s smile deepened.

“Yes. When the time comes to sell my soul to the devil, please invite me. I will accompany you no matter where.”

“Hehe. . .You’re so obedient.”

“Yes. I’m your dog, after all.”

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