
Rockwall Lou – V6 Chapter 9

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗


At the beginning of the journey of trials, Tweney was overwhelmed by an indescribable pressure and just let herself go with the flow.

Early on in the journey, from the royal capital to the city of Caron, many people came out to greet and welcome Tweney and the Hero Squad.

However, midway through the journey, when they visited small towns and villages, people would hide in their homes and look at them with suspicious eyes. Some even abandoned their homes and fled. They often passed by groups carrying heavy luggage on the road.

The most shocking sight was witnessing a destroyed settlement. Crumbled stone walls, knocked-down wooden pillars, and the fresh footprints of demon beasts on the ground. Experiencing this reality, which they had only heard of in stories, gradually changed the young girl’s perspective.

She thought, if she, who was once called the “Child of Misfortune” and believed she was good for nothing, could become someone’s salvation, then it might be a good thing.

Tweney heard about the “Star Guardian” from Luo, met Crozet, and listened to stories from Theresa and Maasa.

She believed.

At least, it was different from her father, who would suddenly summon her for an audience and forcefully give orders, or Ozma, who tried to control her mind with suspicious flame magic.

Most importantly, Luo was with the “Star Guardian”.

The challenge was how to reach the “Altar of Endings”, but Maasa assured her there was no need to worry.

“Priests of the Mail Religion can wield powers similar to magic, known as spells, by worshipping the Goddess. These powers can protect people and things, like creating seals or barriers. Many of these techniques are now lost.”

It was said that they couldn’t be revived because of the secrecy within the group.

“We will break the seal of the “Star Princess”.”

Tweney was nervous.

“This way, we, the “Star Guardian”, can fulfill our original role.”

A woman with a compassionate smile is extending her injured palm. It’s a statue of the Goddess Mail.

In the majestic room surrounded by the statue of the goddess and a knight’s armor, there were Theresa, Maasa, and three old women named Sumi, Nura, and Morin. According to Luo, these three old women are skilled at dissecting demon beasts.

The ritual to break the seal was not complex.

Incense was burned in the room, and Sumi, Nura, and Morin chanted words that sounded like prayers. Next to Tweney, who knelt in front of the goddess statue, was Maasa holding a crystal-like mineral. Theresa seemed to be watching the ritual from a distance.

“Star Princess, please relax your shoulders. It shouldn’t hurt.”


Even during the ritual, Maasa’s demeanor and tone remained calm. Tweney felt slightly reassured.

“With the guidance of the Four Great Spirits, let’s open the path between heaven and earth. To the Goddess Mail, one of the deities in heaven, your faithful apostle Maasa humbly speaks.”

The words Maasa spoke to the goddess statue were akin to a confession. In the end, she concluded her words by asking the goddess to grant power to the foolish and began chanting a peculiar spell.

The next moment, a hard sound echoed, followed by the sound of something like powder spilling. It seemed the crystal Maasa held had shattered.

Although they were in a sealed room, they felt a flow of air.

“Now, I will tap your forehead gently.”

Something like a fingertip touched a point, and an indescribable something was drawn into it. It doesn’t hurt, but it feels strange.

The heartbeat throbbed loudly.

The blood raced through the body.

Clenching both hands tightly, Tweney closed her eyes.

She had experienced this sensation before. When Ozma tried to manipulate her mind with magic, she had felt strong emotions. She thinks it was a feeling of anger. Even then, she felt the blood racing through her body.

But now, it’s incomparable to that time.

The body is hot.

It’s like burning.

『…ge. …o……ge』

It sounded like a hallucination.

She was being called. The voice was powerful, and involuntarily, it had a dignity that made her want to prostrate.

『Offer yourself!』

Startled by the clear voice, Tweney opened her eyes reflexively.

Before she knew it, the heartbeats and the blood flow had calmed down. However, she felt an indescribable power overflowing from the depths of her body.

“Oh, your appearance!”

Theresa exclaimed in awe, but Tweney had no time to care.

Someone else’s will, not her own, intermittently flowed into her mind.

It’s like blood is speaking to her.

Suddenly, Tweney understood.

Ah, this is it.

Her end.

It’s not like she didn’t anticipate it.

Back when she was living under a mask, Tweney, who had nothing to do, was reading books brought from the royal capital. Among them was a “Heroic Tale.” The roles of the lord’s daughter and children in a settlement tormented by a demon beast were pretty much fixed.

The blood flowing within urged action.

Quickly, quickly.

Offer yourself.

If you don’t hurry, it will be too late.


Tweney laughed.

With a face as if wearing a mask.

While a smile of resignation floated around her mouth.

“Star Princess?”

Ignoring the puzzled Maasa, the girl spoke.

“Indeed, it seems I have the power to put the evil deity to sleep.”


Opening her eyes wide and trembling her hands, Theresa approached.

“Theresa-sama, I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Who will accompany me on this journey of trials?”

Theresa answered.

Five knights of the “Star Guardian”, one caretaker. And probably, Luo will cooperate too.

“I don’t need a caretaker.”

Towards the end of the journey of trials. It’s a journey racing through the wilderness road laid across the “wilderness”. Even if one reaches the “Altar of Endings”, there’s no guarantee of a safe return.

“No, no, Star Princess.”

Maasa interjected in a flustered manner.

“I will be your caretaker. I will accompany you till the end.”

There was no doubt that Maasa was a discerning adult woman. She probably had foreseen the conclusion of the journey of trials as one of the possibilities. And she inferred it from her current words and actions.

“Till the end” must have meant literally.

To share fate so that she wouldn’t feel lonely.

The consideration was appreciated, but Maasa is the mother of Crozet, and also the teacher of Luo.

There are people who will grieve.

Tweney shook her head.

“Up until now, I have only traveled with guards. There’s no inconvenience. Besides, with fewer people, the carriage will be lighter, and less food and water will be required. Is that alright, Theresa-sama?”



The girl voiced her last whim.

“Please do not allow Luo to accompany us.”

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




💎ᴠɪᴘ – 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 (𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨) Free Ch1-100 (Password – AWEBSTORIES-FREE100CH)


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