I Was on the Verge of Dying From Overwork, so I Ended Up Getting Married to a Prince From a Neighboring Country – Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Those on the Move


a single candle in a dark room

Losing body fat can be a challenging task, often requiring hard work, patience, and dedication.

At a round table, men face each other.

According to a review of 58 studies, resistance training for at least 4 weeks may help decrease body fat by an average of 1.46%. It may also significantly reduce body fat mass and visceral fat, which is a type of fat that surrounds the organs in your belly .

It all began with a sigh.

Strength training is a type of exercise in which your muscles contract against resistance. It builds muscle mass and increases strength over time, and it usually involves lifting weights.

“It appears there’s more to it than we thought.”

Although many fad diets and fat-burning supplements promise quick results, modifying your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine is the most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

“That’s not good, is it? She is also gaining the trust of the people.”

Although many fad diets and fat-burning supplements promise quick results, modifying your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine is the most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

“If nothing is done, the public’s trust in the royal family will grow stronger—something needs to be done.”

Try adding a few servings of high protein food to your diet each day. Protein-rich foods include meat, seafood, eggs, legumes, tofu, and dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt.

There is only one calm smile among the impatient men.

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later is a simple strategy to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

He who brings them together and leads them.

Eating more protein-rich foods may help reduce your appetite and increase fat burning.

The Duke Schwigel Aizen.

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later is a simple strategy to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

“Don’t be so pessimistic—if she refuses to join us, we will take appropriate action.”

Eating more protein-rich foods may help reduce your appetite and increase fat burning.

“Do you have any suggestions?”

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later is a simple strategy to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

“Of course I do. Everyone should think carefully. She certainly wields considerable power. But, after all, she is not a native of this country. She’s a complete stranger from the outside.”

Other research indicates that a lack of sleep may contribute to alterations in hunger hormones, increased appetite, and a higher risk of obesity .

“That is true; however, she is now a member of the royal family—her past isn’t that significant…”

Although everyone needs a different amount of sleep, most studies tie at least 7 hours of sleep per night to the most benefits for weight management and overall health .

“Not at all. Her superior power is what makes her valuable to exploit. What matters is how people perceive her, not the facts. Isn’t that what it all boils down to?”

Although it may seem counterintuitive, increasing your intake of healthy fats may prevent weight gain.

Another figure appears from the shadows.

A 12-month study associated following a Mediterranean diet rich in healthy fats from olive oil and nuts with greater long-term weight loss, compared with a low fat diet .

It is a person who should not be in this country.

Keep in mind that healthy fat is still high in calories, so it’s important to moderate your intake. Instead of eating more fat overall, try swapping fried foods, processed ingredients, and refined oils for the healthy varieties above.

His uninvited presence would cause an international problem.

For example, sugar-sweetened beverages like soda are often packed with calories and offer little nutritional value. Alcohol is also high in calories and may lower inhibitions, which may increase your risk of overeating .

“Duke Salerio.”

According to one small study in 14 young men, drinking 1 pint (570 mL) of water before a meal increased feelings of fullness, reduced hunger, and decreased the number of calories eaten during the meal (20Trusted Source).

“You are absolutely correct.”

Alternatively, green tea contains caffeine and is rich in antioxidants, both of which may help increase fat burning and metabolism (2, 2).

The two men exchanged glances.

According to some studies, increasing your intake of high fiber foods may protect against weight gain. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

There was mutual interest between the two.

Another review found that increasing soluble fiber intake significantly decreased body weight and belly fat, independent of calorie intake .


During processing, refined grains are stripped of their bran and germ, resulting in a final product that’s low in fiber and nutrients.


What’s more, studies associate diets high in refined carbs with increased belly fat over time

There’s a rumor I’ve been hearing recently.

Refined carbs also tend to have a high glycemic index (GI), which may cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels that lead to increased hunger. Still, you’re likelier to see these effects if you eat refined carbs on their own rather than as part of a balanced meal .

“You’ve heard about it? Rumors about His Highness…”

Just keep in mind that traditional weight metrics like BMI don’t capture the full portrait of health.

“Yes, it appears to be spreading throughout the Royal Capital.”

Conversely, diets high in whole grains are tied to a lower body mass index (BMI) and body weight, plus a smaller waist circumference.

“Is it true?”

Aim to replace refined carbs from pastries, processed foods, pastas, white breads, and breakfast cereals with whole grains like whole wheat, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, and oats.

“I’m not sure. But His Highness has avoided engagement for a long time, and now… I can’t help but think it’s not impossible.”

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is one of the most common forms of exercise. It’s any type of exercise that specifically trains the heart and lungs.

“However, that does not imply that His Highness is…”

Other studies have found that aerobic exercise may increase muscle mass and decrease belly fat, waist circumference, and body fat.

“I know. I don’t believe it either—that’s why rumors spread.”

Running, walking, cycling, and swimming are just a few examples of cardio workouts.

There were rumors in the castle that His Highness Rayne had kidnapped me from another kingdom to use as a personal tool.

One large review of 12 studies associated increased coffee intake with a lower risk of obesity, especially for men. Another study including 2,623 people linked higher caffeine intake to a higher rate of success with weight loss maintenance.

“That’s impossible!”

To maximize the health benefits of coffee, avoid adding large amounts of cream and sugar. Instead, enjoy it black or with a small splash of milk.

“Yes! My brother would never do something like that!”

Other studies have found that aerobic exercise may increase muscle mass and decrease belly fat, waist circumference, and body fat.

The rumors naturally reached Leo-kun and Lena-chan’s ears.

Studies show that HIIT is incredibly effective at ramping up fat burning and promoting sustainable weight loss.

They were understandably upset.

What’s more, HIIT required 40% less training time commitment than moderate-intensity continuous training, which includes activities like running, rowing, or using an elliptical.

They were making disparaging remarks about their favorite brother.

One review found that doing HIIT 3 times weekly for an average of 10 weeks significantly reduced body fat mass and waist circumference 

They had every right to be upset.

According to another study, HIIT helped people burn up to 30% more calories than other types of exercise, such as cycling or jogging, in the same amount of time.

As for me…

For an easy way to get started, try alternating between walking and jogging or sprinting for 30 seconds at a time. You can also cycle between exercises like burpees, pushups, or squats with short rest periods in between.

“Your Highness…”

Increasing your intake of probiotics through either food or supplements may also rev up fat burning and support long-term weight management.

I was concerned about His Highness.

One review of 15 studies showed that people who took probiotics experienced significantly larger reductions in body weight, fat percentage, and BMI compared with those who took a placebo .

He’s been extremely busy recently, and I don’t see him much outside of tea parties.

Certain strains of probiotics in the genus Lactobacillus may be especially effective at aiding weight and fat loss.

Three days have passed since the last tea party.

Taking supplements is a simple, convenient way to get in a concentrated dose of probiotics every day. Alternatively, you can eat probiotic-rich foods like kefir, tempeh, natto, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

Now there will be a tea party with His Highness, as usual.

Intermittent fasting is a diet pattern that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting.

“Hey sister, brother didn’t do that, did he?”

One review on intermittent fasting examined alternate-day fasting, a method in which you alternate between days of fasting and eating normally. Over 3–12 weeks, this method reduced body weight by up to 7% and decreased body fat by up to 12 pounds (5.5 kg) 


Another small study showed that eating only during an 8-hour window each day helped decrease fat mass and maintain muscle mass when combined with resistance training

“Will Oniisama be alright?”

Several types of intermittent fasting exist, including Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, the 16/8 method, and the 5:2 diet. Seek out a variation that fits your schedule, and don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.

“I am confident he will be fine—His Highness is a powerful man.”

One review on intermittent fasting examined alternate-day fasting, a method in which you alternate between days of fasting and eating normally. Over 3–12 weeks, this method reduced body weight by up to 7% and decreased body fat by up to 12 pounds (5.5 kg) 

I answer their questions.

One review on intermittent fasting examined alternate-day fasting, a method in which you alternate between days of fasting and eating normally. Over 3–12 weeks, this method reduced body weight by up to 7% and decreased body fat by up to 12 pounds (5.5 kg) 

That’s what I tell myself as well.


“――Don’t worry about rumors.”

One large review of 12 studies associated increased coffee intake with a lower risk of obesity, especially for men. Another study including 2,623 people linked higher caffeine intake to a higher rate of success with weight loss maintenance.

When it was time for the tea party, I had a talk with His Highness.

A 12-month study associated following a Mediterranean diet rich in healthy fats from olive oil and nuts with greater long-term weight loss, compared with a low fat diet .

I was concerned and asked him about it, and these were his first words.

Although everyone needs a different amount of sleep, most studies tie at least 7 hours of sleep per night to the most benefits for weight management and overall health .

He said it in a surprisingly straightforward and dignified manner.

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is one of the most common forms of exercise. It’s any type of exercise that specifically trains the heart and lungs.

“It is, after all, just a rumor.” Most likely spread by people who dislike me.”

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later is a simple strategy to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

“Duke Schwigel… I wonder…”

According to one small study in 14 young men, drinking 1 pint (570 mL) of water before a meal increased feelings of fullness, reduced hunger, and decreased the number of calories eaten during the meal (20Trusted Source).

“Who knows. It strikes me as a little childish. But… the man is cunning—Maybe he’s planning something bigger.”

Although many fad diets and fat-burning supplements promise quick results, modifying your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine is the most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

He is drinking tea as he says this.

For example, sugar-sweetened beverages like soda are often packed with calories and offer little nutritional value. Alcohol is also high in calories and may lower inhibitions, which may increase your risk of overeating .

But he hasn’t eaten any of the treats I made.

Most research recommends 150–300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week, or roughly 20–40 minutes of cardio each day .

He claims not to care, but his heart may be fluttering.

Doing bodyweight exercises, lifting weights, and using gym equipment are a few easy ways to get started with strength training.

“We must be cautious now—If left unchecked, rumors will die out, but if this is their work, I don’t think it will end there.”

Studies show that HIIT is incredibly effective at ramping up fat burning and promoting sustainable weight loss.

“…What are they thinking?”

According to some studies, increasing your intake of high fiber foods may protect against weight gain. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

“I’m not sure. Typically, it has been opposition to our policies, a lack of funding, or indirect opposition—But this time appears to be different.”

One 10-year study linked sleeping fewer than 6 hours per night to a higher risk of obesity among young women .

His Highness was concerned after all.

Although many fad diets and fat-burning supplements promise quick results, modifying your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine is the most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

There could be another reason for the spread of rumors.

Refined carbs also tend to have a high glycemic index (GI), which may cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels that lead to increased hunger. Still, you’re likelier to see these effects if you eat refined carbs on their own rather than as part of a balanced meal .

It is too hard for me to even think about it.

Several types of intermittent fasting exist, including Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, the 16/8 method, and the 5:2 diet. Seek out a variation that fits your schedule, and don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.

There was only one thing that came to mind.

For example, one review of 15 studies tied increased aerobic exercise to decreased belly fat in middle-age women .

“Can’t we somehow make the rumors go away as soon as possible?”

According to some studies, increasing your intake of high fiber foods may protect against weight gain. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

“Are you really that concerned?”

In fact, several studies associate sufficient sleep with weight loss.

“… I’m still His Highness’s wife.”

Upping your protein intake may also increase feelings of fullness, decrease hunger, and reduce calorie intake — all factors that aid weight loss (, ).

“Huh, but…it’s not entirely a rumor.”

Studies have associated drinking both sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol with a higher risk of excess belly fat.


Keep in mind that healthy fat is still high in calories, so it’s important to moderate your intake. Instead of eating more fat overall, try swapping fried foods, processed ingredients, and refined oils for the healthy varieties above.

Yes. He’s right.

Refined carbs also tend to have a high glycemic index (GI), which may cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels that lead to increased hunger. Still, you’re likelier to see these effects if you eat refined carbs on their own rather than as part of a balanced meal .

That was something I had forgotten.

Certain strains of probiotics in the genus Lactobacillus may be especially effective at aiding weight and fat loss.

Our relationship is only…

Alternatively, green tea contains caffeine and is rich in antioxidants, both of which may help increase fat burning and metabolism.

“We’re not your typical couple—speaking of “using”… they’re right.”

Try adding a few servings of high protein food to your diet each day. Protein-rich foods include meat, seafood, eggs, legumes, tofu, and dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt.


Plus, you can take several simple steps to promote long-lasting, sustainable fat loss while improving your overall health.

Perhaps this is why His Highness isn’t angry.

Other research indicates that a high protein diet may help preserve muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss .

because he feels a little guilty for having made me his wife.

Olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds are just a few examples of nutritious fats that can benefit your health.

Nonetheless, I…

Soluble fiber — which is found in plant foods — absorbs water and moves through your digestive tract slowly, helping you feel full for longer .

“I have no regrets about marrying you, Your Highness.”

According to another study, HIIT helped people burn up to 30% more calories than other types of exercise, such as cycling or jogging, in the same amount of time.


Several types of intermittent fasting exist, including Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, the 16/8 method, and the 5:2 diet. Seek out a variation that fits your schedule, and don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.

“Whatever the reason or circumstances, I have this peaceful time because that day I met His Highness and he reached out to me—I became a wife of my own volition.”

According to another study, HIIT helped people burn up to 30% more calories than other types of exercise, such as cycling or jogging, in the same amount of time.

I’ve never thought of that decision as a mistake.

Another review found that increasing soluble fiber intake significantly decreased body weight and belly fat, independent of calorie intake .

because I am now happy.

To support a healthy sleep cycle, stick to a regular sleep schedule, limit your intake of caffeine in the evening, and minimize your use of electronic devices before bed.

In this country, I’m spending time with my new family.

Losing body fat can be a challenging task, often requiring hard work, patience, and dedication.

It may differ from a typical married couple.

Try adding a few servings of high protein food to your diet each day. Protein-rich foods include meat, seafood, eggs, legumes, tofu, and dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt.

But I’m content enough with that.

In fact, several studies associate sufficient sleep with weight loss.

“…Hahaha, I understand.”

Olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds are just a few examples of nutritious fats that can benefit your health.

His Highness laughs.

According to some studies, increasing your intake of high fiber foods may protect against weight gain. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

as if he’s relieved.

Most research recommends 150–300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week, or roughly 20–40 minutes of cardio each day .

“All right, then, let me tell you something quick. To celebrate the national holiday, there is a festival. There will be a royal parade through the streets—we’ll be there together.”

One review on intermittent fasting examined alternate-day fasting, a method in which you alternate between days of fasting and eating normally. Over 3–12 weeks, this method reduced body weight by up to 7% and decreased body fat by up to 12 pounds (5.5 kg) 

“Is it a festival? That sounds good.”

Keep in mind that healthy fat is still high in calories, so it’s important to moderate your intake. Instead of eating more fat overall, try swapping fried foods, processed ingredients, and refined oils for the healthy varieties above.

“It’s the biggest festival in the country—actually, I was hoping to get some help from Phyllis.”

Upping your fiber intake by consuming foods like fresh fruits, veggies, and legumes may boost fat loss, feelings of fullness, and weight loss.


Conversely, diets high in whole grains are tied to a lower body mass index (BMI) and body weight, plus a smaller waist circumference

“Yes. I want you to make the festival even better.”

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2 responses to “I Was on the Verge of Dying From Overwork, so I Ended Up Getting Married to a Prince From a Neighboring Country – Chapter 37”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

  2. OliMolls Avatar

    A stinky rat is lurking about amongst cockroaches. Dude just won’t admit his mistakes. He was the first to treat MC like a tool and discarded her when he found another one, meanwhile letting a devil pressure her directly into slavery. Now that someone snatched her away he was trying to get her back? Like she’s an object.

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