
The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 58.1

Chapter 58.1: A Chance Encounter (3)

Iron means money.

Though there might be times when it’s not, iron was especially lucrative in this era of industrial development.

Particularly in Count Crowl’s territory, which oversaw Airian’s industry, the development near the iron mines, where capital concentrated, was only natural.

However, the appearance of the mining town at the foot of Qaclington Volcano differed from other mining towns.

Asher scratched his cheek and said,

“It feels like I’ve returned home.”

“Even so, it’s not that bad.”

Cain wondered if he should be saying this, but he corrected him because it wasn’t true.

Qaclington was desolate enough to remind him of Ethelred, where there was nothing.

Oleciren narrowed her eyes and observed the approaching Qaclington.

“It’s strange for a place that pays so much in taxes to be so shabby.”

Isoel approached her side and gestured. Indeed, there were some considerably tall buildings in the center of Qaclington.

However, they were meager enough to be counted on one hand and were built in ancient styles.

Cain shrugged.

He gauged the unique acrid metallic scent that grew stronger as they neared the mine.

“We’ll know once we get there… Look, someone’s coming.”

The city’s main gate opened, and a rider on a brown horse galloped towards Cain.

Judging by the flag on his back, he appeared to be a messenger dispatched urgently from Count Crowl’s castle.

The rider from Qaclington, initially in a hurry, widened his eyes upon seeing Cain and his companions.

He scrutinized the four.

Noticing the two extraordinary women riding white horses, he realized they were no ordinary travelers.

The rider cautiously asked,

“Are you, by any chance, the knights from Count Crowl’s castle?”

He reasoned that people from other territories wouldn’t come this way, and if they weren’t knights, they would have a larger escort, making it a reasonable assumption on his part.

Cain glanced at the other three and spoke to the rider,

“Are you aware of the unfortunate incident involving Lord Count Crowl?”

His tone was aristocratic.

The rider, unsure whether to dismount or not, responded from atop his horse,

“I heard about it from the merchants who recently visited.”

“That’s why we’re here. We’re inspecting the nearby mines, trying to resolve any issues we find.”

The horseman gave a short laugh of joy at Cain’s vague answer and asked again.

“Are you truly knights?!”


There was no need to introduce themselves as the heir to the count or the princess, so he lied briefly.

However, Cain had a question in his mind.

Why would they welcome those who could separate their heads from their bodies at any moment if displeased?

‘There’s no way a place would favor knights, unless……’

The rider promptly dismounted and bowed.

“Good heavens! The gods haven’t abandoned us. I am Aaron, son of Qaclington’s Union President.”

“Not abandoned?”

“Yes, we were just on our way to Ironheart. We desperately need the knights’ strength!”

There was only one reason to desire knights, who were closer to butchers: when force was necessary.

Cain naturally deduced,

“Did monsters appear or something?”

Aaron shook his head resolutely. His red lips turned white as he stuttered,

“I wish it were monsters.”


“Those natives, they’re kidnapping our guild members!”


Cain looked back at Oleciren.

As expected of someone who valued the kingdom’s citizens, her gaze changed at the mention of kidnapping.

Unaware of the subtle shift, Aaron was about to launch into the speech he had prepared for their arrival in Ironheart.

“Hold on.”

Cain raised his hand, stopping Aaron mid-sentence. He pointed at Qaclington’s main gate, from which they had just emerged.

“It’s not far, tell us as we go.”

“My apologies for my haste. You’ll be able to meet our Union President, my father, right away!”

Aaron skillfully mounted his horse again and started galloping.

The four followed in single file.

“I feel like things are getting complicated.”

Oleciren commented.

Cain shrugged.

He glanced at the Qaclington Volcano, rising prominently under the gray sky, and the shabby mining town, and said,

“This isn’t the first time, I’m used to it by now.”

“You sound like an old man when you say that.”


The moment they passed the black soil area around Qaclington and reached the boundary of the city proper, Oleciren’s gray eyes turned black.

Only Cain, who was facing her for conversation, noticed this.

[Eternity revives the ‘Forgotten Season’.]

[The crossroads of fate awaken.]

『Possibility of world alteration…… Released.』

[『Annihilator of Destruction Ⅲ』 Transforms.]

[‘Spring’ and ‘Winter’ gaze upon you.]

“Why are you frowning like that?”

Oleciren asked, noticing Cain’s hardened expression the moment he looked at her.

“It’s just…… I thought we were here for a stroll, but it feels like things are getting out of hand.”

“Well, don’t worry about such things. Come on, let’s quickly resolve this city’s issue and return.”

Oleciren went ahead, followed closely by Isoel.

Cain watched their retreating figures.

‘I thought I would never see it again.’

Cain recalled the quest he had previously ignored. As if reminding him, the words appeared before his eyes.



Clear Conditions: Oleciren’s Awakening (Partially Achieved), Realization of the End (Achieved) ━〉 Premonition of Eternity (In Progress), Death.

Success: World Line Fixation Increased, Peace in Airian.

Failure: Return Canceled.


If he had to kill Oleciren to move forward, he would find a way without killing her.

He held the reins of his horse, calming his mind so that he would not waver no matter what happened. Asher also began to run, matching Cain’s pace.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – The Villain Carries the Holy Sword

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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