𝐆𝐨𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞
Albero and his group were fighting off the demon beasts that rained down in the form of lumps of meat throughout the royal capital.
By now, Typhon has no will of its own. It has become a mere lump of meat, spitting out chunks and wildly swinging its massive tentacles.
The only saving grace is that Typhon cannot move.
Albero and Ridelle are tirelessly fighting against these never-ending lumps of meat, swinging their arms and legs.
“Damn it! What are we supposed to do against this?!”
“There’s no end to them!”
Albero and Ridelle stand back to back, frustrated.
Suddenly, a demon beast in the form of a lump of meat attacked them from above.
However, the demon beast was quickly riddled with holes.
“Stop complaining! Just fight for now!”
“But I can’t see any way to win! Even with my eyes, I see nothing!”
“Damn. . . . . .”
“. . . . . .We have a way.”
Then Garnet, who was emitting smoke for defense, spoke.
Albero enlarged his right arm and cleared away the demon beast in the form of a lump of meat in one sweep. Using this opportunity, the three rushed to Garnet’s side.
Garnet exhaled a large amount of smoke, creating a smokescreen. In the brief moment the demon beasts lost sight of Albero and the others, they jumped into nearby bushes and formed a dome with the smoke.
The dome blended in with the surroundings, causing the demon beasts to lose sight of them.
“This should buy us some time.”
“Hey, old lady, what do you mean by ‘we have a way’?”
“Calm down. There’s no certainty, but it’s the only plan we can think of now. If we’re just going to wear ourselves out like this, we have to take a gamble.”
“Just spit it out already. Don’t beat around the bush.”
“You’re still as bratty as ever. . . . . .”
“Kid, calm down.”
“Yeah. So, Garnet, what’s the plan?”
Garnet speaks.
“It’s Florentia. We need to capture her and find out how to deal with this lump of meat.”
“. . . . . .”
Kid’s demeanor changes.
Then, Ridelle tightly grabbed Kid’s left hand.
Albero, scratching his head, speaks.
“But I wonder if 『Lust』 knows how to handle such a monster. . . . . .”
“But this demon changed because of what Florentia said. The chances are extremely slim, but we have to capture Florentia and figure it out.”
“. . . . . .”
“So, how do we capture her? She disappeared suddenly. Maybe she went back home.”
Ridelle, still holding onto Kid’s hand, tilts her head.
But Garnet denies it.
“There’s no way that Florentia would just watch this situation and go home. She’s probably watching from a vantage point on some high ground.”
“A good vantage point. . . . . .Maybe the clock tower? I’ve always wanted to go up there, but they said it’s off-limits without permission.”
“She’s probably there. Now, we know what to do and where to go. Kids, get ready.”
“. . . . . .”
“Kid. We’ll capture the one who wronged you.”
“. . . . . .Do as you please. I can’t do anything right now. It’s up to you guys.”
━━Two light slaps echoed.
Garnet and Ridelle had slapped Kid on each cheek. He hadn’t expected Garnet and Ridelle to slap him simultaneously.
Albero muttered, “Oh my. . . . . .” and fell silent.
Then, Kid’s eyes widened. . . . . .quickly turning into an angry expression.
“What the hell?!”
“Kid, that’s not cool. . . . . .”
“I agree. When did you become such a lame guy?”
“Huh?! You know, I can’t handle 『Lust』 on my own! Ridelle, Garnet, I can’t defeat her without you two! That’s why.”
“What’s that? I’m not Kid’s weapon.”
“I feel the same way. What do you think your friends are?”
“Friends?. . . . . .What’s that?”
Kid scratched his head in frustration.
Just as Nakshatra predicted, he was 『cooperating with his friends』.
Why were both Ridelle and Garnet in such a bad mood?
“Kid, I won’t tell you to stop seeking revenge anymore. But. . . . . .don’t talk like you’ve given up. You want to avenge your family and sister, right? Then don’t fight with that sulky attitude. Look ahead, use your love for your family as fuel, and finish off 『Lust』, okay?”
“I can’t beat 『Lust』.”
“It doesn’t matter. Kid, if you give up, it ends there. I’m here, so are Albero and Professor Garnet. So. . . . . .don’t give up, let’s fight together.”
“. . . . . .”
Ridelle enveloped Kid’s left hand with both of hers.
And then, Kid said,
“You’re a good woman.”
“. . . . . .Huh? Y, Yeah.”
“Hey, everyone, let’s beat the hell out of 『Lust』.”
“Y, Yeah.”
“Hmph. You look better now.”
Garnet smirked as she took a puff from her pipe.
Translator’s Blog
- How to Know If You’re Cringing Your Classmate: A Guide to Social Survival
- Hidden Villages, Hidden Countries? Where’s the Rest of the World in Naruto?
- Is Your Cat Plotting Your Demise (While You’re Face Down, Drunk)?
- Lost in Translation: When Your Brain Goes on a Tangent While Reading Light Novels
- Intrusive Thoughts: Pikachu vs Levi
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