Chapter 26: Dangerous Tea Party with Natural Enemies (Part 2)
Chloe calmly and concisely recounted the events that had occurred at the lake.
She tried her best not to upset Steed’s feelings.
However, when talking about how wonderful Marion was as a girl, she couldn’t help but express her emotions.
But Steed should understand the real Marion if he gets to know her.
She’s not an enemy.
[Oh, Marion was such a girl. I’m glad I made such a nice friend.]
Chloe finished talking and waited for Steed to say something in return.
However, instead of softening his attitude, Steed’s expression became even more severe.
“Being friends with Marion. . .Sigh, Chloe. Can’t you tell me this is just a dream?”
Steed muttered, looking up at the sky.
He’s probably trying to control his emotions as much as possible.
However, confusion and frustration seeped through his attitude and words.
(Why? I explained about Marion properly.)
“Hey, isn’t Marion A really good girl?”
“It doesn’t matter what kind of person the heroine is. Even if she’s a ‘good girl’ as you say, she’s someone who will ruin you. She’s no different from a devil.”
“What, a devil. . .Why would you say that. . .?!”
“If you don’t like the word ‘devil,’ should I call her a ‘grim reaper’ instead?”
“Steed! Marion hasn’t done anything to me yet!”
“It’s too late to hate her after she does something.”
With an unbelievably cold voice, he spat out his words, leaving Chloe with no words to say in return.
Steed is deliberately choosing words with sharp edges now.
Not directed at Chloe, but to show his hostility towards Marion.
Chloe feels her desire to not anger Steed rapidly fading away.
It’s no use anymore.
It’s no use. He’s clearly very angry.
Moreover, because she was hit with his anger, Chloe’s competitive spirit was ignited.
(I know it’s because of me that he’s hostile towards Marion. I know that, but. . .)
Chloe wanted to talk to Steed about that issue.
However, Steed is persisting in his attitude of not accepting any other possibilities.
(Steed is an idiot. . .)
“Moreover, you’re going to have tea with her fiancée instead of her?”
“They’re not officially engaged yet.”
When she responds with a sour face, the look that says that’s not the issue returns with a sigh.
“Chloe. I understand that you can’t leave the heroine alone. You probably don’t want to admit it, but you’re very kind.”
“I’m not kind at all――”
Steed puts his index finger on Chloe’s lips and interrupts her denial.
“This time, the other party is too bad. You haven’t forgotten that Marion is an existence that will ruin you, have you?”
Being told as if Marion is a great sinner, Chloe can’t take it anymore.
“You should meet her once too. Then you’ll surely come to like her.”
“That’s impossible.”
Without even thinking, Steed dismisses it.
A cold voice that she could never imagine coming from the usual Steed. Hidden within it is an emotion close to hatred.
Her spine shivers.
Immediately after, she feels embarrassed about that fact.
The villainess shouldn’t be afraid of anything.
And yet, she finds herself scared of Steed now.
(This is not a joke. I’m not afraid of Steed or anything!)
And she doesn’t like how he hates Marion like a villain.
Just because Steed knows a lot about Marion in the game, what does that mean?
This isn’t the game world.
There might be differences between the game and this world.
(We’ve been struggling to do things differently from the game. And yet, Steed, who suggested that we do so, doesn’t accept the difference between the game and this world. That’s ridiculous!)
As she leans forward, thinking of complaining, Steed takes the initiative.
“About tomorrow’s plans, there’s no need to go out of your way to refuse. Spend the whole day with me tomorrow. Anyway, don’t get involved anymore.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?! Don’t decide things on your own.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“If it’s for my sake, I want you to stop even more.”
She can’t take it anymore.
How Chloe felt about wanting to help Marion. How happy Marion was about it.
Without even trying to understand that.
Chloe glares at Steed.
“Besides, Steed, there were things we didn’t talk about, right? I didn’t know Marion was cross-dressing. That’s why I didn’t realize she was a girl and talked to her at first.”
“Cross-dressing? What are you talking about?”
Perplexed by his curious response, she is confused.
“What do you mean. . .Marion was dressed as a boy.”
“Dressed as a boy. . .? That’s strange. The game didn’t have that element at all.”
“Do you think I’m lying?”
“Of course not. I wouldn’t doubt you, Chloe.”
Seeing Steed frown as if he’s offended, Chloe snorts.
“I thought it was strange from the beginning. The episodes that happen in this summer resort aren’t about the heroine and her fiancé. I still can’t trust that girl, Marion.”
He speaks ill of Marion again.
It’s almost as if he’s intentionally trying to make her angry.
“Marion isn’t lying! She even met one of the potential fiancé candidates who’s looking for her.”
“Chloe, that kind of episode didn’t happen in the game. That’s why it’s strange for something like that to happen.”
She can’t take it anymore, as he keeps bringing up the game.
If he thinks that the events in his memory of the game are more correct than what Chloe is saying, then he can just believe what he wants.
Such childish feelings start to well up inside her.
“Enough already. You haven’t been listening to me at all. There’s no point in talking to someone like you! You idiot, Steed!”
“Huh? Wait, wait a minute. I’m sorry. I’m listening to you. Chloe, wait. Just calm down for a moment?”
“What do you mean calm down?! Are you trying to pacify me like a horse?! Besides, my answer won’t change even if I calm down!”
She’s so angry that tears are about to come out.
Clearly, she is too agitated.
A calm voice in her head tells her that this childish way of getting angry is not good.
But she can’t stop.
Ignoring the other voice telling her to stop, Chloe shouted the decisive blow.
“Go away! I don’t even want to see Steed’s face!”
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