
How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives – Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Inquisitor (2)

Although the Church recognizes only one main god, it does not consider all other gods heretical.

Even though they are a group of reckless fanatics, they cannot label all gods worshipped in countless nations, including the Empire, such as the god of war, the god of abundance, and the god of magic, as heretics.

Therefore, within the Church, there are various occupations, including high priests, monks, Holy Knights, and priests of each parish or temple.

And they were all objects of respect and gratitude from ordinary believers.

As long as they did not commit a deadly sin, they were the most reliable backing within the fence of fellow believers.

“Ah, greetings, Brothers.”

But there is one exception. Among the numerous occupations within the Church, there are those who are the objects of fear, or even anger, even among fellow believers.



If the high priests who wield powerful holy power are the shield of the Church and the Holy Knights who make up the Divine Knights are the hammer of the Church, then the Inquisitor is the dagger of the Church.

The sharpest, most secretive, and most threatening.

A man dressed in black, bearing the intimidating symbol of the Inquisition, a cross-shaped sword and the flames of a pyre, greeted them in a light tone.

The abbot’s face, looking up at the man mounted on a large horse, was clearly tense.

The Inquisitors, called the most secretive swords of the Church, were the only ones who could judge sinners without any separate procedures.

Beings capable of judgment and immediate execution.

Hounds selected from the most outstanding individuals in various fields and subjected to rigorous training.

“Y-Your Excellency, what brings you to such a rural place……”


The priests, looking at the Inquisitor who suddenly visited Yarnelli Monastery, had somewhat uneasy expressions.

It seemed they were afraid that their mistakes might be revealed.

There are very few people who have not a single shame throughout their entire lives. Especially in times like these, when the majority of people joined the Church simply following the authority of the Holy See.

“What meaning is there in distinguishing between the countryside and the city in a place where God’s will is carried out? It is all God’s land.”

Whether he knew or not how they felt, the Inquisitor with an imposing atmosphere spoke with a calm expression.

The novice priests of the monastery were hiding behind the pillars of the building, watching the scene with excitement.

“Is that man an Inquisitor?”


It was not easy to see the priests, who usually seemed strict and lofty to the other children except for me, being humble and trembling with anxiety.

‘Inquisitor. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one.’

A very small number of Holy Knights who have reached a high level, high priests, and Inquisitors. They were quite bothersome fellows in my previous life as well.

Of course, aside from being bothersome, countless Inquisitors died by my hand, but.

‘What brings him here?’

I looked at the man in black with an expression closer to interest than fear or worry.

There was no reason for the Church’s hound, who holds immense authority, to visit this rural monastery.

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence.

Originally, Inquisitors are those who wander all over the continent, carrying out their own operations. It was most likely that he wandered around many places and ended up here.


I twisted one side of my lips upwards. Fanatics who believe that God is omnipotent wouldn’t like this word very much.

And that was the same for me. Every event that happens in the world has a cause and effect.

“Please come inside. We will prepare a meal first.”

“A simple bread and a glass of water will be enough.”

The man, who politely answered the abbot who was looking up at him nervously, turned his gaze towards the children hiding behind the pillar of the monastery’s prayer room, that is, where I was.

Well, with the distance where the conversation could be faintly heard, there was no way he, with his keen senses, wouldn’t know the children were there.



The children, startled by the Inquisitor’s gaze, quickly stepped back, but he did not get angry or anything. He even waved his hand in this direction.

His gaze, which swept over the faces of the novices, stopped at me for a moment.

Does he know me? Or does he sense something? His gaze, which briefly passed through my eyes, bothered me a little, but there was nothing to be concerned about.

The Demonic Energy in my body had already been used up without a trace.

When I didn’t avoid his gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It was an expression of satisfaction for some reason.

I didn’t let my guard down as I watched the Inquisitor.

Because I knew that they were the kind of people who would swing their weapons without hesitation if they were sure their opponent was a heretic, even if they showed endless kindness.

“Now, this way……”

Finally, he turned his gaze away from me and followed the abbot into the monastery.

The Inquisitor, who disappeared inside the monastery with the rattling sound of chains as if he had several thick chains wrapped around his waist, I watched with a cold expression.


Contrary to my expectations, the Inquisitor in black did not seem to have any particular purpose in visiting this place, and he did not act strangely for several days. He simply wandered around the monastery and its surroundings.

I thought it might be an opportunity and wanted to find out more, but I didn’t want to take the risk of arousing unnecessary suspicion.

Then, one day, after a few days had passed. Finally, it happened.

As I expected and as the priests feared.

But it also included something I hadn’t anticipated.


“Yes, hurry up. He’s waiting for you in the prayer room right now.”

The Inquisitor is looking for me.

At the priest’s words, who came to get me at the Inquisitor’s request, I felt the gazes of the other children piercing my back.

Worry, curiosity, jealousy, pity, admiration, etc.

Since the priest didn’t say why he was looking for me, the gazes were filled with various emotions.

“Now, let’s go.”

The priest, who spoke briefly, had a worried look on his face.


I followed behind the priest, lost in thought.

‘Why is he looking for me?’

Did the Inquisitor perhaps notice something suspicious about me? I asked myself and shook my head. There is no Demonic Energy left in my body now, so that can’t be it.

It didn’t take even a few minutes to reach the small prayer room in the not-so-large monastery.


I quickly scanned the room. The air was thick with tension.


As I entered the room, the white-haired abbot coughed.

The abbot, with a somewhat frightened expression, glanced at the Inquisitor and slowly opened his mouth.

“Oh. Luciel, come here. The reason I called you is─”

The abbot’s following words were simple.

The Inquisitor here was interested in me.

It is not uncommon for talented candidates to receive various offers among those who receive various training at the monastery.

According to the abbot’s words and my memory, the child named Luciel seemed to have shown considerable talent in various fields.

“Responding to God’s calling is a path of unequaled glory─”

The Inquisitor, who had been watching the abbot calmly as he continued his explanation with unnecessary rhetoric, turned around and looked at me. I met his dry blue eyes, which were staring at me, without avoiding them.

“I saw your father once before.”

The words the Inquisitor finally uttered were a bit unexpected. Did he already receive a rough explanation from the abbot, who must have known my identity?

“He lacked faith in God, but he was a pretty decent knight.”

I searched my memories, but unfortunately, there weren’t many memories of Luciel’s, or rather, this body’s father. It was quite a long time ago that this child was sent to the monastery, or rather, abandoned.

“It seems you inherited that talent as well.”

He showed me a report that seemed to have been received from the abbot, containing the evaluations of the novices.

“Basic physical strength, swordsmanship, understanding of the Church’s doctrines and history…… all excellent.”

I answered the Inquisitor, who had a satisfied expression, in a humble tone.

“I am still lacking a lot.”

It was sincere.


He grinned, looking at me, who didn’t avoid his gaze. It was the first smile he showed since arriving at the monastery.

Looking at his somewhat ferocious smile, I realized what he would say next.

No, perhaps I had already guessed it to some extent from the moment he first sought me out.

“How about walking the path of an Inquisitor?”


Those who stand at the forefront of the war between evil and heresy, and in a way, those closest to evil among the Church’s personnel.

The immense power bestowed upon them was, conversely, a testament to how dangerous being an Inquisitor is.

A cruel proposition for a child with a glorious, yet still bright future.

But at the same time, it was a very sweet proposition.

An undeniably secure identity backed by the authority of the Church.

It’s a perfect profession for me, who plans to wander the continent freely and visit various places that seem suspicious.

Of course, it would be just as dangerous. After all, I wouldn’t be able to remain a faithful member of the Church until the end.

Perhaps thinking that the conversation was too one-sided, the Inquisitor turned to me and spoke kindly.

“Ah, of course, I respect your choice. That is also God’s will after all.”

It was a crossroads.

To grow safely, but slowly and tediously in this rural monastery.


To follow this Inquisitor named Anton Lebecht and regain my power near the heart of the enemy, somewhat dangerous but certainly and quickly.

And as always, the contemplation at the crossroads was not long.

“I will follow you.”


At my words, uttered without showing any timidity and without a moment’s hesitation, unlike what they usually knew, the abbot and the priests’ faces were filled with surprise.

It was a reaction to choosing a serious matter that could cost me my life without much thought.

On the other hand, the Inquisitor’s face was filled with satisfaction.

“Good. Then now……”

He took a step closer to me, rattling his chains, and slowly took something small out of his pocket.


A bright light shone on the small metal symbol held in the Inquisitor’s hand.

‘A holy relic?’

Contrary to before, curiosity appeared on the faces of the priests and a slight discomfort on mine at the sight of the light emanating from his hand.

“It’s a simple test to see how sensitive you are to holy power, so you don’t have to be too scared.”

His blue eyes sparkled as if piercing through me. He continued speaking, his gaze still fixed on my face as if trying to examine my complexion in detail.

“If you have no fear of sin, that is.”

I smiled at his words.

Even if it wasn’t an Inquisitor but any other human, no, even in front of an angel symbolizing the power of God, I can proudly say.

That I have no remorse for what I have done.


But what he’s talking about isn’t that kind of conscience, is it?

The Inquisitor shining holy power on me must be to confirm the innate talent as a member of the Church, to accept holy power.

And at the same time, to detect any possible traces of Demonic Energy.


From the radiant energy emanating from the symbol held in the Inquisitor’s hand, I felt a sense of comfort and warmth.

Unlike what I felt with my previous body, which was contaminated by traces of various contracts and the stigma of original sin.

Feeling a rather unfamiliar sensation, I sneered inwardly.

Even if the High Priest of the Herentica Church himself came and poured out powerful holy spells, it would have no effect on me now.

Unlike all other black mages who inevitably leave traces of contracts, I did not make a contract with a demon.

“Now, stay still.”

The beam of light emanating from the small holy relic twinkled beautifully.



As soon as a single beam of white light emanating from the symbol held in the Inquisitor’s hand touched my body, the symbol he was holding flickered as if exploding.


The eyes of all the priests, including the Inquisitor, widened, and the small prayer room was filled with light.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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