My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 141

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 (2)

The Quakacor were once an insectoid race controlled by pheromones. They were a race that could communicate with each other through their own waves after transcending life, and they now follow the collective consciousness method like today’s Chimeraz.

It is also said that as they transcended life, their race acquired the characteristics of an inter-species community. They had become a new race that could not be categorized as ‘insectoid’.

The Quakacor were a race born much earlier than the Chimeraz, but the empress, who was the master of the collective consciousness, did not care about such things.

This is because the characteristic of collective consciousness is that a part is the whole, and any choice is considered for the sake of the whole.

➖We have a long-standing instinct. That is, to serve a single, powerful being for the sake of our collective consciousness.

“But aren’t you the leader of the Karcon race? Can a leader of a race serve the leader of another race?”

➖I am also a member of the Quakacor race.

A race where a part is the whole.

➖I also have the instinct to follow a single powerful being. That’s why I moved my children, analyzed the incidents that the Chimeraz had solved, and considered the current situation.

➖My conclusion is that the Quakacor should serve the Chimeraz, the central race of the Hive Alliance and who have adopted the collective consciousness.

Then Ludwig sent a wave to Kreion.

➖They are exclusive and hostile to other races. . . . But they are not belligerent. . . . It is based on the unique way of thinking that war is unnecessary because the universe is vast and there are many stars to occupy. . . .

‘Ludwig. Do you trust this race?’

➖The Quakacor submit to a powerful being who embraces them. . . . They have no qualms about such a thing, and as the empress just said, they rather prefer it. . . .

➖If you accept them, they will be a loyal legion that will do anything for their master. . . .

If Ludwig vouches for this race, it is worth accepting them. Although their tendency to be exclusive and hostile to other races is off-putting, they voluntarily want to submit to the Chimeraz anyway. If so, most things won’t be a problem.

“If your race joins the Hive Alliance, you will become enemies of the Le-orantarum Federation.”

➖We are already enemies with the Federation.

Empress Karcon then explained her race’s position.

➖We live in the Andromeda galaxy. There was no news that the allied forces of humans and the Chimeraz had entered the Andromeda galaxy. . . . Then, can’t we assume that the ruler’s children are attacking the Triangulum galaxy, the Federation’s home base? Because if the war becomes protracted, too many children will die. . . .

It’s an accurate guess.

But Kreion does not answer. He still does not trust the Quakacor race.


➖I’m not sure what the situation is in the Triangulum galaxy where the Federation is being pushed back, but the Andromeda galaxy is definitely dominated by the Federation.

This is unexpected information. Since the Andromeda galaxy was excluded from this side, it means that the Andromeda galaxy is firmly in the Federation’s grasp.

➖There are many weak collective consciousness races in Andromeda than us. If the Chimeraz let the Quakacor join the Hive Alliance, it will become the center that can gather the collective consciousness races fighting in Andromeda. We will take on that role.

“It sounds like you are saying that you will expand the collective consciousness forces in the Andromeda galaxy by taking advantage of this war.”

➖Yes. Of course, you would be worried. Since we, who have gathered our forces with the power and fame of the Chimeraz, might betray the Chimeraz. . . .

Empress Karcon took the lead in the conversation.

➖Even if we promise not to betray you, I think that from your point of view, you cannot trust us whom you met for the first time today.

“Yes. I don’t think it’s time yet for us to trust the Quakacor.”

➖First of all, we are on good terms with the Conda bloodline.

The Conda bloodline is the avian race union led by the Caycaconick, isn’t it?

‘Avian race lineage with a collective consciousness race. . . . Are they on good terms?’

Kreion listened.

➖The Caycaconick of the Conda bloodline. And we. . . . The Quakacor once studied the methodology of transcending the flesh by exchanging genes.

The Caycaconick. The Quakacor.

When I hear them in succession, they sound similar.

➖I recently received information that the avian races of the Conda bloodline are joining forces with your ruler. That’s why we also decided to move to help with the power.

➖By the way, thanks to the sudden disappearance of the reconnaissance ships of the ‘Reptured’, a powerful machine race that was monitoring the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy. . . . We were able to come to this human galaxy.

➖As a single Quakacor, I couldn’t help but feel the urge to serve the ruler who gave me all these opportunities.

Now, everything fits together.

This was the decisive factor that made the collective consciousness race, which had been silent until now, approach the Chimeraz.

‘The friendly races have joined our side, and since the characteristics of their race happen to match ours, they came to us at this time.’

➖We will unite the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy and confront the Federation. Wouldn’t it be convenient for you if we took care of things in the Andromeda galaxy from your point of view?

The largest galaxy in the Local Group.

The Andromeda galaxy is an area that had to be excluded in order to carry out the final battle.

‘. . . If they take care of the enemies and allies in that vast area, it will be a great help.’

Empress Karcon had a very accurate grasp of the situation.

Moreover, she had a countermeasure to prevent the situation that this side was worried about, which had not been mentioned yet.

➖If you are worried about our betrayal, please accept us as a subordinate race. Then, the collective consciousness races that we will gather later will naturally follow us under the Chimeraz. It will be the Chimeraz’s power, not our power.

➖How. . . . Will you accept us?

Only then did Kreion smile faintly.

“. . . . . . It seems that the Chimeraz and the Quakacor have common interests.”

➖Ah! It is truly an honor.

Empress Karcon’s dozens of eyeballs stared at Kreion at once and her pupils trembled.

“As of today, declare that you have joined the Hive Alliance and become a subordinate race of the Chimeraz. From now on, the Quakacor will be kept close and watched by the Chimeraz.”

➖Of course, we will do that. Ruler. . . .

The Le-orantarum Federation is the greatest power in the Local Group.

However, the flow has been created.

The human & Hive Alliance. Between those two forces, races who had been vacillating while observing the situation are making their decisions one by one at this point.

“And use the name of the Chimeraz to gather the young collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy. We will leave the Federation forces of that galaxy entirely to you.”

➖Is it an order. . . ?

“It’s an order.”

➖Ahhh. . . ! I’m happy. . . !

Now the allied forces are coming in on their own.


Lopez created the New Universe Civilization Union and brought many races to the human side.

He earnestly gathered forces that had admired humans since long ago, forces that were disillusioned or felt a sense of crisis from the great war caused by the Le-orantarum Federation today, and forces that judged it was right to choose the opposite side of the Federation.

The New Universe Civilization Union, a union with humans as the central race. The races that joined the union, as if they had been waiting for humans to do so, competitively visited the human galaxy as leaders or sent ambassadors.

The Hive Alliance, with the Chimeraz as the central race, attracted nature-friendly races to its power by reaffirming its eternal alliance with the Ririm. And the subsequent declaration of war on the Federation by the Aooa created an atmosphere in which some races pursuing harmony and peace wished to join the Hive Alliance.

June 5, 2621.

The situation of the great war, which had continued for about a month, gradually tilted towards the New Universe Civilization Union & Hive Alliance & Conda bloodline.

The Hecartra star system is currently under attack by the fleet of the Federation’s affiliated races. This is because the size of the Le-orantarum Federation is not small.

Fortunately, they were enemies that the Chimeraz had no difficulty in dealing with, unless they were troops from the Lomro-or, and Berne and Ludwig’s excellent command were perfectly defending the Federation’s planetary invasion towards the Hecartra star system.

“The Caycaconick, Galgaras, and the Vtol race can now respond to the Federation’s attack without borrowing our power. . . . If you give the order, their race and the Conda bloodline will move on the Chimeraz’s side. . . .”

“What about our other allies?”

“In addition to the three races I mentioned earlier, there are 15 races on our side in the Triangulum galaxy. . . . And the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy are said to be joining forces with the Quakacor as the center and very aggressively invading the races affiliated with the Federation. . . .”

“If the collective consciousness races gather in the Andromeda galaxy and invade. . . . I’m worried that it will create too much fear.”

“Rather, it was a good strategy. . . . The Andromeda galaxy is very large, so our allies and enemies are also distributed diversely. . . . There, the Quakacor race smoothly united other exclusive collective consciousness races, saying that they were subordinates of the Chimeraz. . . .”

The collective consciousness race is generally hostile and exclusive to other races. It’s like the Chimeraz also has an instinctive aversion to other races.

Of course, the current Chimeraz are mentally mature enough to control such primal instincts on their own, but the aggressive collective consciousness races of the Andromeda galaxy were difficult to attract as allies without solid persuasion.

“To have made such guys our allies. It seems that the Chimeraz’s name is worth it.”

“Just as the machines respect the Vehlpciaarct. . . .”

“I see.”

“Thus, the collective consciousness forces centered on the Quakacor are invading the races affiliated with the Federation in the Andromeda galaxy and are receiving their surrender and promise to withdraw from the Federation one by one. . . . If you don’t like that method. . . .”

“Alright. Tell Empress Karcon that she’s doing well.”

“Yes. . . .”

“However, I would like you to refrain from unnecessary massacres and acts of destruction. Make sure to clearly express our intention that from now on, we will not consider them as enemies if they surrender and withdraw from the Le-orantarum Federation, regardless of their race.”

“I will convey that. . . . Empress Karcon of the Quakacor is a 4000-year-old insightful being, so she will understand it well. . . .”

“Also, tell them in advance that they should come to the Triangulum galaxy when the final battle takes place.”

“I understand. . . .”

Preparations for the final battle are still ongoing. Because in order to win against the Federation, it is inefficient to trample on everything affiliated with the Federation.

“What is the situation of the races that have not yet sided with either side?”

“Generally, machine-oriented races are taking a neutral stance. . . . It seems that the characteristics of those guys who like to observe and analyze are revealed this time. . . .”

Thanks to the Reptured, who are mentally connected to the Vehlpciaarct, declaring neutrality, the situation of turning all the machines of the entire Local Group into enemies was avoided.

“Anima has persuaded the next most powerful machine transcendent race after the Vehlpciaarct. It would be better if they became our allies, but do you think it’s impossible?”

“The Reptured. . . . We put in a lot of effort to persuade them peacefully. . . . They, who have barely taken a neutral stance, are probably calculating whether the Chimeraz is a threat to this universe or not. . . .”

“If we rashly ask them to fight together, their neutrality may be broken.”

“They’re machines. . . . Don’t add uncertain variables and leave them as they are for now. . . . I’d like to say this carefully. . . .”

“I see. You’re right.”

The Le-orantarum Federation is certainly strong and large. It was no exaggeration to say that it was the greatest power in the Local Group.

Humans and the Chimeraz are very strong. The two strong races have created so many alliances and continue to defeat the Federation’s army.

Even so, there is no sign that the heat of the great war is waning.

Just because this side is sounding the victory horn in succession does not mean that this side has no casualties.

War always brings death to someone and destruction to something. Even if ten of them die and one of this side dies, that one casualty cannot be excluded from the calculation.

What’s more, this is a great war that is being fought simultaneously by numerous races in several galaxies. Even if it doesn’t feel real, the amount of destruction that has already taken place is enough to destroy several nations in terms of calculations.

And also, when calculating only the overall numbers, this side is at a disadvantage. Still overwhelmingly disadvantaged. If all the troops gathered and clashed in one place, it would be a gap where this side would definitely lose.

It’s just that the vast spatial characteristics of the universe are delaying that situation.

The speed at which troops move, fight, and information is transmitted is being slowed down. That’s why this side’s numerical inferiority is not immediately apparent.

Perhaps the reason why the Federation is still fighting fiercely everywhere is that they are leading the war of attrition with the size of their forces.

If they continue to wear out, die, and be destroyed, the Le-orantarum Federation will be the one left at the end of that bloody pile of ashes.

However, they picked the wrong opponent.

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