
Your Crush is With Someone Else? Channel Your Inner Samurai, Not a Sad Puppy Dog.


Crush got you feeling like a deflated balloon animal?

Seeing them with someone else got you ready to throw in the towel, crawl into bed and binge-watch bad reality TV with a year’s supply of ice cream?

Hold up. Put down the spoon. This isn’t some melodramatic anime where you’re the heartbroken protagonist.

This is your life. And you’re about to conquer it.

Time to trade that pity party for a game plan.

Stop Fantasizing, Start Strategizing: The Art of the Comeback

Look, I get it. Seeing your crush with someone else is a gut punch. It feels personal, like a rejection of everything you are.

But here’s the truth: It’s not about you.

People are drawn to each other for a million reasons. Timing, chemistry, shared interests – it’s a complex cocktail, and sometimes, you’re just not the right ingredient for that particular mix.

Instead of wallowing in what could have been, let’s focus on what you can control: yourself.

Here’s your game plan:

  1. Acknowledge the Sting: Yep, it sucks. Let yourself feel the disappointment, but don’t unpack and live there. Give yourself a day, maybe two (max!), to process and then…
  2. Shift Your Focus: Dwelling on them being with someone else is like staring at the sun. It’ll only burn. Instead, direct that energy inwards. What can you do for you? Hit the gym, pick up a new skill, reconnect with friends. Become the most interesting, well-rounded person you know.
  3. Become the Best Version of Yourself: This isn’t about making your crush jealous. This is about levelling up your life. Success, confidence, and genuine happiness are the most attractive qualities anyway.

Ditch the “Nice Guy/Girl” Act: Confidence is King (and Queen)

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the dreaded “friendzone.”

You know the drill: showering your crush with attention, gifts, and endless favors, all while secretly hoping they’ll suddenly see you as “the one”.

Newsflash: It rarely works that way.

Constantly putting someone on a pedestal sends a clear message: “I don’t believe I’m good enough for you on my own, so I’ll overcompensate with gestures.”

Confidence is about owning your worth. It’s about knowing you’re valuable and deserving of love, respect, and attention – without having to bribe your way into anyone’s heart.

Here’s how to cultivate real confidence:

  • Set Boundaries: Stop dropping everything to cater to their needs. Your time and energy are precious.
  • Challenge Yourself: Step outside your comfort zone. Try new things, take risks, and celebrate your victories – big or small.
  • Practice Self-Care: Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer a loved one. You deserve it.

The Long Game: Patience, Grasshopper, Patience

In the age of instant gratification, waiting for anything can feel like torture. But here’s the thing: real connections take time to develop.

Instead of trying to force a romantic connection, focus on building a genuine friendship. Get to know them, let them see the real you, and allow the relationship to unfold naturally.


  • Be Present: When you’re with your crush, be fully engaged in the moment. Listen more than you speak, ask thoughtful questions, and genuinely enjoy their company.
  • Don’t Play Games: Be upfront and honest about your intentions (without being creepy!). No mind games, no manipulation, just genuine connection.
  • Focus on the Journey: The beauty of life lies in the journey, not just the destination. Embrace the ups and downs, the laughter and the lessons, and enjoy the ride.

From Heartbreak to Hero: The Power of Resilience

So, your crush is with someone else. It’s not the end of the world. In fact, it might just be the beginning of your greatest chapter yet.

Channel your inner samurai. Embrace the challenge. Use this experience as fuel to become the best, most badass version of yourself.


  • You are worthy of love. Don’t let anyone, even a crush, make you feel otherwise.
  • Life is full of possibilities. There are billions of people out there. The right one will appreciate you for exactly who you are.
  • This too shall pass. What feels like the end of the world today will be a distant memory tomorrow. Trust the process.

So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game. Your future self will thank you.

Now go out there and conquer, you magnificent beast!

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