Limited Time, Kitchen Maid of the Fourth Knight Order ~I Got a Job Because I Don’t Want to Get Married~ – Chapter 130

𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 

The wind is cold, but it’s not too bothersome when in the sunlight, on a clear, sunny day. It’s cold if I sit for too long, so while drinking something warm, I have a conversation sitting on a bench.

Sitting next to me is Maurice. Maurice, who sits just a little closer than the day we met, is grumbling about something with a gloomy face.

“Then she laughed, but the others said that wasn’t good enough. As I was thinking about her, even as I kissed, these are the flowers I picked with my own hands, you know? She was happy with them, so why did they say it was no good afterward?”

To summarize, “I was criticized by others when I gave a single flower to my girlfriend while she was alive, but I don’t understand what was wrong.”

“It depends on the person, but maybe, it would have been better if it was beautifully wrapped, especially if it’s for someone of noble descent.”

“But. . . I’ve never wrapped anything before.”

“You could have let someone else do it.”

“I should! I should, when it’s a flower that I have grown from a seed with her in my thoughts! Why should I let someone else touch it at the very end!!”


I’m still not used to being suddenly shouted at; it’s surprising every time.

Maurice, who had slammed the bench in a fit of anger, was panting, but when he looked up after a while, he had a smile on his face.

“Where did that flower go wrong? The flower that I raised from the seed, whispering and kissing my love for her every day, don’t you think it was filled with affection?”

“I think so. If she laughed, isn’t that what matters?”

I wouldn’t want to receive a flower that someone other than my beloved had been kissing every day. But according to Maurice, Marie Ange seemed happy with it.

It’s too much like a stalker’s thought. I don’t know if Marie Ange was really pleased, but I wouldn’t dare to ask her.

“But everyone says it’s no good! Even though she said it was fine! That rotten king!!”

Eventually, he naturally begins to curse the former king.

Please stop. I don’t want to get arrested for disrespect just by being associated with you.

“I only have a vague memory, but there’s a way to cut flowers to make them last longer. I believe it’s cutting the stem under water.”

“. . . . . .Is that so?”

“If you do it that way, it’s said that the flowers can maintain their beauty for longer. Maybe for someone noble, it would have been better if they lasted longer.”

“There’s a magic tool for preservation, so I never worried about it.”

“Ah, right.”

“Commoners don’t use it, so it can’t be helped.”

Though I used it myself, I had completely forgotten.

Just by talking normally, the fact that I am a commoner in Maurice’s eyes is becoming solidified. It’s pleasing yet complex.

“If you’re preserving it, wouldn’t it be better to keep it as beautiful as possible?”

“. . .So it seems. . . That’s right! That I couldn’t give the flower filled with my love in the best possible condition!! It’s natural to complain! Yet she accepted it! With a smile! Letting only me into her beautiful eyes! Only me! As if we were the only two in the world!”

. . .The difference in his intensity is frightening every time I see it.

Rene and the townspeople are watching over me, but if Maurice, who’s bigger than me, gets serious, I’m like a twig that could snap at any moment.

It’s terrifying to have someone next to me who could snap at any moment, who might suddenly strangle me.

“I’ll do that next time I see her. Thank you.”


Maurice seems to believe without a doubt that he will meet Marie Ange in the next life.

Marie Ange-sama, I wonder if you will be stalked by a stalker in the next life too. . . Looking at Maurice, it’s amazing that I can’t say for sure that it won’t happen.

“That’s right, I’d like you to try curry soon.”

Maurice’s eyes suddenly darkened. I instinctively kept a distance from his gaze, sharp as a cold knife.

“If you show me from the beginning how to make it.”

“Of course, that’s what I intend! If it’s different from the way I know, please teach me.”

I have never eaten curry in this world.

Maurice immediately kicked away my rather serious wish.

“I’ve never seen anyone cook before.”

“Is that so. . .”

Come to think of it, Maurice was a nobleman and a man. He must have never even entered a kitchen.

“I can judge the taste. So. . . let’s meet here again the morning after next.”

“Yes! I’ll show you to the place where we can cook.”

Maurice looked at me intently.

His eyes were pitch black, unreadable. I could feel his breath watching me.

“. . .Fine. I’ll go along with it.”

“Ah. . .”

The air wasn’t right to ask what he meant by “go along with it.”

“Um. . . should I prepare a cushion or something? Unfortunately, I don’t have a horse or anything.”

“No need. Then, the morning after next.”


As Maurice left, the tension drained away. As I wiped the sweat from my brow, the townspeople, as had become customary, came over to talk.

“You’re doing well to deal with that man! It can’t be helped if he’s set his sights on you. . .”

“As long as I’m in this town, I’ll keep him company. If I were to leave now, he seems likely to follow. . .”

“. . .That’s true indeed. Eat this and get your energy back!”

A few good-natured women gave me food that hadn’t turned out right. Whether it was misshapen or the contents had spilled, the taste was unchanged, so I gratefully accepted it.

After eating on the spot and thanking everyone, my work for the day was done.

I returned to the villa being praised by Rene and Shiro, and it was still before evening.

Feeling a bit tired, I excused myself from everyone and decided to rest. Everyone was considerate and told me to take it easy.

“Ah. . . My body isn’t tired, but I’m mentally exhausted. . .”

I sat on the garden chair outside the villa and basked in the sun.

The chair, woven from slender and flexible wood, was not hard and fit perfectly.

In the corner of my eye, the lake shimmered. The scent of fresh greenery. Clouds drifted by, sometimes darkening the sky, but soon it brightened again.

“Sorry to disturb your rest. Is it okay to talk now?”

“You should also hydrate. Here, drink this.”

Edgardo and Rolf stood with glasses of lemonade filled with ice.

“Thank you, I will gladly accept. Mmm, it’s sweet and sour and delicious!”

The sourness spread through my tired body.

Unlike me sitting and drinking, the two of them did not sit down. They stood with serious faces. . . as if they had made some decision.

“There’s. . . something we need to discuss.”

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