
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 102

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎𝟐: 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲, 𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛 𝐎𝐫 (3)

The floating colony hangs in the air above thick yellow clouds.

Here, in Jiannettera’s domain, more Chimeraz vessels travel than any other colony in the Hecartra system, save for the most advanced.

Above, the wild Chimeraz hunt and evolve in the turbulent atmosphere of lightning and sulfuric acid rain. Overhead, Jiannettera’s swarm of vessels watches, ever-vigilant for strays.

A moon now hangs in the sky of this once moonless world.

‘The fifth bio-planet. We’ve arrived safely.’

➖May this one succeed, Jiannettera.

‘Thank you, Gorrm-nim.’

Jiannettera has once again received a bio-planet from Gorrm.

Now, around Jiannettera’s colony planet, chunks of failed bio-planets drift like an asteroid field.

They are the remains of Jiannettera’s work to turn bio-planets into ultra-long-range interstellar weapons. Four failures and four bio-planets torn apart during the antimatter pulse experiment.

Gorrm works hard, dedicated to the construction of bio-planets. Of course, this did not mean that the resources and energy devoted to bio-planets could be taken lightly.

‘I will start working again.’

Even in the midst of major trial and error, Jiannettera did not lose heart.

Where Jiannettera could exist.

In the high-ceilinged interior of the colony, Jiannettera discusses with Gnox.

“Since the container that holds the antimatter is large, heat management is difficult. When the container expands, the walls thin and antimatter leaks out through the cracks. The problem is that it reacts with matter at random, causing annihilation explosions.”

“An unstable phenomenon should not occur before the antimatter pulse is fired.”

“What if we make the container smaller and control multiple containers? Have you tried that?”

“I tried before Gnox-nim came. The stability was definitely higher when I used multiple smaller containers, but the firing power was not as strong as I wanted.”

“As I thought.”

“Are there no other alternatives?”

“I think the most fundamental problem is the instability of the container. Don’t we need to manage the container as one to get the destructive power of an ultra-long-range interstellar weapon?”

“Yes. You’re right. That’s why I tried replacing the container with a core and using it as the power source for the bio-planet, and releasing the unstable excess energy. . .”

“How was it?”

“I was able to maintain stability and power. However, as soon as the excess energy was released, annihilation occurred and the bio-planet was lost.”

“In that case, it becomes a disposable planet weapon.”

With that, Jiannettera lowered her head and looked Gnox in the eye.

The width of her slit eyes was larger than Gnox’s body.

“Gnox-nim. In fact, ‘Metallic New Material’ would be a safe choice to stably handle such a large amount of antimatter.”

“What is that. . . . That was also in the blueprint of the Babylonia Planet Weapon. But we are Chimeraz.”

“In order for us to create the metallic new material used in the Babylonia Planet Weapon, we would have to do a lot of research or go directly to the human world and take it.”

It was a fair point.

Gnox scratched his head.

“If we use a metallic new material, we will lose the advantage of the bio-planet’s characteristics.”

“What do you mean?”

“As I said before, we are Chimeraz. The bio-planet is also Chimeraz.”

“Yes. . . . That’s right.”

“All the materials that make up the bio-planet must be under the complete control of Chimeraz. That way, it can repair itself when injured and change shape actively depending on the situation. Replacing the antimatter container with a human-like one is the same as saying that we will use a machine as a core organ.”

Jiannettera, who had been thinking about simply using a metallic new material like humans do, dropped the idea.

“. . . I see. I was short-sighted. Because machines have limited possibilities. I agree with you that that is not the way of the Chimeraz.”

“If we fail because of this, we will rely on machines and metals in the future as well. We must solve this with our own means.”

“We have already blown up four precious bio-planets given to us by Gorrm-nim. We have turned the effort that could have expanded dozens of colony planets into dust.”

“This is difficult. . .”

“Failure is a necessary process, but this is on a large scale. If we fail too much, the damage will accumulate for the entire race.”

Jiannettera and Gnox stopped talking and took a moment to think.

Then Jiannettera spoke first.

“You said the most fundamental problem is the instability of the container, right?”

“That’s right. Do you have any ideas?”

“Then we need to make the container more durable. Not a metallic new material, but a new biological material in the form of cells and skeletons.”

“A new material? We’ve tried that a lot too. We’ve tried making all sorts of things, but we haven’t been able to develop any that can handle that much antimatter.”

“But it’s not impossible. It’s because we haven’t mastered the technology to create new materials yet.”

“Then. . . we have to learn more and master it.”


Jiannettera and Gnox came to the same conclusion.

“We need to acquire more advanced new material technology from the Hyraguroa race.”


Ludwig has become very important to Kreion in organizing his thoughts and decisions.

The size of the race grew day by day, and the ruling system became more and more complex with the emergence of new leaders and Mindrockers.

Therefore, Ludwig is now faithfully fulfilling his role as an adjutant that Kreion cannot do without.

“Nazar is returning with a small mycelium ship of the Parahtoria race. . . . The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy belongs to the Chimeraz, and if the master permits, I would like to convey this fact to Anima and declare it widely throughout the Local Group of Galaxies through the royal family of the Aooa.”

“I’ll allow it.”

“I understand. And the Parahtoria have been persuaded by Nazar. They say they will offer their life force and pledge themselves as a vassal race of the Chimeraz. . . . What do you think about this, master? I will decide our race’s attitude toward them in advance.”

“The life force of the Parahtoria is worth keeping an eye on. I will respond positively to their request.”

“I will inform the leaders of this. . . .”

Ludwig continued to report.

“Phlegeth has asked to be sent to the next galaxy now that Nazar has returned. . . . He boasts that he can make any race kneel before the master. . . .”

Kreion shook his head.

“That’s not Phlegeth’s role.”

Just saying that would obviously disappoint Phlegeth.

“Phlegeth attacks, destroys, and completely subjugates the powerful forces that threaten us. In other words, Phlegeth is an all-weather ‘spear’ that carries our race’s final warning and ‘judgment’. Can such a spear be thrust anywhere in the galaxy?”

“Ah. . . . So there was such a deep meaning in not moving the Phlegeth swarm, the supreme force. . . .”

“So tell him that it is not yet time for Phlegeth to come out. Phlegeth will come out when our race truly wants to crush something.”

“I think Phlegeth will be happy to hear the master’s intentions.”

Managing the leaders was like managing the entire race.

“Linnea has temporarily halted colony expansion and troop production and is mobilizing all production capacity to help Gorrm. . . . And Gorrm continues to create bio-planets and provide them to Jiannettera. . . .”

“What about Equillocke?”

“Equillocke is observing the movements of humanity in place of Nazar. . . .”

“There is no change. Keep it that way.”

The status of the major leaders has been updated.

“However, Jiannettera and Gnox have a request. . . .”

“What is it?”

“It seems that it was not easy to develop bio-planets into ultra-long-range interstellar weapons. . . . So after considering many countermeasures, they concluded that they needed more advanced new material technology from the Hyraguroa race. . . .”

“In the end, you’re saying that with our current technology, we can’t contain antimatter on the scale of a planet weapon.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s right. . . . I kept watch on them, even giving Gnox my advice, but. . . . I guess my abilities were lacking. . . .”

“Jiannettera did not give up despite four failures, and she acknowledged reality and asked for help. That was a wise decision. You and Jiannettera have done well enough, so don’t say you’re sorry.”

Kreion’s encouraging words made Ludwig bow his head in awe.

“Tell Jiannettera and Gnox to rest for a while. Until I prepare Hyraguroa’s more advanced technology.”

“I will do as you say. . . .”

The Ririm and Hyraguroa were allies.

Recently, the Chimeraz have become allies with the Ririm.

With the Ririm as a friendly bridge, the Chimeraz and Hyraguroa were able to maintain friendly relations without any special effort.

So it shouldn’t be difficult to get something more from Hyraguroa.


The Gorrm swarm and the Hydras are constantly on the move. This is because they are gathering resources from all over the human galaxy to continue creating bio-planets.

“It’s because Ludwig-nim asked me to do it. Jiannettera keeps breaking the bio-planets I make, but if I think of it as part of the experiment, it’s all meaningful damage.”

“Gorrm-nim, you seem to be very broad-minded. Haha.”

Gorrm is now talking to a being lower than himself in the mouth of Euryale.


Rundalt, created by Anima, looks like a human unlike ordinary leaders.

187cm tall(6.1ft), two legs, two arms, living organic tissue formed from Chimeraz material wraps around Rundalt’s body like a dark, almost colorless suit.

The white shirt, black tie, and black shoes are also made of Rundalt’s organic tissue, matching the style of the suit.

However, Rundalt’s head is covered with skin that is slightly brighter than the suit, and at the back of his head, a brain is stretched out like a frog’s egg, wrapped in a transparent membrane.

His face has eight pure white eyes. There is no nose or ears, only a mouth that is torn open to the left and right.

“I believe that many leaders will recognize Gorrm-nim’s hard work someday. Linnea-nim was ignored at first because of her incomprehensible methods, but she was eventually recognized. Haha.”

Rundalt only told Gorrm the stories that he liked.

Gorrm continued to engage in conversation with Rundalt, whether he knew it or not.

“Thank you for saying that. These days, when many leaders question my methods, I am grateful to have received the order to build bio-planets.”

“I hope you will create more bio-planets and become the leader with the most bio-planets.”

“Your plan will soon come to fruition.”

“My plan?”

“Didn’t you say you had a plan to conquer without fighting? Linnea-nim said you have a very big plan.”

“Oh, you’ve already heard about it.”

“Linnea-nim listens to my stories. She is truly a kind person.”

“I also respect Linnea-nim very much, as a leader created by my master. . . . Anima-nim. She was born in a very difficult time, overcame all kinds of situations, and gained recognition from everyone. I think it’s really cool.”

Gorrm turned his twisted head about 90 degrees horizontally.

It is not clear whether it is the front or the back of Gorrm’s head, but Rundalt felt Gorrm’s gaze.

“Rundalt. In the end, I wonder what the circumstances are to achieve the purpose of your plan.”

“Well. . . . That’s a difficult question.”

“What are the circumstances you are planning?”

Rundalt put both hands in his pants pockets and looked around in no particular direction.

He took a deep breath and then spoke in terms that Gorrm could easily understand.

“Eating their society and civilization carefully. Slowly.”

“Was your first target the Aooa?”

“Yes. The Aooa is a race that has the concept of ‘corporation’. I’ve already made connections with the elders of the Aooa.”

“So what happens then?”

Rundalt smiled slyly. His mouth was quite torn, so even a slight smile revealed a big change in expression.

“Eventually, they will sell their planets and armies to buy the power of the Chimeraz. Then, whenever I want, I will even cause a coup.”

“Is that possible?”

“Most races don’t have ‘absolute loyalty’ to their leaders, do they? The members of the race can take negative advantages and act selfishly depending on the situation.”

“We don’t do that.”

“Races like the Chimeraz, the Ririm, and the Vehlpciaarct are special cases. The Chimeraz have absolute loyalty, the Ririm are one, and the Vehlpciaarct have no emotions or desires.”

“I see.”

Rundalt continued, skillfully gesturing with both hands.

“In the end, they sell everything to the Chimeraz. Goods, objects, ships, armies, lives, and finally their own civilization! Hahaha. Do you understand what kind of plan I have?”

“I don’t understand, but it seems like a great idea.”

“. . .well.”

At that moment, Rundalt received an order by wave.

When Rundalt, who had been talkative, suddenly closed his mouth, Gorrm asked.

“Did something happen?”

Rundalt put both hands on his waist and sighed regretfully.

“Oh, come on! I was just talking to Gorrm-nim. . . .”


“Kreion-nim gave me a job. Unfortunately, I have to go back to the Large Magellanic Cloud to report to Anima-nim.”

Rundalt looked at Gorrm’s reaction after saying that.

“A job? Do you have to do it right now?”

Gorrm was disappointed that Rundalt, who listened to his stories well, was leaving. It was revealed on the outside and analyzed by Rundalt’s eyes.

‘Become friends with Gorrm too. Success.’

Rundalt tapped the calculator in his head and shook hands with Gorrm.

“I think I need to go back and deal with Hyraguroa. Both my master and Gorgo-nim are busy now.”

“I can’t help it then.”

“It was a real honor to meet you. Gorrm-nim.”

“It was a fun time. Be careful on your way back.”

“Yes. Gorrm-nim. Hahaha. I’ll see you again next time. Show me more bio-planets then.”

“I’ll do that. I make bio-planets very well.”

Rundalt shook hands with Gorrm’s hastily mumbling hand and hurried away.

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