The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 21.1

Chapter 21: Spring Day Passes (4)

“You can live a new life like that, brother.”

On top of a cliff, the sea wind blew and the blue weeds bent in time.

Cain laughed.


“If you can also save mother in that life, it would be even better.”

“Of course. Saving Little Mother is something I must do even if you do not ask.”

Abel looked at Cain, who was nodding his head refreshingly, with unease in his eyes.

His attitude was too calm.

He was asking him to go on a path of adventure that no one had ever dared to take, expecting death, but he didn’t refuse.

A strange sense of unease emerged.

Abel asked carefully.

“Brother, why did you come back to Ethelred?”

Cain did not respond right away.

He just played with the empty wine bottle that had been poured on the grave.

Abel asked again, as if he was impatient.

“Actually, you do not have to do it simply because I asked you to. It’s not that easy.”

“That’s right.”

“But why……”

Cain examined Arna’s tombstone.

A shiny grave reflected in the age-worn purple eyes.

Past that, he could see the blue sea.

Cain spoke in a quiet voice that appeared to be heard.

“Because nothing will change. Nothing at all.”

In an era where the front lines have disappeared.

Nowadays, a warrior’s power is measured in terms of money rather than glory.

What is Cain, the Masked Snowfield King, looking at and thinking about?

Even if he’s a hero.

Even with great authority, it was impossible to determine a man’s sincerity.


The concept of cold is being vigorously renewed.

The winter cold kills life and freezes the surface of the sea.


When Cain stabbed the void, the pure white power that resounded instantly froze the depths of the sea as well as space, creating an extreme cold that froze everything.

Primundi was shocked.

She shouted in a voice that was not typical of her leisurely demeanor.



“What the… there has never been an owner of any sacred treasures who was fine after using Active!ā€

The air is silent.

The wind scatters.

The entire world came to a stop.

Cain laughed.

“I understand. I’ve heard it, too.”

The vibrations of everything that had been giving off heat disappeared, and the pure white void drawn by winter slowly spread out from Cain.

“Didn’t I say? I’ll break the damn horizon and everything.”

“You bastard!”

Primundi screamed frantically.

At the same time, the three black dragons behind her rushed forward like racehorses.

To apprehend a man named Cain!

However, Cain didn’t blink an eye.

It could have been different if it had been his old self.

[The future is being rapidly consumed.]

ā€˜For today.ā€™

It’s not a difficult enemy for a warrior who burns himself to fulfill an unchangeable pledge!


The black dragon’s body.

Even the hard scales that could withstand steel couldn’t stand up to the pure white cold that stopped and froze the world.


Cain reaches out.

The black dragon, which had frozen instantly, gradually shattered into ice dust.

“Primundi, do you know the temperature of the night?”

Even the Green Tower Lord of the magical city, Rill, couldn’t see the marvel.

The party had already fled to a location where the cold could not reach, and they were staring at it with trembling eyes.

Arna muttered and chewed on her lower lip.

“Young Master, why…”

It was unimaginable.

Those who had acquired the sacred treasures were rare, but no one had ever heard of anyone using the sacred treasures to this extent.

The Saintess with ‘Autumn’ only wears it on her head and cannot draw out its true power.

The holy sword of ‘Summer’ is resting in the Holy See, unable to find its master.

Lord East wields ‘Winter’ on the front lines.

Then what is the sacred treasure that Cain is using?

If it is truly ‘Winter’, as the witch claimed, Arna could not predict what would happen next, no matter how hard she tried.

What kind of urgency drives Cain to act like that?

Arna was not aware of this either.

There is no doubt that great power comes at a high cost.

She said, attempting to calm the confused crowd.

“There’s no room to get involved.”

“Do you know what that guy is doing?”

Oleciren asked a question.

Arna nodded with a slightly pale expression.

“It is a sacrifice. For us.”

And for himself.

Cain glanced at the distant party and spoke to Primundi, who was taken aback by the black dragon that was freezing to death.

“It hasn’t even started yet, so what’s the use of being so surprised?”

“Who the hell are you……”


Pure white lightning erupts from Cain’s entire body.

Extreme cold spread along the white trajectory, bringing everything to a stop.


The cold of ‘Winter’, which had even swallowed dragons, began to move slowly towards the horizon.

[The future is quickly being consumed.]

Cain smiled like an adult.

The number of trump cards he holds.

The law of ‘Winter’ can be used if he is willing to make a sacrifice.

Winter of Night.

The cold gathers around Cain.


Even the sea bows its head to him, a testament to his incredible power.

A pure white mask that covers his eyes appears on his face, and a fluttering pure white cloak unfolds behind his back.

Masked Snowfield King.

The strongest warrior who defended the bloody snowfield.

Cain Lord East.

This was his true identity.

The three Arthuans immediately froze and crumbled.

ā” The fourth night begins.

Four more were about to pop out of the black sea.

But it was impossible.

They were unable to leave and died as soon as they came into contact with Cain’s extreme cold.

Cain spread the ‘Winter of Night’ that froze the sea to the horizon and said to the perplexed Primundi.

“You said it. ‘Arthuan who sleeps on the horizon’.”

A portion of Primundi’s words had strangely become stuck.

He only understood those words after the events unfolded as they did.

“But the black dragons had already left the sea by that time. So, is the real Arthuan under this sea?”

ā” ā–  night……

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