
Yes, the Troubled Saintess (Temporary) Who Was Summoned Is Me ~I Was Expelled for Not Having Magical Power, but I Will Team Up With a Handsome Summoner To Save the World!~ – Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Two-person Journey

As a means of traveling to Conrad-san’s territory, I bought a horse. They said they would buy it back if I need to return to this town.

It was my first time riding a horse, and riding double means our bodies are pressed together. I’m in front, and Victor is behind me, but since I’ve never had physical contact with men, I feel nervous.

We left the inn early in the morning and took breaks every two hours. I roughly estimate the time based on the position of the sun. The horse is calm, and surprisingly, I’m enjoying it.

“Haru, is there something you want to do in this world? If there is, I’ll accompany you.”

“I’m already doing what I want to do. I’m living happily. So don’t worry too much.”

“I see… That’s good, then.”

The horse drinks water from a stream and eats the surrounding grass. It seems there’s a life like this too. It feels like a fairytale world. There’s magic too. But humans… are the same, aren’t they? There are people who harass others and people who are kind. In that case, I’ll live positively as myself. If I can’t go back to the previous world even if I long for it, there’s no choice. I’ll try to see the good things in this world.

“What’s wrong? Lost in thought?”

Victor’s bright brown eyes were looking at me.

“I received some healing ointment from the innkeeper when we left. There are many differences between the previous world and this world, but humans are the same. There are unpleasant people, but there are also good people. Victor, you’re reliable.”

Victor silently looks at the stream.

“If it weren’t for Victor, how difficult my days would have been.”

Victor remains silent. Does he still think the summoning was a success? I suppose it’s better not to touch that subject.

“Oh, right, I should tell you something important. It’s better not to tell anyone that I can see magical power, right?”

“That’s right. Also, I used to be a summoner who worked at the royal castle.”

“And that we’re on the run.”

“That’s right.”

After finishing our break, we get back on the horse.


“What is it?”

“Thank you, as always.”

Victor doesn’t say anything again.

If I were to speak my true feelings, I would ask, “Are you pushing yourself too hard? Am I a burden?” But asking that would be the same as demanding him to say, “That’s not true.” So I won’t ask.

“What are you thinking?”

“Victor, always prioritize yourself and act accordingly. Don’t push yourself or do anything unreasonable for my sake.”

“No, I have a responsibility for summoning Haru. It’s my duty to protect you.”

“That’s appreciated, but Victor, take care of yourself. By the way, huh? A lot of golden powder is coming out.”


“At the base of that big tree. It’s spurting out from several places.”

“Should we get off?”


Thick grass grows around the big tree, and it seems like the magical power of the land is at work. The golden powder gushes out like spring water, and it’s beautiful.

“Victor, sit here.”

“Is it coming out from here?”


I also sit down at a spot that could be called a magical power spring rather than a spring water spring. I play with it, catching it in my palm and scooping it up. It feels nice. It’s relaxing.

Suddenly, Victor tenses up. He gestures for me to be quiet.

Rustling sounds of stepping on grass. A monster? Is it a monster? Victor can defeat it with his ice something, right?


Victor stands up and prepares to cast magic.

“Wait, Victor, it’s a cat, right?”

“A cat?”

As we exchange puzzled looks, a black cat appears.

“See, it’s a cat after all. Come here, Neeko-chan!”



“Oh, good kitty. Come here.”

The large black cat purrs and tries to approach me, but it can’t because Victor is holding his sword in a defensive stance.

“Stop it, Victor. It’s a cat!”

“It’s a monster! Can’t you see that?”

“It’s obviously a cat.”

I extend my index finger in front of the black cat. The black cat sniffs it and rubs its puffy whiskered area against it.

“Good kitty. He’s a mean old man, isn’t he? Sorry for scaring you.”

“Who’s the old man? Besides, that thing is a monster!”

I lift the black cat and look up at it with four pairs of eyes. Since Victor has stopped his attacking posture, I hold the cat again and gently stroke its body.


Something scratchy is on its back. What is this? When I pinched it with my fingers, I found a thin black feather folded up, like a cicada’s wing.

“Oh… Victor, I’m sorry. It seems it wasn’t a cat after all.”

“That’s what I’ve been saying. Stay away. It’s dangerous.”

“Huh? It seems fine to me.”



The cat-like creature rubs its head against my hand, seeking affection.

“It’s cute, isn’t it?”

“Haru, what are you going to do with a monster?”


The black cat-like monster protested with a meow.

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