
Reincarnated Witch’s Carefree Gourmet Journey – Chapter 102

𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

Marie was battling with the mud monster, the Guardian of the Forbidden Library.

She stopped time, attacked, and reduced the Guardian to pieces.

“Somehow. . . . . . this feels pitiful. . . . . .”

Kaito looks at the chunks of flesh with a sympathetic gaze.

“Being transformed against one’s will by the enemy and then dying like this. . . . . .”

“Who said it’s dead?”

“Huh. . . . . .?”

Marie’s goal is to obtain information about Horai Mountain from the Guardian.

There’s no reason to kill it.

『So what are you gonna do?』

“This is what I’ll do.”

After answering Ose’s question, Marie holds the Elderberry Divine Wand and activates her magic.

Multiple Magic Circles surround the chunks of flesh.

“. . . . . .This uses a lot of magical power, so I don’t like using it often, but there’s no choice.”

The Magic Circle envelops the Guardian’s body like a birdcage. . . . . .

“【Chronological Regression】.”

Suddenly, a clock face appears within the Magic Circle.

As the hands begin to turn backward. . . . . .

“! The Guardian’s pieces are reverting to their original form?!”

It’s no wonder Princess Riara is surprised.

The dismembered pieces return to their original places and furthermore. . . . . .

The cells, which had turned to mud, revert back to their original state.

What was filthy sludge is now transformed into beautiful white scales.

“W, What’s happening. . . . . .? Witch-sama.”

“I’m turning back time.”


“Well, I’m only reverting the individual’s internal time, though.”

It’s not the world’s time she’s reverting, but the time of the specific being.

Back to before it was injured, before it was changed. . . . . .

The beast-like form transforms into a single, elegant white dragon. . . . . .

『It was a dragon, the Guardian. . . . . .』

“Yes, a dragon. Its name is. . . . . . Louri.”

『Louri. . . . . .?』

Soon after, the time reversal is complete, and there lies a gigantic white dragon, asleep.

“What a. . . . . . divinely beautiful dragon. . . . . .”

Princess Riara can’t help but murmur.

The dragon’s scales seem to glow white in the sunlight.

Its wings are as beautifully white as a Pegasus, and intelligence can be sensed from its sharp gaze.

Marie sighs and then. . . . . .

Thud. . . . . .!

“””Wha, you kicked it. . . . . .?!”””

“You can’t sleep forever. Wake up, Louri.”

Without hesitation, Marie kicks the curled-up dragon’s face.

Such a large dragon at that. . . . . .

Naturally, Kaito and the others are nervous.

Won’t the dragon get angry for something like that. . . . . .?

The white dragon Louri blinks its eyes open.

And then. . . . . .

『Yawn~, is it morning already?』

. . . . . .And just like that, it spoke in a carefree tone.

The voice was that of a cute young girl.

Stunned by the gap between the dragon’s appearance and voice, Kaito and the others are bewildered.

Marie continues to kick the tip of the dragon’s nose.

“What do you mean ‘is it morning’? Stop making things difficult for me.”

『Ow, ow! What are you doing?! Who are you, anyway?!』

“Stop being sleepy-headed. You know who I am, don’t you?”


Louri freezes upon seeing Marie.

『This magical power. . . . . . and such a terrible personality! Are you Lovmarie or what. . . . . . Ah!』

Marie forcefully kicks Louri’s nose.

“You’re awake now.”

『Ugh. . . . . . That’s harsh. . . . . .』

“What’s harsh? I was forced into unnecessary labor.”

『Ah! That’s right! I was cursed by the Witch of Jealousy!』

“Witch of Jealousy. . . . . .?”

At the mention of the new term, Marie tilts her head.

Meanwhile, Louri seems confused.

『I was turned into a monster by the Witch of Jealousy’s curse. But. . . . . .I’ve returned to normal. Why. . . . . .? Ah!』

Marie kicks Louri’s nose again.

“So, don’t you have something to say?”

The White Dragon, after nodding in affirmation. . . . . .

She prostrated himself before Marie and said.

“Thank you for restoring me. . . . . . Miss Witch.”

Seeing the white dragon in this state, Kaito nods in admiration.

“Taming such a formidable dragon! Truly befitting of Witch-sama!”

“Effortlessly breaking such a terrifying curse, Lady Witch is amazing!”

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