
I Was Confessed to by the Person I Was Admiring – Chapter 58

I Was Confessed to by the Person I Was Admiring – Chapter 58

Chapter 58: The Invitation to The Duke’s residence

I think it’s a bit late for self-introduction, but I’ll do it anyway. My name is Lorraine Valcourt, the eldest daughter of the ordinary-looking Baron of the Valcourt family.

Until recently, I was living quietly in this world, looking for a marriage partner and admiring handsome men in high society, and looking forward to going to the theater. My immediate goal was to find a man who seemed to have a good personality before it was too late.

That was the plan.

However, that plan changed recently because I got engaged.

And the surprising partner is none other than the heir to the Marquis Castalde family, Jeremiah Castalde.

He was the owner of a super high-spec beautiful face and the person who was the most refreshing sight for my eyes.

He was someone I had been admiring for a long time, and I was planning to continue admiring him and make him a spice of my life. Can you believe it, madam? It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? I still can’t believe it and sometimes have mysterious conversations in my mind, wondering what happened.

Honestly, even now, I still can’t believe it. I wonder if it’s a dream or if I’m already dead. Every day, I wake up in the middle of the night and check the dress I was given to confirm that it was real.

After the gathering where such a miracle had occurred ended, I stayed at the Castalde family’s villa for a few days before returning to the Valcourt mansion. The season was still far from spring, and it was especially cold now that New Year’s had passed, which corresponded to the Christmas season in Japan.

The Floesland Kingdom is colder than Japan, so even the playful nobles are spending their time quietly in front of the fireplace, planning for spring.

During that time, I received an invitation.

“Oh, Duchess Astorga is Lady Paula.”

I murmured in surprise as I opened the invitation, which was written in elegant handwriting.

“Um, Lady Lorraine… Are you doing well? I am doing well too. Actually, I received a consultation from my younger brother. He’s worried about whether you can behave as his wife in a suitable manner. He said that you’re studying every day to improve your education and conversation skills. So, I wanted to help you and sent this invitation along with this letter.

The Duke Astorga’s mansion in the capital is visited by nobles and members of parliament every day for discussions and dinner parties. There are limited places where people gather during this season, but if you stay at the Astorga mansion, you can learn a lot. I also sent the same invitation to my brother, but if you have anyone else you want to bring, please let me know.

For those who are willing to accept, I will send an invitation again from me. I’m waiting for an early reply…”

When I looked inside the envelope again, a card came out with my name written on it. While looking at it, I turned it over and another paper came out. When I opened it, it said in small letters, “If you come, you can openly spend time with Jeremiah (lol笑).”

Who told Paula (lol笑) about this?

I know that there are very few modern Japanese reincarnated people mixed in this world, including myself, but don’t tell me that.

While thinking that, the content of the message certainly struck a chord with me.

Even if we were engaged, since we were not married, the time we could spend together was limited. I wanted to talk more and spend time together, but that was not possible in this world or on Earth.

So, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to accept this invitation.

The snowy royal capital.

I rode in a carriage on a sparsely populated street. Unlike the roads with exposed soil up until then, I looked up towards the ceiling, swaying with a different vibration.

Suddenly, my eyes met with the person sitting across from me. Of course, it was Jeremiah. When he noticed me, he narrowed his eyes with a pleasant expression.

“Are you tired? But we’re almost there.”

“Y-Yes, it seems so.”

I smiled while holding my chest. My heart wouldn’t stop pounding. I should have been seeing him throughout this journey, so why was it different now?

I knew the reason.

“Maybe you’re cold?”


I felt a shock on my wrist almost out of nowhere, and I was pulled towards him. As I spun around and moved to the seat, he hugged me from the side. He whispered in a low voice in my ear.

“Here, you won’t be cold anymore, right?”

“Uh, um, but…”

“Just a little more patience. We’ll be together in a warm room once we get to the mansion.”

“I-I thought we had separate rooms…?”

Surprised by his sudden words, I turned my face towards him. Then, a beautiful face approached me at an incredibly close distance.

“That’s right, I want to be with you more. Don’t worry, I’ll be a gentleman.”

Jeremiah whispered sweet words with a smile, but I wasn’t fooled.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Oh, why is that?”

His blue eyes narrowed sharply.

Just by looking at me with those eyes, I couldn’t trust him.

“But, Jeremiah-sama said it himself. He said he wouldn’t do anything until we’re engaged, but he might do it after.”

“Oh, right. But I swear I won’t do anything you don’t like. I don’t want you to hate me.”

He said it calmly, and I felt a little relieved. Yeah, at least the Jeremiah I know is not the type to force anything. So, I thought if I told him that this position was uncomfortable, it might be okay.

“Then please let me go. It’s too narrow and uncomfortable like this.”

Jeremiah smiled. Alright, I can escape from this bad position for my heart. After all, he’s so close that he could kiss me any moment. Although I’ve become more tolerant to this beautiful face than before, I still can’t help but feel my heart racing and my breath shortening.

However, to my disappointment, he said with a refreshing smile.

“I refuse.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Because it’s cold.”

Saying that, he hugged me even tighter.

No, no, no, I’m going to die. I’ll suffocate like this. I feel like I’m going to have an arrhythmia. I hate my moderately tough mental strength. My head is in a state of panic.

I was speechless and could do nothing but endure.

Eventually, the carriage slowly came to a stop. At that moment, Jeremiah finally released me. I was finally able to breathe properly, but I completely lost my color and waited for the carriage door to open, turning completely white.

I’m exhausted.

When I look at the source of the problem, he smiles ruefully. I’m really happy to see that face. But then I thought to myself.

I’m going to die young.

Since our engagement, Jeremiah’s attitude has softened more than I imagined. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like much has changed, but when we’re alone, he teases me and tries to touch me.

Well, it’s natural for lovers to do such things, but I’m not used to being in a situation where my ideal person suddenly appears next to me and does such things. After all, this is a person whom I had been thinking of having as a snack for the rest of my life.

The feeling of inferiority that had been ingrained in my heart, even from my past life, is not something that can be easily dispelled.

So, while I was exhausted in contrast to Jeremiah’s happiness, I got off the carriage. And then, I let out a sigh of admiration.

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