
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 143

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 (4)

3,427 fleets of seven races entered the capital star system of the Lomro-or.

One star and a few planets are visible.

And the outer space of the star system and each planet had a large-scale defense formation, waiting with the Supreme Council’s fleet.

The heart of the vast Le-orantarum Federation.

About 1,300 fleet-sized large fleets were gathered in the capital star system of the Lomro-or.

➖Decelerate. And please be prepared for engagement as of the current time.

➖The first ruler of the Chimeraz. Kreion-nim.

➖I would like to request an ultimatum to the Le-orantarum Federation on behalf of the New Universe Civilization Union, Hive Alliance, Conda League, and the allied forces of the Crolr.


Armies that have destroyed several star systems now face each other.

It seems to beckon, the clash of violence that cannot be expressed even with the word hell or madness.

I feel a sense of death creeping up on me, even though it hasn’t started yet.

“Are you ready. . .? master. . .”

“There is nothing more to prepare.”

At that time, the Federal Supreme Justice was waiting calmly, as if he had expected this final battle.

Communication was connected.

The Federal Supreme Justice could speak human language.

➖Human, Hive Alliance, Conda League, and the Crolr who betrayed us, as well as the collective consciousness that is staining Andromeda with blood.

“Don’t you want this great war to be prolonged, Federal Supreme Justice?”

➖The Federation’s defeat and Triangulum galaxy races’ declaration of secession from the Federation. . . . The rumors from the outskirts of our galaxy were not trivial. Did you expand your power on the outskirts of our galaxy after all?

“I will give you, and your Lomro-or race, and the Supreme Council of the Le-orantarum Federation, an ultimatum from now on.”

Everyone who risked their lives focused on Kreion’s voice.

“The Le-orantarum Federation invaded the Large Magellanic Cloud owned by the Chimeraz with the Crolr as an excuse, and this was considered an act of aggression against the Hive Alliance, just as we warned the Federation’s diplomats before. The Federation ignored the Hive Alliance’s warning, and many races declared war as a result.”

Kreion’s words will now spread throughout the Local Group of Galaxies.

“As a result of the clash between your righteousness and ours, many galaxies have become battlefields. The scale of the clashing forces was too intense to be resolved through dialogue, and yet we were able to make an ultimatum to the Supreme Council in response to the great Federation.”

➖. . .continue.

“I warn you. . .Cease all war activities of the Le-orantarum Federation as of now, and declare surrender and the end of the war. And dismantle the Le-orantarum Federation immediately. There is no room for compromise or negotiation in this.”

➖I refuse.

Well, if they had that much will to refuse, they wouldn’t have started in the first place.

“Then, a devastating invasion will be carried out on the capital star system of the Lomro-or, the central race of the Le-orantarum Federation, and innocent Lomro-or citizens and planets will suffer severe damage in the process.”

➖Our Supreme Council fleet has been preparing for this glorious war since centuries ago. There is no surrender for our honorable enforcers and brave soldiers.

➖In addition, there were valid incidents and grounds to consider the Chimeraz’s military, political, and cultural influence as a universal threat. The Le-orantarum Federation will judge the Chimeraz, including the Chimeraz, and the forces that advocate and follow the Chimeraz, and achieve eternal stability and peace in the Local Group of Galaxies.

“We gave you a chance. Are you really saying you’re going to do it?”

➖1,300 to 3,400. The numbers you see now are just numbers.

That’s right. Just because there are a lot of numbers doesn’t mean you’ll win unconditionally.

➖The Federation will fight to the end. Even if the Supreme Council here collapses, a new Supreme Council will rise up elsewhere. If you want to win against the Federation, kill all sentient beings belonging to the Federation in this Local Group of Galaxies. . . There is no room for compromise or negotiation in this.

The decision is coming soon.

Before making a decision, Kreion says one more thing. He has to say that one word, right now, in this place, while everyone is watching.

“I understand. Then, I will give you time for innocent civilians to evacuate before the start.”

➖. . . . . . .

At that moment, the Federal Supreme Justice tasted a bitter sense of defeat inwardly.

‘You’re taking a good image with you too. . . .’

It feels like I’m going in after being beaten.

I feel like the villain of the Local Group of Galaxies has changed.

‘If the Reptured hadn’t declared neutrality, the machines would have been on our side. . . .’

In many ways, they are meticulous enemies who take initiative.

No, it’s not the many enemies, but the one being who is communicating right now that I’m most concerned about.

The Believer said:

➖Owron. It would be better to stop here. The peace of the Local Group of Galaxies was not something that the Le-orantarum Federation could handle.

➖If you are not the protagonist who brings peace, your failure will be considered a breach of the deal.

I understand the meaning of those words now.

‘Not me, the protagonist. . . . Kreion. . . .’

Then I’ll deny it.

Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.

I will deny and prove it in this place today.

➖Knowing this would happen, we sent the citizens to a safe star system.

Kreion held his breath.

➖If you can kill us. . . Kreion.

The communication ended.

Immediately, the Supreme Council fleets of the capital star system began firing cannons at once. The number of light beams fired and fired like that seemed to be more than the stars in the universe.

➖Peaceful options are off the table.

As Ark said, Kreion gave orders to all the mind in his collective consciousness.

‘Kill them.’


Countless Chimeraz legions, bio-planets, and Gorgo’s Star accelerated at once. While the enemy’s projectiles and projectiles poured in like stars from all sides, living celestial bodies faced the firepower head-on, extending their strange tentacles towards the nearest planet, advancing like a nightmare.

➖The ruler of the Hive Alliance has started the attack!

The Quakacor’s thought-form fleet chased after the Chimeraz legion.

➖My hands, my arms, my legs, my teeth! All my children with eyes and tentacles! Today, our collective consciousness will contribute to the great slaughter that opens a new era!

➖Kill and devour them all! Dedicate your heart to our empress and the future collective consciousness!

The UNF fleet targeted the Supreme Council fleet stationed on the outskirts of the star system.

➖The commander-in-chief orders. UNF fleet. Transmit phase assault nuclear weapons and distort the enemy’s motherships as they are in space. Escort frigates support the collective consciousness’s aircraft with shields.

The Elise fleet was more widely dispersed.

➖Elise fleet. Under the authority of Ark, who is acting as Administrator, I hereby authorize the autonomous engagement of all artificial intelligence weapons.

The Caycaconick, Conda fleet, the central axis of the Conda League, and the unique lightweight aircraft mixed into the allied fleet.

➖The Supreme Council, whom we trusted, was hiding its ugly nature! Today, we will judge the Supreme Council with those we can trust!

➖Fight even if your beak is bent!

The Hyraguroa’s honor guard moves a moth-like fleet. They headed straight for the planet with the most aggressive seeds of the Ririm.

➖For the Queen!

➖Captain. If you let us down on that planet, we will make all the plants there carnivorous plants.

The Parahtoria’s fungal fleet, which I don’t know which race it was made of, spread out like the Chimeraz’s bio-barrier, protecting allied aircraft.

➖We will take away the enemy’s army when the path opens.

The Crolr ships, with their four legs extended long, provided powerful antimatter-based cannon fire from the rear.

➖Commander-in-Chief Racliaa orders! The monarch’s fleet and all warriors support the firepower of the allied forces!

➖Dracatarrk Crola!

➖May we atone for our sins with the blood we shed today.


Dozens of ships explode whenever the Supreme Council’s motherships paint a purple beam of light. Whenever the Euryale fires the Organic Accelerator Cannon, the Supreme Council’s aircraft are wiped out like a swarm of wasps caught in flames. The Quakacor’s tentacle-filled aircraft attach themselves to the Supreme Council’s living mothership like parasites. The Shockphonia swarm, supported by the Parahtoria’s imitated bio-barrier and the UNF fleet’s shield support, infects the Supreme Council’s large warships. The Supreme Council’s warships respond to the UNF fleet’s phase assault shells and nuclear weapons by sending anti-matter bombs to the friendly camp and detonating them. The Chimeraz’s bio-planet is torn apart, and the Crolr assault ships, using the fragments as cover, engage in close combat with the Hyraguroa aircraft.

Several bright mushroom clouds bloom on the planetary surface with intense flashes. The Parahtoria and the Ririm transmitted to the surface grow, absorbing the thermal energy and radiation of the mushroom cloud. In the ruins of violence, self-propelled plants thrive, and the mushrooms or fungi hanging from each plant constantly emit spores, which are carried by the hot storm and spread to the entire continent.

It was war. It’s not a tragedy, not madness, not hell, not a disaster.

It was war.


Gorgo’s Star is crushing a planet with its tentacles.

When the Supreme Council’s motherships fired powerful main guns to destroy Gorgo’s Star, Kreion’s bio-planets near Gorgo’s Star took the attack like living meat shields.

The shattered planet spread hot internal matter like blood, and the aircraft fighting in the planet’s geostationary orbit frantically maneuvered to avoid the enemy’s attacks and avoid the rushing internal matter.


Occasionally, a flash of light that surpassed the intensity of this fleet battle erupted. Whenever that happened, energy comparable to a meteorite impact was poured onto the surface of a planet. It was the Elise fleet activating its main guns.

Strong, Drop Cyst, Organic Pipe, assault ship.

Those were not necessary.

The allied forces could use the Elise fleet to be transmitted to the surface of the enemy’s planet whenever they wanted. Then, the Lomro-or ground forces on the surface calculated the coordinates where the decomposed particles were being transmitted and poured bombardment and bombardment on that location.

Kkiiaaaeeek. . .!

The Quakacor’s thought-form fleet eats the enemy’s large corpse, a living mothership, raw and breaks the eggs inside.


The collective consciousness life forms that hatched right away occupied the mothership like blood-red earthworms, like wriggling whale tapeworms, and offered them to the Chimeraz’s Shockphonia.

The Chimeraz and UNF fleets, who took charge of the main front in the fleet battle, exchanged endless cannon fire with the Supreme Council fleet. If you add up all the energy used for cannon fire so far, you might be able to create a small star.

Despite the difference in numbers, this is still the Lomro-or’s capital star system. In other words, it was their home base.

Having achieved both mechanical transcendence and life transcendence, they poured the resources of the entire civilization into military factories and shipyards that were connected and operated like colonies.

However, the Chimeraz’s living celestial bodies were colonies in themselves, and the Elise fleet had its own production process inside the ship.


In the meantime, the Lomro-or’s capital planet was able to deploy a large-scale shield that enveloped the entire planet. The shield that enveloped the entire planet completely blocked the transmission of the phase assault.

Even when bio-planets consumed enormous amounts of energy and fired Planet Weapon-class antimatter pulses, it was a solid shield with an output that defended it.

➖Gorgo. Destroy that planet.

At this moment, when the fleet battle was scattered throughout the star system, Gorgo’s Star moved again at Kreion’s command.

Gorgo’s Star detaches its tentacles from the planet like an octopus that has abandoned its prey and moves.

The capital planet, which perfectly defends all attacks on the planet with its wondrous shield.

The Supreme Council is on that capital planet.

So, the idea is to destroy it by crashing Gorgo’s Star whole.

➖Help the Chimeraz!

The UNF fleet lined up in front of Gorgo’s Star and spread its shield, and the Elise fleet distorted the gravitational field favorably so that Gorgo’s Star could collide faster.

Perhaps the Lomro-or on the capital planet will be able to witness it through telescopes.

A huge being is approaching them.

Then, the federal executive officer under the authority of the Federal Supreme Justice, who commanded the Supreme Council fleet, shouted.

【I’ve been waiting for you!】

It was a trap.

Kigigigiing. . .

The asteroid-sized machines orbiting their star expanded rapidly. A new material with extreme binding force has become a paper-thin machine, wrapping the star in several rings.

In an instant, the completed appearance of the star seemed to express the orbits of electrons surrounding a large nucleus like a ring.

It was a weaponized star like a Planet Weapon.

【Defeat the evil!】

At that moment, the space in a straight line from the star to Gorgo’s Star was strangely distorted like a pipe of gravitational field.

Soon, a weapon that uses the star as its power source will blow up Gorgo’s Star.

But then the Crolr’s Commander-in-Chief Racliaa said:

➖That’s the blueprint for the weapon they taught us.


The Lomro-or had previously given the Lord of Carrd technical information on the weaponization of stars.

So it was expected that the Lomro-or would have a weaponized star.

At that brief moment when everyone was focused on the Lomro-or’s star, a flash of light much brighter than the light emitted by the Elise fleet’s main guns flashed, and most of the machines and living things, regardless of friend or foe, suffered severe damage as if they had been exposed to radiation.

‘Phlegeth claimed that the strongest force in this universe is gravity.’

Along the straight line of the gravitational field pipe, a light brighter than white extended in a straight line and reached just before Gorgo’s Star in 2 seconds.

‘Just as the humans of the Vehlpciaarct, the Believer, and Defaulstellay used gravity as a weapon.’

Something happened.

The light that started from the star turned sharply in an unexpected direction and flew away somewhere in the universe.

‘Why did you make such a choice after doing so well? Lomro-or. . .’

Moreover, the allied races on this side have not yet shown all the numbers they have.

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