The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 32.2

Chapter 32.2: Before Our Spring (2)

“Are you sure this is the same count’s territory?”

Abel said, looking a little discouraged.

The scenery of Lamaring was completely different from that of Ethelred.

A huge train station stood in the center, and paved roads spread out like spiderwebs in the outer city.

It was a bit tricky to get over the wall, but once inside, it was easy to hide because there were so many people.

“That’s why that princess keeps calling us country bumpkins.”

Cain stroked Abel’s head and looked back at Oleciren. She snorted in defiance.

“I’ve heard of it, but I didn’t know Ethelred would be the only place that doesn’t have a single magic light at night.”

“They may have lost the night, but we still have it.”

“Don’t try to get out of it with fancy words.”

“I’ve been caught.”

Thump, thump━.

After exchanging a few silly jokes with her, Cain tapped the solid wall with the back of his hand.

It was the wall of Lamaring Count’s castle, majestic and solid, without even an echo.

Oleciren sighed deeply.

“The Count of Lamaring is so scared, they say he built up the walls whenever he got money.”

“This would withstand even a magic cannon.”

“Have you ever seen a magic cannon?”

She teased him, thinking he was just showing off.

Cain just shrugged his shoulders without a word.

He had seen them as often as dirt in his past life. He knew more than anyone, having even operated them himself.

The knights, who had started out in small groups, gathered at the appointed place.

Cain scanned them all with sharp eyes.

“You walked through the city, so now you know, there’s no defense in Lamaring.”

“I’m not even nervous.”

Asher, a regular knight, said in a tone of bewilderment.

No matter how awkward the territorial war was, this was a ‘war’ recognized by the princess herself. Yet they were too calm.

“That means that Ethelred’s reputation is nothing more than that.”


“If my father had come, would they be so carefree?”

It was impossible.

If Edmund, the strongest knight in the kingdom who could fight an entire noble family alone, moved, they would be on edge and waiting anywhere.

“I will change that. I will make them tremble in fear at the mention of ‘Ethelred’, not ‘Edmund’.”

Oleciren turned her eyes toward Cain.

She still didn’t like the way he was going to reach the top through blood and fear, but she knew there was no other way. Besides, she knew Cain’s actions were helpful, so she let it go.


Cain drew his Sword of Despair, Agweska, from his waist again.

Facing him was the wall of Lamaring.

With the huge wall that was the result of tens of years of capital and dedication, Cain turned his body.

“There’s no turning back now. We’re going all the way.”

The knights bowed their heads in unison.

The strange exhilaration that war brings and the fallen name of Ethelred drove them.

As their hot eyes gazed upon him.

Crackle, crackle━.

A pure white thunderbolt sparked over the black Agweska. Then, an aura slowly revealed its shape.


Cain drew his sword horizontally once.

The inner wall was sliced like tofu, with deep scars going all the way in.

“People are mistaken.”

Woo, woo━.

And then, a vertical blow followed.

He swung the flashing aura, as if to create a square from the bottom, and said.

“They call it ‘choice’ when you’re hesitating whether to grab something or not, but that’s wrong.”


The third sword followed.

The Sword of Despair went in and out of the wall, but there were no other scars.

Cain put the sword back in its scabbard, raising the corner of his lips.

“‘Choice’ is when you hold one in each hand and choose which to discard. Lamaring made a fake choice, but we have to make the real one.”


Cain stepped forward with his left foot.

In an instant, he stepped on the ground, tensing and relaxing all his muscles, concentrating all his strength in his fist.

The firmness of the earth.

The strength of his body, constantly growing with Passive.

And his heart, which would not break under any hardship.


Everything starts to wrap around Cain’s right fist.

Just as Agweska shone, his fist began to scatter white lightning with a pure white aura.

It should be a sight that would tear your eardrums, but there was no sound.

And so.


They say that a human star shines, but for now, a white trajectory that cuts through the dark night is drawn.

The destination is the castle wall that Cain had cut off!


The thick castle wall that Agweska had cut was cut into a square and fell into the other side with a thump━.

“You’re saying you blew up a castle wall with your fist?”

Oleciren questioned, bewildered.

The knights and Abel were speechless at the incredible power Cain displayed.


But there was no time.

The roar caused the lights around to turn on one by one, and they could feel people running on top of the wall.

Cain quickly divided the knights in half and gave orders.

“Abel, capture Eldest, Brediol Lamaring.”

“Yes, My lord.”

Abel raised his fist to his chest, vowing, and led half the knights into the breached wall.

“Vanderbilt, go for Youngest, Tedley.”

“Then I’ll see you later.”

Knowing who Vanderbilt was, the Ethelred knights followed him willingly.

Cain turned to Oleciren and Isoel, the remaining knights, and raised the corner of his lips.

She muttered, watching the knights disappear inside.

“This is like robbing an empty house.”

Currently, Lamaring’s important forces are stationed at the ‘Villa River’, which separates the border with Ethelred.

It was true that Lamaring was complacent, but it wasn’t wrong, and that was exactly what Cain was aiming for.

To strike the empty heart of the opponent with a swift move.

“It’s not an empty house. We’re going to see the owner now.”

The remaining three moved towards Count Weiss Lamaring.

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