
How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives – Chapter 16

Chapter 16: The Key (4)

To those heretics who worship demons, the Inquisitor holds a meaning not much different from a death sentence.

Of course, there are the seven Catacombs in the world, serving each Great Demon, mocking the name of God and spreading evil throughout the world, and there are also those who form their own factions, not belonging to either the light or the darkness.

But unfortunately, from the perspective of those lying before me, this Bergecia cult is not included in that list.


I ended the suffering of the black mage, who was twisting his body with black smoke rising from him and letting out a terrible scream.


The sword, imbued with silver, sharply cut through the air and severed his neck in an instant.

A clean finish, unlike the monster I encountered outside the cave, which had a peculiar neck bone structure different from that of a human.

Swinging the sword with all my might, and wielding it vertically. It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but I felt myself quickly getting used to it as I gained practical experience.

Did they say that the Lumineger family, to which I belong, is famous for being a knightly family? Perhaps that talent is quite useful as well.

“Damn Inquisitor!”

A black mage, grinding his teeth and muttering curses, glared at me with bloodshot eyes and raised his staff.

He began to mutter an evil incantation, not even glancing at his comrades who had already become corpses with severed necks.

I looked at the black Demonic Energy wriggling and flowing from his body. It’s a little interesting, and unfamiliar.

Even the Tower Masters of the Magic Towers, who are proficient in attribute casting, did not challenge me to a one-on-one magic battle.

‘Sericria’s Spear.’

It was a bit of a shame that I couldn’t show the difference in class with the same black magic, but that’s not important right now.

In the blink of an eye, the summoned spear of light shot towards the black mage’s black spell.


The spell, made of black smoke, that erupted from the unknown black mage was split in two.


It took only a blink of an eye for the spear of light, burning through the darkness, to pierce his body.


Outwardly, that is, physically, no major wounds were inflicted.

But his insides, filled with Demonic Energy, must have been already in a mess.

As if to prove it, black smoke, signaling the black mage’s death, soon began to rise from his body.

“N-No! Kuaaaaagh─!”


I moved forward again and finished his suffering.

I glanced at the floor I had walked on. At a glance, there were more than ten corpses of black mages.

The amount of holy power I had consumed so far was also considerable. From Vision Field to consecutive holy spells.

Without the large amount of holy power contained in the holy relic I obtained at Yarnelli Monastery, even this much would have been impossible for me in my current state.

‘I should thank Anton Lebecht.’


A scream that cut off my thoughts was heard from the other side of the dark corridor of the cult.

It seemed that these foolish black mages finally realized that it was foolish to reveal themselves directly in front of an Inquisitor.


Along with the violent vibrations of several entrances opening, a low growl that was not human could be heard.


‘Are they the experimental subjects?’

They’re probably a little better than the failures I saw outside.

I smiled slightly.

Yes, this would be more effective for them. A much higher level of Demonic Energy is needed to cover up holy power.

It would be a wiser decision to try to subdue them physically. Unfortunately, they weren’t that threatening.


I raised my sword, plated with holy silver, which glowed faintly with the shining holy power, and muttered.

“I will grant you peace.”


Soon, the dark corridor was filled with the ferocious roars of the monsters.



An unpleasant squelching sound could be felt with each step I took.

My shoes, stained with the green blood that flowed from the monsters, were so dirty that it was difficult to tell their original color.


I let out a sigh as I rotated my tingling arm.

As expected, it wasn’t an easy fight. I clicked my tongue and looked around at the corpses of black mages and monsters that filled the corridor.

I felt pain all over my body. Is this the best I can do for now?

If it were the seven Catacombs that serve the lowest demons, I wouldn’t even be able to properly cross the entrance with my current skills.

In the first place, the fact that I am alive right now is proof that this Bergecia cult is a half-baked fake.

‘I’m not very satisfied.’

It was something that would make the black mages, who died with their necks, limbs, or other body parts cut off or rotting, jump up and down if they heard it, but I clicked my tongue and leaned against the damp wall for a moment.

If I had joined forces with the veteran Inquisitor Lephra and entered this place as Chairman Markel Pavlino had said, it would have been a much easier and more pleasant fight.

‘But that won’t do.’

It’s best not to run into her until I retrieve the item here.

I’d rather bury my recovered legacy in the darkness than hand it over to the Inquisition.


I took out the holy relic from my pocket and held it in my hand.


With a mysterious light, I felt the pain in my body subside. Quite an immediate effect.

Of course, it wasn’t a fundamental solution.

Not all holy relics easily grant me holy power like the holy relic ‘Eye of Kahadir’ that first gave me holy power at Yarnelli Monastery.

Each holy relic has slightly different effects.

Of course, if I break this small statue, I could absorb the powerful holy power contained within it, but……

‘Then Barok would try to kill me.’

There’s no need to incur the wrath of the Inquisition like that, not yet.

The use of this ‘Luberis’ Shining Voice’ was a little different.

I raised my head and looked at the door located ahead.

‘This is it.’

The innermost part of the Bergecia cult, probably the space where the High Priest resides.

I felt it.

Beyond the thick door made of rough stone.

The object that awaits me.


The door slowly opened. And.


As if waiting, black magic surged from inside and flew towards me. It was probably black magic cast by the High Priest of this cult.

As if to prove it, it was more powerful than the black magic I had easily dealt with so far. Even if he’s the High Priest of a half-baked cult, if he claims to be the one who offers sacrifices to demons, he must have some skill.


‘Gabras’ Silver Shield.’


A sound like striking a giant iron plate resonated through the cavity. It was the most powerful attack I had received in this new body.

I could feel the vibration of the air beyond the silver shield.

I looked at the High Priest through the shaking transparent shield. He was holding up a grayish-white staff made of magical beast bones and glaring at me with bloodshot eyes.

The fact that I, an Inquisitor, have come this far means that all the few members of this cult have been defeated.

“Damn Inquisitor. I will send you to the side of the god you love so much!”

I didn’t answer him and looked at the altar behind him.

“I wondered why you didn’t show yourself until all your subordinates were killed, but were you performing a ritual?”

The Demonic Energy faintly remaining in the air. It wasn’t difficult to read its form.

“Are you trying to make a contract with a higher-ranking demon? I wouldn’t recommend that method.”

“H-How do you……?”

I slowly walked towards the old man, who was clutching his staff with a flustered expression.

“I’m glad you didn’t hide in fear or run away, that’s not the worst. Of course, it’s unfortunate for you.”

“Shut up!”

He shouted and swung his staff.


The black Demonic Energy that erupted from the grayish-white staff split into several strands and flew like blades.


I immediately ran forward, twisting my body sideways and swinging my sword. The black blades, aimed at the parts not covered by the shield, collided with the holy silver-plated sword, creating a chilling resonance.

My hand went numb for a moment, but I didn’t let go of the sword.


As if he had been waiting, the sight of me effectively countering his attack and running towards him was clearly reflected in his shocked eyes.


He hurriedly swung his staff and began to chant another spell.

But faster than that.

‘Kehallin’s Orb.’

The transparent orb that stretched out from my hand exploded in front of his eyes.


My sword, swung upward as I spun half a turn and jumped onto the platform near the altar.


It cut off his arm, which was raised while clutching the staff.


In front of the ominous altar of the Bergecia cult.


The High Priest of this place, who should be preparing for the ritual, was currently glaring at me with eyes full of pain and hatred.

He didn’t seem to care about the cross-section of his arm, from which a large amount of blood was flowing out, suggesting excessive bleeding, or the sword placed under his neck.

“Still not going to talk?”

I raised my left hand and pointed to the mysterious sphere floating in the air nearby, the legacy I left for myself.

Now that I’ve achieved my goal, it would be right to clean up this place immediately, but there’s one thing I want to confirm before that.

Whether he told other cults or the demon he made a contract with, or perhaps even one of the seven Catacombs, any information related to this relic.

Of course, they are legacies that only react to my soul, but I hate the thought of any unforeseen trouble occurring.

Especially now, when I don’t know if any of the seven Great Demons are still searching for my soul.

“Do you think I would say anything that could be of any help to you? Just kill me quickly if you’re going to, you filthy servant of God.”

He’s right. There’s no need to leave any trouble behind.

“Yes, I will kill you.”


I looked at the old man and smiled slightly.

“But if you don’t confess, I’ll kill you in a slightly different way.”


“Do you know what this is?”

I took out the holy relic I borrowed from the Inquisition and continued speaking.

“I will engrave the mark of light on your soul.”


Looking at the shocked eyes of the High Priest, I began to recite the prayer.

“Before the lofty name of God, I earnestly beseech you─”

“W-What are you doing……!”

The holy relic, ‘Luberis’ Shining Voice’, began to react to my words.

“If one repents of their sins, even the wicked will be forgiven─”

“W-Wait! Stop!”

Not just a prayer spoken with words, but a true prayer borrowing the power of a powerful holy relic.

Following my voice, the same prayer flowed from the small statue.

Did he also sense the unusualness of it? His expression quickly hardened.

Of course, it wouldn’t be on a grand scale where his soul is truly purified and enters paradise, but only a very faint fragment would be engraved on his soul. But even that would be quite unwelcome in hell, where only demons swarm.

The one who enters hell with a faint trace of light. The enraged demons will tear his soul to pieces and throw it into hellfire.

“Even the wicked will enter paradise if they truly repent─”

“I-I’ll talk! I’ll tell you everything!”

The High Priest, forgetting even the pain in his arm and gasping for breath as if the holy voice was piercing his ears, or rather his soul, hurriedly began to speak.

“I never, ever told anyone! In the first place, the reason I prepared for a new contract was to break that seal! I swear on the name of the Kingdom of Death and the seven most solemn Great Demons─”

He quickly spat out the words, as if afraid I would continue the prayer.

From the process of how he first discovered the relic when he entered Mount Pehern, to everything he had done so far to break the seal.

I nodded as I watched the High Priest. It hadn’t leaked to the outside.

If the reason he was preparing for a new contract was to try and break the seal of this relic, then his words must be true.

“I don’t believe your words, but your greed.”

I put the statue, which was beginning to glow, back into my pocket.

“Now, now……”

“There is no mercy for a rat that coveted something beyond its reach, but a promise is a promise.”

Contrary to his words, as if he still had a considerable amount of lingering attachment, unlike before, he couldn’t bring himself to ask me to kill him and just moved his lips.

I looked at him and raised my chipped sword, muttering softly.

“As a sinner, do not repent and die.”

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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