
Limited Time, Kitchen Maid of the Fourth Knight Order ~I Got a Job Because I Don’t Want to Get Married~ – Chapter 106

𝐃𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧’𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

I am told that I am not human but a magic tool.

I lack the emotions that a human should possess. Therefore, I have been continuously called cold-hearted.

I myself am aware of the absence of emotions. The joys and sorrows of what I call family are utterly incomprehensible to me.

While I cannot empathize, I can logically explain, and thus consider that understanding, but to humans, this seems to be incomprehensible.

Rather, I should be thinking of a way to save our Dyson Count house. Despite bragging about our noble lineage, we are on the brink of decline.

“Instead of fleeing to disgust and blaming me as a magic tool, why don’t you think of a way to restore the house?”

No matter how many plans I come up with, I have no authority as I am not yet the head of the family.

When I suggest to my parents, for some reason, they get angry. They should grasp the situation correctly, yet why do they resort to anger when faced with reality?

Knowing it will only make them angrier, I decided to quickly leave the room.

“Why can’t you understand people’s feelings!”

The hysterical voice of someone known as mother echoes.

If understanding human emotions would allow me to restore this house and avoid a life of poverty, I would do it. But even that would only hasten our decline.

Eventually, there was talk of adopting a child. Probably a plan to have the Dyson Count house succeed by adoption.

As things stand, the likelihood of not becoming the head of the Dyson Count house is high. Hence, I’m considering my future, but then my parents died.

I swear I did nothing, but the servants and nobles seem to think I was responsible.

What people think does not change the truth, so I calmly completed the funeral and succeeded the Dyson Count house.

My parents died of a plague, as we couldn’t continue to buy the expensive medicine.

Therefore, they took a cheaper medication. It wasn’t very effective. They died unable to overcome the illness.

I don’t understand why just that would make the servants cry.

Right after the funeral, while I was working to restore the house, I was yelled at by a servant calling me inhuman.

I’m doing my best with what I can do, so why must I be spoken to like that?

The servant, having insulted a noble, was frightened and stumbled out of the mansion.

People who saw it began to spread rumors as they pleased.

I’ve had enough.

I just want to live without hunger. To live without worrying about tomorrow. Just that, yet. . .

Humans call me a magic tool, but then why do I feel hunger? If I were a magic tool, it would have been better not to need sleep, food, or excretion.

Emotions sprouted within me at the age of 28.

A child was born.

The Dyson Count house has gradually recovered, but it’s too early to say we’re saved from decline, and my reputation is not good. Still, I had to marry and have a child, so I took a wife from the Baron house.

The newborn had a strange face and cried day and night with a thin voice.

When I asked why it doesn’t eat solid food, I was told it’s because it has no teeth. Upon checking, indeed, there were no teeth.

“Danna-sama! Pulling like that will cut the mouth.”

“Is that so.”

I was scolded by my wife, but there was no blood coming from the baby’s mouth.

Curious about the absence of teeth, I tried to look again, and this time I was seriously scolded. If the baby dies, we would have to conceive again, so I reluctantly left the room.


Since then, every time I saw a baby, I was filled with wonder.

I, too, had such a time, and thinking that I was cherished by my parents then, something twinged in my heart even more.

My wife called it “emotion.” She said that since getting married and having a child, I had become more human, even the servants smiled at me.

The house seemed brighter.

When we named the baby “Marie Ange,” the messy prototype of a human suddenly seemed closer to humanity, and that was even more mysterious.

Marie Ange adored me innocently. She would smile and run towards me whenever she saw my face.

She was so well-featured that people already said she would grow up to be a beauty.

The house had become lively again with laughter, but it darkened once more, and again, I was the cause.

To humans, my obsession with my daughter seemed abnormal.

Is it so strange to want to keep track of what one’s daughter does?

“. . .Alva-sama. Ordinary people don’t check how many times their child chews.”

My frightened wife no longer called me Danna-sama.

Yet, my daughter remained pure. She called me Otou-sama and embraced me. It was then I first knew the emotion of love.

Eventually, my wife began to constantly fear me and plotted to leave the house with my daughter, so I decided to punish her.

Of course, Marie Ange would stay. She is the precious heir to the Dyson Count family. I won’t let her go anywhere.

Ah, but maybe it’s better if she doesn’t marry.

Marriage and childbirth are the duties of the nobility, but childbirth can lead to death. If so, it’s better to adopt.

My wife fell ill.

That’s what I decided.

It seems my wife truly became mentally and physically sick and died before I could punish her.

She was always apologizing to Marie Ange, who didn’t seem to understand, being so young.

That’s fine. That’s how I raised her.

If a child as adorable as Marie Ange could be born, I thought it might be good to have another child, albeit too late.

Marie Ange and I, we spent our time in the mansion. The number of servants dwindled.

They pitied Marie Ange and tried to take her away from this house. But Marie Ange adored me. That’s the fact.

I kept my daughter, who was of age, from leaving the house as much as possible, but there were times when she had to. The founding festival.

My daughter fell in love with the First Prince at her first founding festival.

There were too many eyes, and I couldn’t cover it up.

Marie Ange became the prince’s fiancée and was adopted by the Evatt Duke family because she was deemed unworthy for the Dyson Count family.

All this was the scheme of the despicable people who took Marie Ange from me.

Even while staying with the Evatt family, Marie Ange didn’t change. She called me father and sent letters every day.

I also received daily reports from the maid I assigned to Marie Ange, but the information was overwhelmingly less than when she was at home.

Marie Ange got married.

Marie Ange had a child.

And another.

Marie Ange died.



I’ve heard of the death and haven’t been able to meet even once.

The person who snatched Marie Ange has secluded themselves in the detached palace with all of Marie Ange’s belongings.

Everything of Marie Ange’s at home is preserved by magical tools, but that alone is not enough for Marie Ange’s life.

The human-like being who stole Marie Ange from me and killed her with poison, why do they possess Marie Ange’s things? They are mine.

Because Marie Ange is mine.

I fought with the hateful human over the entity that poisoned Marie Ange.

To kill cruelly.

Unable to win against royalty, I only managed to get my hands on the human-shaped accomplice of the executor.

Marie Ange has died.

She is nowhere to be found anymore.

Why did she have to die? Because she became royalty.

Because the male-shaped being took Marie Ange away.

Then, they must die.

All the royalty must die.

It starts with the human-like who obtained the title of Marie Ange’s husband.

For that, access to the detached palace is necessary.

Apparently, a special method is needed to enter that detached palace. Only those who became king can open it. I didn’t even know where the entrance was.

Marie Ange’s child wasn’t as lovely as Marie Ange.

I could only think of it as a human-shaped thing moving around, and while there were people around, I pretended to dote on it, though I’m not sure if that was correct.

The first child was named Coleesh, and nothing about the detached palace was leaked.

So, I decided to kill.

After Marie Ange died, in the poison laboratory I built, I had a poison developed that kills slowly.

I paralyzed the family of the royal chef with poison, and in exchange for selling them the antidote, I had them mix poison into the royal meals.

With a combination of things that are not poisonous, I made sure the poison wasn’t discovered and killed slowly. If I killed them quickly, I couldn’t ask about the detached palace.

If his health deteriorates, Coleesh will entrust the information to someone. Because I will kill the child and wife together, only Linus will be healthy.

I am the support for Linus. It’s easier to investigate the detached palace.

After I figure out the entrance and how to enter, Linus can live as he likes. The country doesn’t matter to me.

I must rescue Marie Ange from the detached palace.

I’m nauseated by the fact that the madman who was king wouldn’t even give me a single bone of hers, although she cries wanting to return to me.

I killed the person who mistakenly said I had carnal desires for Marie Ange. I killed those who tried to separate me and Marie Ange. I must kill those who would destroy the world of me and Marie Ange.

There’s no need for anything but me and Marie Ange.

Let’s destroy that detached palace too. There’s no need for the royal castle that still stands even though they killed Marie Ange.

Let’s return to the house we spent time in together soon.

I had a new dress made. And the accessories to go with it, the perfume, and the shoes.

And then, we’ll spend time together alone for sure this time. Marie Ange also wishes for it, so she’ll be pleased.

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