Limited Time, Kitchen Maid of the Fourth Knight Order ~I Got a Job Because I Don’t Want to Get Married~ – Chapter 148


We arrived at the royal castle earlier than planned, thanks to His Majesty Coleesh ensuring that no other carriages passed through, it seems we’ve arrived quite quickly.

With a reluctance to leave the fun times behind, we all descended to the royal castle. I was the last to disembark from the magic tool.

Wearing the bodysuit given to me by Chris, I believe my conduct was proper, but I can’t stop this strange sweat due to being the focus of so many gazes.

Everyone else seems accustomed to the attention, walking confidently. Especially Roa-sama and Emilia, they seem right at home.

“This is Alice-sama’s room. Would you like it changed?”

“No, this is fine.”

Upon entering the castle, we were guided to the guest rooms.

His Majesty Coleesh seems to want to speak only with Roa-sama first. If I am to be called, it’ll probably be the last.

. . .The presence of several servants in the room is somehow unsettling.

As expected of royal castle servants, as soon as I think of wanting tea, it’s promptly brewed. And without saying anything, they start adding milk the next time, just as I had thought it tasted better with it.

A glance towards the window and they immediately open it for me.

. . .Roa-sama was raised in such an environment.

No, he couldn’t have relaxed, being targeted by Dyson, living on the edge of death every day.

Roa-sama can now lead a life of security.

. . .I really am not a match for him.

Just having feelings of affection isn’t enough to make things work, something I am well aware of.

I didn’t even deserve to be near royalty like Roa-sama, yet I was able to stay by his side. We were able to talk a lot. That alone is enough.

Despite my fear of men, I was able to fall in love again. For me, this is progress like no other.

When I had nothing to do and was zoning out, there was a knock at the door.

The maid swiftly opened the door, nodded, then swung it wide. There, stood the people I had longed to see.

“Mom. . .! Dad, Thor!”

As I hurried to stand, I was restrained by the bodysuit. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this!

My mom, who was frail, is walking! Dad is lightly supporting her, but she isn’t relying on it.

Thor, already teary-eyed, properly followed behind dad without running because we were in the royal castle.

“I’m glad everyone is safe. . .!”

“That’s our line.”

I hug dad, who seems a bit thinner, after entrusting mom to Thor.

“I had been secretly learning about Alice, and I was worried sick. Not knowing the details made me all the more anxious.”

After the hug, dad holds my face in both hands, twisting it around, and tells me to move, so I walk around aimlessly.

“. . .It seems you’re not injured.”

“Yes, I’m not hurt. Sorry for worrying you.”

“Alice did something remarkable. As a father, I’m proud.”

“Dad. . .”

“Dear, let me hug you as well.”


I embrace my mom, who has walked over to me. It’s been quite a while since we’ve hugged standing up. She was often in bed.

She has grown thinner and shorter, but she seems healthier than before.


“After everything was finished, I asked about Alice, and I was so surprised! There was no letter from Alice, and I couldn’t see her; dad and the doctor deceived me quite a bit!”

“Wasn’t it dangerous to tell?”

“That’s what I was told, and because it would worsen my condition! That’s right!!”

“That’s right, isn’t it.”

“But, I want to be told!”

“Hmm. But if mom died from it, everyone couldn’t bear it.”

“That’s also true.”

“Right? Mom’s illness, it has gotten considerably better, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, the medicine is working. If she continues to take it like this, she doesn’t need to stay in bed. She can’t overdo it, but since the research on the medicine continues, she can live longer than we thought!”

“That’s great!”

After hugging mom once again, I hugged Thor, who was biting his lip hard.

“You did well, Thor.”

“I’m glad Nee-sama is safe. . .! There were no letters either!”

“I’m sorry. I thought about sending one at one point, but things progressed faster than I thought. . .”

I didn’t expect to make contact with Maurice so quickly.

While everyone was hurriedly preparing and arranging things, I couldn’t increase their burden by saying I wanted to send a letter to Thor.

“I was waiting for a letter from Nee-sama!!”

“Sorry. I really feel bad about it. But, thanks to Thor, we were able to catch Maurice.”

“. . .Is that true?”

“Yes! Can we talk for a while? I can’t say much about my part, but I want to hear about how everyone was doing.”

Then, I asked about what happened after I couldn’t meet them.

Dad seemed lonely enough to die, and mom was quite bored, it seems. She took her medicine and collected data, so she followed instructions to either move or rest, but that was only for about an hour. She spent her time embroidering while thinking about the family.

Mom embroidering! Quite the unskilled mom was so bored that she took up embroidery!

“I’ve been leading an unchanged school life. It’s been lonely since Nee-sama was gone. . .”

“What about Marina?”

“T, That, well. . .”

Thor turned bright red, and the whole family was abuzz.

Somehow, I managed to persuade Thor to share little by little about Marina, but then the time to talk was over.

“I’ll ask you again later! Nee-sama is rooting for Marina!”

“I, in turn, will make sure to tell Nee-sama properly next time!”

“It’s okay, Alice. I’ll make sure to listen carefully.”

“. . .do so in moderation.”

As I parted with the lively family, a wave of loneliness washed over me.

. . .There are many things they can’t tell me, so the three of them were considerate and didn’t ask much.

At times like this, I truly feel it.

Family is a wonderful thing.

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