
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 188

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖𝟖: 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐫 (1)

Approximately 16 years later.

In the cosmos of the Milky Way, an era of peace and harmony had arrived, and there was no race that did not prosper.

➖Today is the first coronation of the great monarch.

Flick! Flick!

In a gigantic structure resembling a circular arena, the Crolrs gathered, stamping their feet in unison and chanting.

“Racliaak Crola!”

➖The Crolr shall live forever!

The former monarch, Dracatarr, draped a red mantle over Racliaa. Then the Crolrs shouted again.

“Racliaa Karida!”

➖We are in awe! Racliaa, the great monarch!

Racliaa closed his large, single eye and bowed his four legs to show his deep respect to Dracatarr.

➖Dracatarr. You, who were the strongest special forces warrior and the wisest monarch, I, commander-in-chief Racliaa, bear on my shoulders all the Crolr souls from our warm star, and I swear to devote everything so as not to be a monarch who brings shame to you and to the 40.8 billion Crolr comrades.

➖Racliaa. The choice you made for the future of our race was by no means an easy one. I am sorry that I, a warrior, have made you carry such a heavy burden on your soul. However, you will make the Crolrs eternal, just as you have done until now. I will sincerely wish and support that the eternal soul embedded in your name will be the future of the Crolr, and I, this old body, will step down from the position of monarch and watch over you and the future generations until the day I die.

The Elite&the Ririm surrounding Dracatarr and Racliaa declared.

➖March 5, 2637 of the solar calendar. The signing of the New Universe Civilization Union and the Hive Alliance. And the signing of the Ririm, the ruling race of the Magellanic Galaxy.

➖From today, the official leader and monarch of the Crolr has been succeeded from Dracatarr to Racliaa, and this is recorded in the information network of all races in the Milky Way galaxy.


Queen Hyraguroa visited the imperial family of the Aooa.

When the queen’s attendants brought in a flat machine on their backs, the Aooa elders took the machine and displayed a hologram.

It was a translation of the conversation between the queen and the emperor.

【It is evident that the life engineering technology of the Hyraguroa race has advanced to this extent, seeing you live so long. Your Majesty.】

【We have become free from lifespan.】

【How do you feel about discovering the freedom of lifespan, following the Chimeraz and humans?】

【Since we are not machines, we think we need to pursue a new mindset when it comes to accepting death.】

【There must be concerns that there may come a day when you get tired of a life without aging and death. It is not necessarily a good thing to live forever. . . . Still, if the entire race lives forever together, that would be a different story.】

【Is that so. . . . For now, I am considering a law that would allow euthanasia for those who wish to die. What are the Aooa’s thoughts?】

【We have yet to unlock the secret of aging in our genetic chain. . . . It may be a bit premature, but we believe that it is possible for a sentient being to choose death because it is life. That is why we respect it.】


An unnamed planet in an unnamed galaxy.

This is a land that was once home to a weak race that flourished its civilization but was destroyed by the invasion of the Ycloquasar and left abandoned for 16 years.

Here, the Ririm and the Parahtoria are sowing life.

The Parahtoria turns inorganic matter into organic matter, and the Ririm grows with that organic matter as nutrients to create a natural environment.

➖Found the skeleton of an extinct race.

➖Are there any genetic remains?

➖Fortunately, there is bone marrow left, so it seems that we can revive the race that existed in this star system.

➖I would like you to provide a suitable environment.

➖It was a planet with a humid and hot environment and a gradual increase in the carbon dioxide ratio.

➖If it is carbon dioxide, animal organisms would be necessary.

➖First, we will spread our mycelium. Once a suitable atmosphere is created, we can restore the native plant species as much as possible and evolve the primitive native races.

➖Understood. I will summarize it and report to Nazar.


The Reptured of the Triangulum galaxy have achieved a great and superior civilization, not falling behind the Chimeraz and humans.

The Reptured were given the role (order) by the New Universe Civilization Union (and Lopez) to manage all the machine races in the Milky Way galaxy. That is why the Reptured is now connecting all the machine races in the Milky Way galaxy.

The Reptured goes to each of the machine races one by one, analyzes their minds, simulates possible events and futures that could become variables, and manages the machine races’ wrong choices or potential threats.

Now, there is no machine race in the Milky Way galaxy that has not been analyzed by the Reptured. The Reptured has programmed part of their own minds into the systems of all machine races and is currently calculating, excluding, and managing hundreds of millions of futures.

A gigantic structure enveloping the star.

Each molecule of this structure is a member of the Reptured, becoming the most advanced quantum computer.

The leader of this Reptured race is Teptorm, and Teptorm is also the artificial intelligence Transcendencer.

Therefore, Teptorm was a being capable of having a conversation with himself.

【87.5 billion humans】

【The Chimeraz are incalculable】

【The Aooa 12 billion】

【The Crolr 40.8 billion.】

【The Ririm are incalculable】

【The Parahtoria are incalculable】

【The Hyraguroa 87.7 billion】

【The Quakacor 78.5 billion】

【. . .】

【What do you think? Transcendencer.】

【Synthesizing similar simulation paths, there are strong common conditions for variables that can cause the stability of the Milky Way galaxy to reach the ‘warning’ stage.】

【If it is a common condition, it would be the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy.】

【Yes. The protected planet designated as the target of the Ririm&the Parahtoria’s race revival project is invaded by some collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy, and a new collective consciousness force is created against the Quakacor, who are trying to prevent this.】

【In that case, we must prevent the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy from invading the protected planet. Why don’t we warn the collective consciousness races that are trying to invade the protected planet by putting Wardrone, who recently requested a subordinate review through the Quakacor, at the forefront?】

【That is a good idea, but it seems that it will only be a temporary solution. Wardrone is backed by the Quakacor, and the Quakacor is backed by the Hive Alliance, so the warning will be communicated, but as time passes, the effect of the warning will diminish, and new collective consciousness races entering the space age will follow the same procedure.】

【How about releasing the war suppression of the Andromeda galaxy and inducing some collective consciousness races to go to war, letting them determine the hierarchy among themselves?】

【What is the role of the Quakacor in such a situation?】

【They will mediate when one of the races is on the verge of extinction, divide the hierarchy, and distribute the habitable planets in order of hierarchy.】

【Good. I think it is necessary for the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy, who have been suppressing war for too long, to release their desires and determine their hierarchy.】

【Understood. Then, I will summarize the results of this suggested war simulation and report it to Karcon-nim, Anima Sela-nims, and Lopez-nim to obtain permission.】


The Andromeda galaxy has become a huge territory where collective consciousness races gather.

Empress Karcon is dealing with a collective consciousness that wants to become a subordinate of the Quakacor even today.

➖Empress. Our Wardrone legion has belatedly realized that the true master of the Andromeda galaxy is the Quakacor.

The owner of the collective consciousness race that visited Empress Karcon today is a large reptile-like creature with four legs and tentacles.

➖If I accept the Wardrone as a subordinate, what can you do, and what do you want from our race?

➖Our origin is predators. That is why we travel around wild planets without intelligent civilizations, hunt native species, fill our stomachs, and eat their brains to evolve. Therefore, what we want is to be allowed to roam wild planets and hunt and evolve under the permission of the Hive Alliance. If the Quakacor grants us what we want, we can become hunters who can hunt creatures that are hostile to the Hive Alliance.

➖You are quite aggressive.

➖To be exact, it is a pure nature. However, we are also aware that we are being evaluated as a dangerous race. Isn’t that why we need to be controlled by the Quakacor and the Hive Alliance even more?

➖It would be difficult if the Wardrone attacked the wild planets that the Ririm and the Parahtoria barely restored.

➖We do not know how to distinguish between planets that can be hunted and planets that cannot. That is why we want to avoid getting revenge from the powerful Hive Alliance by accidentally hunting a certain planet.

➖Alright. Then, be controlled as a subordinate of the Quakacor. Then, I will let you know which planets your race can hunt in the future. Instead, since you will become a subordinate, the operation of your legion must be under my control and management.

➖I see. Can you recognize us as subordinates starting today?

➖Even if I allow it, you must pass the Chimeraz’s review. That is because we, the Quakacor, are also affiliated with the Hive Alliance.

➖What kind of review is it?

➖There is a review that evaluates the race in various aspects such as the race’s tendency, mindset, beliefs, ruling system, size, transcendence stage, and transcendence direction. If you want to become a subordinate of the Chimeraz, which is the Hive Alliance, and receive the convenience that comes with it, you must definitely pass the Chimeraz’s review first. I will make a suggestion now, so I will let you know when the permission is granted. Then, you can go to Hecartra and take the review.

➖I see. Then, should I go to Hecartra and find Anima Selas-nim?

➖Cecilie Celina-nim is in charge of evaluating and reviewing races that will enter the Hive Alliance’s framework.

➖ . . . Cecilie Celina. I see. What is the rank of that leader?

➖In fact, she is between Ludwig and Anima Selas. If we follow her current rank, we can say that she is around 1.5th place.

➖Higher than that Ludwig? Was there such a being in the Chimeraz. . .?


The Chimeraz colony of the planet Petra.

Giant structures that are more than 1 km tall are connected to each other like spider webs by tentacles, breathing as one living organism.

Even a tiny mycelium attached to the surface of the colony structure forms an ecosystem with hundreds of wild Chimeraz, and the Xenotera on the ground has become a living road that does not get muddy and partially turns into a solid like a rock whenever someone steps on it.

Kaka, kaka, kaka. . . .

When a large ground-type Asotus, maneuvering with dozens of legs, entered the Chimeraz colony, the surrounding legions focused their attention.

Jjeok. . .

From Asotus’s mouth she came out on tentacles.

“Aaaaah. . .! Ugh! I’m tired!”

She yawned and stretched vigorously.

White hair with a slight wave at the ends that reaches only to her shoulders, pale skin, and purple, glowing eyes. Her aristocratic impression is characteristic of her as a noble.


The suit that was her living outfit changed its shape and turned into a black dress.


Behind her, a female Elite leader named Anvil with only green eyes in the shape of a cross on her face landed.

“Thanks to Celina-nim, the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy will be able to clearly establish their hierarchy.”

“The only thing I did was allow war, though?”

“It was your decision after listening to the circumstances of each collective consciousness leader. The fact that Celina-nim listened to everyone’s stories has made it possible to control the scale of the war.”

“Even the empress of the Quakacor could do that. No. To be honest, I think even you and the Rundalt line could have done it.”

“However, Karcon-nim has forces that are under review as subordinates, so there could have been talk of unfairness. I and Rundalt-nim had no authority.”

“. . . .”

“For now, the justification that Celina-nim coordinated this time is leading to a fair and controllable war, establishing hierarchy. . .”

“Hey, Anvil.”

“Yes. Master.”

“. . . Who is that?”


The legions surrounded a certain being from all sides, growling.

It has two legs, two arms, one head, and its entire body is covered with unknown black minerals and an exoskeleton. And there are two eyes glowing purple on the exoskeleton covering its entire head, and the gaze felt from them is somehow too overwhelming.

Kiek! Kieek. . .!

Maybe that is why the legions surrounding that being cannot rush in recklessly.

It is clear that the external being entered the colony without permission, but how on earth did it get here without being detected by anyone.

“. . . !”

Celina felt it as she met eyes with that being.

There is only that body in front of her eyes, but just by meeting eyes, she feels an unfathomable depth of mind.

It was a sensation that she had felt for the first time since she was born.

“What, what is it. . . . . . .”


She felt such a huge gap in her instinct that she could not understand what the other party was, what intentions they had, and she was even afraid.

Then, Anvil next to her seemed to feel the same and shouted urgently.

“Catch him!”

The moment the growling legions were about to pounce on that being,



A Euryale, who suddenly appeared in the sky, dropped the Organic Pipe down incredibly fast.

Koojeojeojeojeok. . .!

From that Organic Pipe, a tentacled leader resembling a large eyeball crawled out, bleeding.


“Nazar. . .! What is this?!”

“Celina-nim! He is. . .! His form is. . .! Ah. . .! Aaaaaah. . .!”

Nazar controlled the surrounding legions with his waves and made them step back. These nearby legions are all individuals under Anvil, but Nazar took them away with his superior hierarchy.


At the same time, Nazar ran towards that being almost as if he was flying. Watching that short moment, Celina thought that Nazar felt an extreme crisis and was trying to kill that being himself.

However, Nazar’s actions immediately after were unexpected.

“Ah, master. . .! Master, master, master. . . . . . .”

The Chimeraz’s eye, who looks over the entire local galaxy group and even the boundary of the void, a mysterious leader who usually does not reveal himself in front of anyone, Nazar.

“I really wanted to see you. . .! I really missed you. . .!”

“Nazar-nim is acting like that. . . .”

“What is it, Anvil! What is going on?”

“Nazar-nim has taken away my legions around here.”


“I don’t know that either. . . .”

The early leader, who is second only to Ludwig in the collective consciousness hierarchy, an object of fear to some and respect to others, is now crying like a child in the arms of that strange being.

➖How dare these guys show their teeth to who. . .! Everyone, get out of my way. . .!

Eventually, the legions parted left and right, and even Ludwig, who never leaves the 4th planet, appeared in person.

“Master has returned. . .!”

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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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