
The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 70.1

Chapter 70.1: On a Spring Day (2)

Clatter━, clatter━.

Originally, they had planned to travel by carriage, but Count Garick insisted that some moderate riding would do his health good.

━I bet he just wants to ride next to his son.

Of course, Count Digrid shared his true intentions.

“Are you alright?”

Sweat was dripping from Count Garick’s forehead.


Rude, who was riding next to him, replied with an uncomfortable expression.

Unlike the skilled Count Garick, every moment was torture for Rude, who had little experience riding horses.

Fortunately, he was athletic and the horse was gentle, so there was no problem, but the picture Count Garick had in mind was impossible.

Cain, who was slowly following behind Garick and Rude, muttered grimly.

“I told you we should have made this a sparring match.”

Oleciren frowned slightly.

Even she didn’t know it would be this awkward from the start.

She said in a gentle voice, pretending to be calm.

“……Let’s wait and see. We can always cook, right?”

Cain and Abel, who had been in favor of sparring, looked at her with no expectation whatsoever. Isoel, who was following beside them, had a similar look in her eyes.

“According to the plan, we’re going to reach the blown-up Ironbridge and cook together, so we still have a long way to go!”


Cain nodded slowly.

It wasn’t that he agreed with her. It just meant that he would wait and see how things unfolded.


“Lord Count, when frying, you should cut the onions into small squares, or if you want a chewier texture, then cut them a little longer and thicker.”

Rude’s tone was polite.

However, to Count Garick, who was fumbling around with a kitchen knife, it sounded as menacing as a king’s decree.

“R-Right. If my son says so, then it must be so.”

Count Garick continued to struggle for a while.

Rude, who had been watching, calmly spoke up.

“It seems to be taking too long, so I will finish it.”

“Y, Yes. Please do.”

Count Garick cautiously put down the knife and stepped back, gauging Rude’s expression.

When would a member of the Seven Noble Families of Airian ever have cooked?

As expected, Count Garick was clumsy in the kitchen.

━Shouldn’t you just keep it on high heat? Max power!

Cain’s gaze was directed at the broken cast iron pan.

━It lacks a bit of flavor. I added some earlier, but it really takes a lot of seasoning.

He also glanced at the horrific-looking soup dish that had been poured into the ground and buried.

Oleciren tilted her head as if unsure, then looked at the discarded soup with a regretful expression before turning to Cain.

“It wasn’t that bad. Everyone’s too picky, aren’t they?”

“How was it for your taste?”

“It wasn’t that delicious. But it was spicy, so it would have been good to dip bread in.”


Cain was speechless, unable to think of what to say.

In the Great Wall, cooking is a luxury.

If you go on an expedition, it’s a place where you just eat a fixed amount of food to survive.

For Cain, who had endured ten years in such a Great Wall, food was enough as long as it was edible.

‘As long as it’s human food.’

At least what Count Garick made wasn’t something a human could eat. It was something that even a monster would go mad if it ate it, and he was dumbfounded that the princess was defending it.


Flames soared.

Rude skillfully started cooking, handling the large cookware with ease.

Count Garick asked, impressed by his skills.

“You’re quite good at cooking. Did you learn from the castle chef?”

“I ran away from the castle and worked at an inn for a while. I learned it in the kitchen then.”

When Arian seized power and Mia and Garick were unconscious, Rude ran away to survive.

This world is not easy for a young child to live alone.

Therefore, Rude was able to gain all kinds of experience in just over a year.

“……I see.”

It was also a topic that made Count Garick speechless.

It was certainly a warm spring day, but Cain felt the temperature drop between the two that reminded him of the snowy plains of Great Wall.

Cain whispered to Oleciren.

“I think it’s gotten worse because you suggested cooking.”

Oleciren scratched her cheek, indicating that she had noticed the awkwardness.

“You’re right.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to move on to sparring now?”

“We have to at least try what Isoel suggested. It may not be a journey, but fighting the rebels together might be better.”

“I guess it’ll be me and Abel who will be fighting anyway.”

Even if Rude was a capable fighter, he couldn’t send him out to fight with his father watching.

And Count Garick was not in good shape to fight himself.

With the two of them, Cain, Abel, Oleciren, and Isoel moving in a small group, there were only two people who could fight.

Oleciren sighed as she watched the two grow even colder.

“I guess a sparring match is the only way.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Cain nodded.

“I agree.”

Abel nodded along with Cain.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – The Villain Carries the Holy Sword

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